And So It's On

Katalina Harker

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Kat awoke to the feeling of someone carrying her. She was feeling very dizzy still and her head was throbbing. It took her a minute to remember what had happened. Oh sh1t she thought as she looked Andy square in the face, tears in her eyes and said weakly, "Please don't do this to me Andy. If you care at all then please just put me down and let me go back to the dorm and go to bed. I'm fine...why won't you believe me?"
Andy looked at her friend and shook her head.
"Yeah I've a good mind to put you down right here, drop you right on that head of yours because the last crack certainly didn't knock any sense into you" Andy was more angry than sympathetic at that point. Visions of pictures in her medical text books had been swimming in her head since she had begun to carry Kat down to the hosipital wing. She was so thin that Andy really wasn't having any trouble carrying her at all. She flicked her wand at the hospital doors and opened them so they could enter with relevant ease.
"Could I get some assistance here?" Andy wished she already had the class that taught Sonorus but knew in the large nearly empty hospital wing her voice would carry anyhow. She brought Kat to a bed and unceremoniously dumped her on to it.
"There you're down. Kat I could have picked you up twice over you're that thin" Andy placed her hands on her hips and stood over her friend this was no time now to be a walk over. Tough love was needed and that was exactly what Kat was going to get.
Kat's mouth gaped open at what Andy had just said to her. Though she knew Andy wouldn't very well drop her right on her head she clung on a little tighter, not wanting to risk it just in case. As her best friend simply dumped her into the bed Kat nearly fell over the opposite side, but held on tightly and managed to catch herself. "What a lovely bedside manner you have. Hope you're not planning on becoming a nurse," Kat hissed hatefully, seriously wanting to smack Andy at the moment, but her head was pounding much to hard.

"Oh shut up Andromeda. You're such a drama queen...just knock it off," she said through gritted teeth, getting angrier by the minute. She sat up slowly on the side of the bed, wondering how smart it would be to get up and make a run for it...or the better question would be would she even make it. Damn her Kat thought, knowing good and well that she wouldn't be able to out run Andy. "Well you got me here. You want to find a nurse so that she can look at me and tell you herself that nothing's wrong with me," she said overly sarcastically.
Andy ignored the smart jibes out of Kat, she knew better than to let Kat goad her but it was difficult. Sometimes she thought people even her bestfriends forgot how old she was. This was difficult enough with her trying to be strong for Kat who so obviously was rebuking all her efforts. Andy didn't want to leave her side, knew that she would have to find a nurse though and then Kat made the awful comment about Andy's bedside manner, calling in to question the career that Andy was hoping to aspire too. She bit her lip, a worried look crossing her face. Had she hurt her by putting her down the way she had?
"Kat, I'm sorry. Look just wait there ok and I'll go get someone" she took one look and resigned herself to the fact that Kat was surely way too weak to try anything stupid. So Andy walked over to the nurses station and knocked on the door, there seemed to be no answer so she went inside.
"Hello? anyone here?" she called out, she knew sometimes the nurse like her uncle would simply be brewing some potion or sorting out the medical files.
Acting like a stubborn two year old Kat crossed her arms across her front and huffed loudly. When Andy went to get a nurse she took another look towards the entrance of the hospital wing and mentally cursed herself. No way would she make it there without being stopped. "Well it doesn't look like anyone's here. Guess we can leave and you just have to believe me now doesn't it," Kat called after Andy with an icy hint to her tone.
Andy walked back out and stood with her arms crossed and looked at Kat as if she simply couldn't believe what she had just said.
"Kat we're not going anywhere, don't you remember stubborn is my middle name. Now shut up and lie down until the nurse returns" she closed the office door after her and wondered what the nurse could possibly do for Kat, short of giving her a brain transplant she couldn't see herself how to resolve this issue but then again, she wasn't the professional.
Kat's mouth gaped open when Andy told her to shut up and lie back, but then pressed into a thin line. The one lucky part about her mother being a healer was that Kat knew that the nurses here could not treat her for anything that she didn't want to be treated for. The only thing she needed help with was the pounding behind her right eye where she'd cracked her head on the floor as for anything else, well Kat would do what she'd gotten so very good at doing...she'd simply lie.

Through clenched teeth she muttered just barely audibly, "You are going to pay for this Andromeda Fiorelli...just you wait."
Andy began walking over to Kat's bed and saw the intense gaze and the clenched teeth. It really seemed as if Kat truly hated her in that moment. Andy's heart tugged greatly and she fought valiantly the tears that threatened.
"Good, I'm glad I will. If it means paying for it by my best friend getting well again then I'm thrilled but if I have to watch you fading away before my very eyes and not do anything about it... what kind of friend does that make me?" she looked at Kat now with compassion and concern, "You're my bestfriend and I love you. What you're doing to yourself doesn't just affect you, it's affecting all of your friends. We're all worried about you, don't you get that?"
"I'm not DOING anything...and you all worry way too much. I'm just fine, don't you get THAT," Kat said angrily, wondering just where in the hell the nurse was. She looked at Andy with a look that meant she was serious and said, "I'm not staying in here. She can look at my head, but I am NOT staying in here for anything I make myself perfectly clear?"
Andy was getting more and more irritated now with Kat's short temper, she really didn't work well in any situation when someone was all up in her face. How was she ever going to learn to have a decent bedside manner this way, taking a deep breath she tried her best to be cool and calm but Kat blowing a gasket again didn't help any. Andy's amber eyes flared as she looked at her.
"That's just it numb nuts, you're not doing anything. You're not eating, which means you're not staying healthy. You're not trying to function like a normal human being. You're not capable of standing upright, you're NOT fine!" she blew some hair out of her eyes and turned at the sound of feet approaching.
"Well it's about time, five more minutes and I'd be ramming food down your mouth myself" she muttered to Kat before turning to the nurse.
"Hi, we seem to have a concused loonatic intent on starving herself in the name of martyrdom here but she'll tell you she's fine. Won't you Kat?"
"Oh very mature with the nickname there," Kat hissed before muttering under her breath, "Dingle berry." She watched as Andy flipped out on her, but wasn't really listening to anything she was saying until she made the comment about ramming food down Kat's throat. In a low barely audible tone she practically growled at Andy, "Like hell you will...unless you want to pull back nothing but a nub."

Looking at the nurse Kat lied, "What my very dramatic friend here is trying to say is that I've blacked out and hit my head. You see I have this nasty cold that I've been nursing for about a week, but I think it's just getting worse." The nurse didn't look all that convinced and then suggested a further examination which sent Kat into a fit. "Listen is there a tonic or something that I can have? I really don't have a lot of time. All I need is something for the cold and something done about my head seeing as it's throbbing now," she said very irritated.

The nurse, still looking unconvinced, obliged and went to fetch a potion of some sorts which Kat drank. Then the nurse took our her wand and muttered some spell that made the pain in Kat's head go away, but informed her that it would still probably bruise slightly. "Great...that'll look just lovely I'm sure," she said sarcastically. The nurse left them and Kat looked at Andy and said in a hateful tone, "Okay madame drama...I've seen the nurse, she worked her magic. Anything else you'd like for me to do or can I go back to my room now? I'll promise to be a good little Gryffindor."
Andy felt elated that she didn't rise to the bait when Kat goaded her. Nub my eye, she get a fast smack with it if she even tried. Pretending now to ignore her as the nurse made her assessment Andy listened carefully and watched every little thing the nurse did and what Kat told her. She couldn't believe the nurse was not strapping her to the bed and forcing her to eat something!

She was walking away and Andy fumed.
"Oh shut up you" she muttered to Kat, "a good little Gryffindor would eat her vegetables at least!"

Andromeda turned to the retreating nurse.
"Is that it? She hasn't ate in days..." but it was futile she had already gone into her office and closed the door. Andromeda was livid.
"Now if my uncle were here you wouldn't be allowed to leave until you could eat and hold down a proper meal but go on Kat, get up and walk out of here. Make believe you're alright, go on but I'm telling you this much, I'll be watching you. I will be keeping a very close eye on you".
"Oh sit on it and spin Andy," Kat snapped back, flipping her best friend the middle finger as she slowly stood up, so as not to get dizzy from standing too fast. "And I'll have you know little miss smarty pants, that I had toast for breakfast this morning," she stated matter-of-factly in an annoying tone. Kat didn't dare say anything about Andy's uncle not being here...even in her state of mind she knew better. "Great...just what I need. A stalker. Should I give you a schedule of my whereabouts so that will make it easier on you?" Kat was now standing and walking to the door, but realized she was in her jammies so she snatched the sheet off the bed and wrapped it around herself before looking at her best friend. "What...not going to follow me back to the dorm mother dearest?"
Andy's mouth nearly hit the floor when Kat flipped her the bird, this was the price for caring then. Well she had brought it on herself for trying to help where it so obviously wasn't wanted. She managed to ignore the jibes that Kat threw at her but just barely, her temper was rising fast and she knew she had to keep it under wraps. She was supposed to be helping Kat not making this sorry mess any worse than what it was.

Looking at Kat wrap the sheet around her and call back about following her and 'mother dearest' Andromeda smiled sweetly. 'Keep it together Andy, do not let her get to you. She's sick... in the frigging head but still sick'
"Kat maybe you should rethink you're wardrobe there, people will think it's another ghost walking the halls" she followed her to the door and held the door open for her, willing herself not to close it on Kat's face as a means of keeping her longer in the hospital wing.
Kat just glared at Andy when she made the comment about her looking like a ghost. When the door was held open for her Kat said sarcastically, "Well look at that...caring AND polite. You're just too perfect for words." With that she brushed past her best friend, but the sheet managed to get stuck under her foot which tripped her, but luckily for her she didn't fall. She turned and looked at Andy and hissed, "Don't. Say. A. Word." After that she turned and headed back up the stairs, tears of anger spilling from her eyes the entire way back to her dorm.
Andy watched as Kat nearly tripped over herself and had to fight to keep herself from laughing out loud. As Kat glared at her and warned her not to say anything, Andy feigned zipping her mouth, locking it and tossing the key. Of course when she finished pretending to toss the key she gave Kat a dose of her own medicine by flipping her the bird. Then as Kat proceeded to walk back to the the dorm, Andy annoyingly walked slowly after her, singing a song from a very old muggle movie The Little Shop of Horrors.

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