And as the gnomes feast.

Andy had gone back to the classroom to gather her things together when she realized there was no way she could just leave Ruki to his fate, even if Professor Lloyd had been there to help him. By the time she got back out side the professor was heading back in and told her that Rukevra had been taken to the hospital wing. It was a few months now since Andy was last there but she had known that at some point the hospital wing would beckon to her again, thankfully though this time the tragedy was not her own. She pushed open the doors and walked in only to see him lying on one of the many beds.

She walked closer to him and as she did so looked about for any of the staff that should be on duty. Knowing she had done work experience during the vacation at St. Mungo's and that she was well equipped to deal with his wounds Andy didn't think she should for fear she would breach some sort of school protocol. So instead she stood beside his bed for a moment before summoning a chair and sitting down. The bites looked grotesque and Andy fervently wished some one would hurry up already.
Lily placed the boy on the first empty bed she found then took off to the offices to get an nurse. They were a bit busy with a few other patients, but would be there quick as they could. Understandably, they could not leave the patients they were tending to right at that moment. Moving back over to the bed where she left the boy, she noticed Andy sitting down next to it.

"Hey Andy. You know him? Professor Lloyd didn't give me much when he had me take him up here," she said in hushed tones. "I don't even know his name." She summoned a chair for herself, sitting down on the other side of the boy.
Andy looked up as Lily approached and sat down, hurriedly she shot out of the chair herself.
"No no I don't really know him, he's a classmate, Was just making sure he was fine is all" she began to edge away slowly wondering why she had even bothered to come really.

"Well he's going to be in good hands so I'll head off again" she smiled at her friend, as she cast a quick look back at Ruki before giving a slight wave of her hand to Lily.
"See you on the pitch" in no time at all Andy was back out on the 3rd floor corridor hoping the nurse would hurry up.
Pearl was just tending to a younger student when the head girl came and informed her about another patient. Nodding Pearl said she would be there as fast as she could. Once she was finished with the student Pearl walked over to where Lily was sitting beside a boy who looked to be bleeding quite allot from one of his legs, "What happened to him? Was he bitten by something?" Pearl asked taking at look at one of the wounds, that looked like teeth marks.
Lily looked up a the nurse approached. She was shocked at how fast Andy took off. Something was up with that girl. "Yeah," she said to the nurse, "He got bit by a few of the gnomes in the garden." Lily stayed in the chair, hoping that he would be fine.
Andromeda all but ran into him on her way out, as he pushed open the doors of the hospital wing and walked over to where the patient lay. The girl who had levitated him off was still with him and so was a nurse.

"Hey how's the patient doing?"
(( sorry for the late reply! ))

Pearl nodded as she said he got bitten by a few gnomes. Pearl went to go get the things she needed before starting to treat the boy lying in the bed. Just then another boy showed up and asked how he was doing "He'll be fine, just a few bites" she said continuing her work.
Danny smiled at the nurse.
"Is he going to wake up any time soon then?"
The boy looked fairly out cold to him. He didn't know what the nurse was actually doing to revive him and didn't want to know either. He turned to the girl.
"You were pretty handy out there with those gnomes. Fought them before then?"
As he wandered along the hall-way of the family manor, Rukevra could only think of one thing. Today was going to be fun. For two weeks, his mother had planned a day out just for the two of them; having both chosen the zoo as a place for enjoyment. Swinging himself around the bannister pole, Rukevra ran up the huge set of stairs leading to the third floor. Upon reaching his mothers room, the four year old boy walked calmly in-side; his shoulders back, and his head held high. An act his father would be proud of. Laughing, Rukevra spoke lazily to his mother. "When are we going?".

Giggling as he climbed up the side of the large; king-sized bed, Rukevra chose to ignore each of his mothers words. He wanted to have fun. "Weeee!". The laughter escaped the child, as he began to bounce on the soft mattress; seconds before he was pulled off again.

After running down the stairs, Rukevra reached the ground floor; and headed towards the kitchen. Passing one of his fathers offices, the young child paused; and smiled, before running off again. Pulling on his shoes, Rukevra awaited his mother.

"Shortly.", Eva responded at the sound of her sons voice. "Don't let your father see you acting sluggish.". Eva couldn't help but feel annoyed at the way her husband expected their four year old son to act. "And don't bounce on the bed.". Her voice was now a hushed tone, as she watched her son begin to climb.

"Rukevra Vanderzuk! Get off that bed now.". Eva beamed broadly at her son. She admired how young and child-like he still was. "Nowww.". Eva reached out her arm and pulled her son from the bed. "Put your shoes on. We're leaving in two minuets.".

Following her son down-stairs, Eva gave her husbands office a disappointed glance. Reaching her son, she smiled at him once more. "Are you ready?". Eva spoke fast, and acted faster. 'Crack'. Mother and son apparated from the manor.

"Tomorrow would be most appreciated. Thank-you, good sir. I shall see you soon. Yes; and you. Good-bye.". Stefan hung up the phone. His plans had been set in motion.


'Crack'. Twitching slightly, Ruki began to slowly open his eyes. As he attempted to focus on his surroundings, the young boy felt the pain within his legs. The deep gashes of the gnome bites where still open wounds. "Arhh.". Ruki tried to sit up, still un-sure as to where he was.

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