Anastacia Ivanovich

Anastacia Ivanovich

Well-Known Member

Full Name:
Anastacia Ivanovich a.k.a Ana

- Birth Date:
18th January 2012

- Current Age:

- Blood status:

- Basic Appearance:
Wavy blonde hair that goes about mid-back.
Blue Eyes
About 4"9 in height
Very toned and slender
And usually a cheery smile

- Describe your character in 5 words:

- Parents:
Yakov Ivanovich | 42 years old | Muggle | Doctor (Heart Surgeon)​

Yakov is very strict on keeping his family and house running smoothly in order. He will be as strict as he needs. His attitude towards is daughter is overseen as cruel but he loves her dearly. Ana sees him as a man trying to keep his family safe, but still treats him with great respect and puts a polite mask on all the time for them. His reaction to the letter was very cruel. he thought his daughter had been conversing with the mob and belted her. As the man in the white cloak sorted everything, he treats her the same though slightly warier of her ways.

Claudia Ivanovich | 39 years old | Muggle | Doctor ( GP )​

Claudia is like any other mother, keen to make sure her daughter grows up ready for the world with all her manners and appearances. She makes sure her daughter does not go out looking inappropriate for her age and helps with any school work she may have problems with. Teaching all her kids her native tongues is one of the ways she does that. Her relationship is one she has to work on with Ana. After suffering from post-natal depression, she finds it hard to give her the same attention as everyone else. Her reaction to Ana being a witch didn't change anything much. If anything, she fusses over the rest of the kids a bit more now.

- Siblings, if any:
Vova Ivanovich | 19 years old | Muggle | Army​

Vova is the first son of Claudia and Yakov. He left the house when he was 18 to join the Russian army. Of course, his relationship with Ana was very close as they shared the smallest room with each other and were the only two who were able to go to school. He looked after her since she was a baby due to his mother's illness. His only form of contact now with Ana is from her diary that she leaves behind whilst she is at school.
Annalie Ivanovich | 16 years old | Muggle | Waitress ( part-time )​

Annalie is the older one of the two twins. She is the older sister who will help Ana out with all the girly stuff. Like hairstyles and playing games against the 3 boys where the teams are boys vs girls. Her relationship with Ana isn't as close as the bond with Vova but she is there was her sister as her sister is there for her with the boyfriend troubles. There is no way Mamo would take the role Agony Aunt so well. Her sister being a witch has made no difference. She's still the same person as ever.
Serg Ivanovich | 16 years old | Muggle | Dish-cleaner ( part- time )​

Serg is the other half of the twin. He is the annoying clown of the family, receiving the most punishments from his dad than all the rest put together. He makes the family laugh though and gives them all the tips and tricks in case someone gives them trouble. Ana and him were always having a laugh together they never bothered about normal brother/sister stuff. When Ana was confirmed about being a witch, Serg didn't react well as the rest of the siblings. He stood a meter minimum away from Ana and hasn't spoken much to her except for keeping Claudia's suspicions down.
Marko Ivanovich | 15 years old | Muggle | Jobless and Underage​

Marko is probably the odd one out in the family just like Ana. He was never properly accepted into the family and Yakov and his relationship is still distant. (This is due to Yakov not being his father) The quiet one in the family but the sensible one too. Ana used to go to him if she wasn't sure of how to handle a situation right. When Vova joined the army, Marko thought this was quite clever and this made Ana mad at him until they boarder a plane for the first time. He still cared about her, Ana realised and they mended their relationship so it was stronger than before.

- And me:
Anastacia Ivanovich | 11 years old | Witch | A student​

Anastacia is the youngest in the family so far. She loves everyone dearly in her family, so much that if anyone dared to say anything against them, she'd defend them until she was black and blue. She is the gifted one in her family and was the second child allowed to go to school, mostly for the same reason to be kept out the way. When she received the letter, she was very scared, not only because her dad gave her a beating for thinking it was a joke but also because she didn't want to be known as a witch. She felt scared and annoyed when the man said it was a boarding school. She didn't want to go away from her family for the first time and plus the fact she had never been that far away from her home. She had known certain things had happened in her favour recently but this was a horrible reason. Being different from her family wasn't what she wanted at all.

- Pets, if any:
Anastacia's family has no pets as the money is not to spare for another member. Also, her dad does not want the extra duties added until the family is much smaller or they have a bigger house. Anastacia would love to have a dog though so she could run and play about with or a horse so she could groom the coat and mane until it was sparkling clean.

- Area of Residence:
The famliy home is situated in the suburbs of St.Petersburg. The neighbour hood is very friendly towards the Ivanovich family and they get along very well. It is very safe in their street, only one break-in in about every three years but even then, the neighbours will fight to get justice over it. She loves the area dearly. All her friends are in the houses on the street. Their house is small for the size of their family but Ana doesn't mind it much. The winters get very cold though and Ana sometimes finds she'd be faster ice-skating to school when it freezes over sometimes. Of course, that was if she could skate. But Anastacia has no plans as of yet to even leave their cosy house she loves home too much.

- Hobbies:
Dancing | Ballet | Choreography​

Anastacia is a very passionate dancer. This takes up most of her life, besides her school and family. She goes straight after school to her dance studio and takes lessons in ballet from her teacher. She does not do big shows though as much as she would qualify for as her father and mother would find out and ban her from dancing . At home, she will also dance in the basement as her parents are busy working. Her mother and father do not agree with dancing at all but Ana also makes up her own dances to the new music that comes out every day behind their backs.
Music | Violin | Singing | Composition​

Anastacia is also a talented person when it comes to music. Her voice is that of a soprano and she has lessons from her mother's friend in the violin. Ana is glad her mother approves of this as she loves showing her mother her new songs. As her mother has problems loving her as much as the rest, Ana tries to make her proud of her as much as possible to help her. She loves writing new songs though on how she feels and also, write messages into the songs. This is her second biggest hobby that she does on a Sunday Morning and at school.
Languages | Slovakian | Swedish​

Anastacia and her siblings all learn Slovakian with their mum during the days. she makes up exercises for them and tries to teach them her second language as best as she can to improve their knowledge of the world. It is Anastacia's fourth language to learn but for the rest it is only their third. Her mother also speaks Sweedish to them but they all know that fluently now. Personally, Ana would prefer it if she would have to learn it as she isn't so fond of Slovakian and she detests Sweedish a lot but she doesn't want to end up in trouble with her dad for upsetting her Mamo.
Sports | Skating | Gymnastics​

Anastacia, like any other normal russian kid, watches skating and gymnastics as their daily routine in the summer and winter. Gymnastics is very much the big thing in school and so Anastacia is quite supple from this as well as ballet but she likes watching all the competitions in TV with her sister, who is a fan as well. During the winter, she loves watching all the skaters in the streets as she walks to and from school. She wishes she could skate herself but no one ever got round to teaching her and when her friends did offer to teach her, her dad enforced the rule not to go out of the neighbourhood after school, which annoyed Ana hugely.

- Aspirations:
Before Hogwarts existed:​

Anastacia didn't know exactly what she wanted to be in the future but she wanted a job that would involve ballet and hopefully, music. She had no idea where she would be without the music in her future. She planned to get good grades in school though, and possibly tell her mother and father about her dancing one day. A dancer, a violinist and a singer is what she aspired to be one day in the future.
After Hogwarts existed:​

Anastacia now knows nothing of her future then insecurity. She doesn't even know if she'll be able to live a normal life again anymore. Her dancing is still very much an important part in her life but she is agreed not to tell her parents for a very long time now, unlike before. Of course, now that she isn't going to her school, she isn't sure what she should do anymore. She knows she won't get a normal job as easily as she won't have the same kind of grades but she isn't too sure with all this magic stuff either to know whether it's even worth trying to do things to get well with that. The only thing she's aspiring to succeed with it surviving it all happily.

- What would their Patronus be? A hummingbird.
A hummingbird is a beautiful creature from the outside. Graceful, strong and confident in their flight and movement. But, they can be vicious if their property is messed with and they're very territorial. Anastacia's patronus would be a hummingbird most likely as their personalities are much the same similarly. The property to her would be her family and her territory would be her home, St.Petersburg. The thought of even moving for more than 3 weeks is horrid to her, as mentioned above.
- What would their Boggart be?
- What would their Animagus form be? A dolphin.
I think this would be the most likely animal Anastacia would be. Dolphins are graceful creatures but they have a smart and sponge-like mind, much like Anastacia. She likes water a lot and dolphins are water creatures. The fact that they are very intellectual is the most important reason though, as Anastacia has many talents that take a lot of memory every time. And of course, dolphins can perform many moves under water as if they are dancing, and Anastacia would never become an animal that could not have the equivalent to dancing. She would just be restless in her mind other wise.
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised?
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus?
A family picnic they had when Anastacia was about 9 years old before Ukraine. It was a crisp spring morning and whilst we had just got out the car, my mother suggested a game of hide 'n' seek before we ate. My mother started counting and we all went to hide. And I was left standing not sure where to hide myself. Vova whispered to put my hands ups and I did, only to find myself up on the tree branch next to him. I laughed before he covered my mouth. I bit my tongue nodding. I could see everyone from here. Serg waggled his eyebrows at me, seeing us before going back to crouching. Annalie was doing well as I could only just manage to see some of her blonde hair behind the big tree and Marko, well, he was probably the best of all. He had found a root with a big enough space to squeeze himself into. He was practically invisible. Anyway, by that time both Mum and Dad were walking round trying to find us. It was probably the first time I had remembered Dad unwinding so much and it made the whole day full of laughters and a big nice birthday. Did I forget that bit? It was Vova's birthday and I won the prize for best hidden person, though really, it should have been Vova's.

- Hogwarts House (And why):
I think Anastacia has ended up in this house due to the fact she can be very brave when there is something to do. But I think it's mostly because Anastacia will stand up and say things for what she believes in if someone else has totally got it wrong in her mind. And she is very loyal to her family, respecting them with a great amount. After all, they put up with her for so many years when she didn't know any better.
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):
Hi Ana!

2012 is correct for an 11 year old with a January birthday.

I definitely have questions for your patronus/boggart/animagus form/Erised section, but I'll hold off until you've added a little more info. :) (The part you typed in italics is ok for a diary entry, but for an RP should be in third person - helpful hint, not intending to 'backseat moderate.')
[ul][li]Ok, I think I've gathered you're a dancer. How passionate are you about this?</LI>
[li]We know how most of the rest of your family reacted to your Hogwarts letter. How do you feel about it? [ul][li]about being a witch [li]about leaving your friends and country[/li][/ul]
[li]What are your hobbies outside of school and dancing?
[li]Why didn't the other siblings go to school? Was this a money issue? If so, why did Vova and Ana go to school?
[li]In the description of your sister, you mention someone named Mamo. Who is this?
[li]What do you mean by "Marko was never fully accepted" - do you mean into the family? Why?
[li]Your parents are both doctors yet I get the feeling there is a shortage of money. What's the deal there, or am I mistaken?
[li]You live in St Petersburg and you can't skate? Why not? :)
[li]I get the feeling from some of your RPs (I've only seen one or two) that you really miss St. Petersburg. Can you describe your relationship/attitude with/to your hometown/country?
[li]What are your aspirations a) before you knew about Hogwarts, b) now that you know about Hogwarts?
<LI>[li]I'm not sure I understand why you hate Marko for thinking Vova is clever for joining the army. Can you explain this, and how they mended their relationship on the flight you hinted at?

I have more questions, but I think I'll leave it at that for now. Look forward to your responses.
Thanks Emma. =wub= ^-^
For questions and actually reading this ( :grin: )

Edited above for most of the questions.
But here are the remaining that didn't really fit into anything above.

[li]Why didn't the other siblings go to school? Was this a money issue? If so, why did Vova and Ana go to school?
Vova was first to go into school as he was the only child and they had plenty of money for this. Of course, there were only three people to support at the present time by one person as Claudia quit her job to look after Vova when he was born. Now, when the twins were born, the money was now supporting 5 people.
Also, the twins were taking a lot of effort to look after so Vova was kept at school for this reason. Now money was getting short in the family again and once Ana was born, Claudia decided to go back to work to resolve this. Ana was put to school because of the difficulty of looking after her with two working parents and also, the illness Claudia suffered made it hard for her to look after Anastacia in the first place.
Because the other three had already been home schooled for a couple of years, Claudia and Yakov thought it best to just continue with that rather than going through the long process of putting them into school and what not.
(( I hope that answers it. Once I'm a ble to put the bio up with the history it'll make more sense ))</LI>

[li]In the description of your sister, you mention someone named Mamo. Who is this?
Mamo is simply what they call Claudia instead of saying mother or anything else like that.

<LI>[li]Your parents are both doctors yet I get the feeling there is a shortage of money. What's the deal there, or am I mistaken?
Well, you have to think that they both work in a public hospital so they don't get that much pay as a private doctor would. And though the pay is better than the average family, the number of people it's supporting in the family is not that average. 7 people altogether all need to have clothes, entertainment, traveling and of course food and with only a few people working the money is not that much extra.

Also, the last question will be answered in her diary that I have yet to type out. Sorry, my life is fairly busy at the moment.
Awesome! Thanks for answering!

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