Ana Dreamer

Ana Dreamer

OOC First Name
Call me Elphie
A magical one

El amor nunca muere, Love never dies.
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Now What Shall We Call Her?:

First It Shall Be: Ana
A Name Is Nothing Without A Meaning: It is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "favored grace". Spanish variant of Anne.
Second, Maybe: Elizabeth
A Name Is Nothing Without A Meaning: It is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "God's promise".
Finally, She Shall Be: Aisling "Dreamer"
A Name Is Nothing Without A Meaning: The name Aisling is and Irish Gaelic name, meaning "dream" or "vision." It was changed to Dreamer because of her mother.
A Rose By Any Other Name: Nicknames include Banana, Lizzie, AnaBeth, Anana and Anna

And When Did She Come To Be?

Of The Twelve Months: January
The Number Being: 22
Making Her Star Sign: Aquarius
Significance Of Her Star Sign: Traditionally people with the Aquarius sign have positive and negative traits.
Positive: Friendly, honest, original and independent.
Negative: Contrary, unpredictable, detached.
The Year Has Importance Too: 2005
Chinese Zodiac Could Help: Year of the Rooster
And Her Element Shall Be: Water

When She Smiles At The Mirror, Does The Mirror Smile Back?

She'll Stare At You With Her: Blue eyes
Her Wild Locks, Blowing In The Wind Are: Blonde, and wavy
So, What Shape Is Her Face: Oval
Tall? Short? Stand On Your Tiptoes: Average height, about 4"5
You've Been Inside Far Too Long, My Dear: Tanned complexion
You Look Like You Robbed A Department Store: Loves girly dresses, high heels, ballet flats and jewelery
Other Features We Should Know About: Small scars along her arms from a car crash.

If You Met Her, What Would You Think?

At First She Seems: Sweet, friendly and bubbly
But Then You Befriend Her And She's: Even more friendly
But Make An Enemy Of Her And: Enemy? I'm sorry, that is physically impossible.

She Likes:
Shiny Things: Anything glittery, she loves sparkles
The Colour Pink: It is a happy and uplifting colour
Friends: She loves her friends and being surrounded by people
Family: Family is very important to Ana
Children: Ana loves kids. She often looks after her younger sisters
Surfing: Her favourite sport
Roses: They are romantic flowers, and Ana loves them

She Hates:
Not A Lot: There isn't much Ana doesn't think. Come to think of it, I can't think of anything she doesn't like....

They Love You, Or Do They?

Her Mother Happens To Be: Zamira Tahlia Dreamer, Muggleborn witch. Tries to be a good mother to Apolla, but often overlooks her because of her other children. Since all her other children are quite loud, Apolla gets pushed away.

Her Father, Who Is He: Robert Hammond, Wizard. Deceased.

Friends Leave, Sisters Stay: Apolla Dreamer, Witch. Younger half-sister. Ana is very close to her.| Artemis Dreamer, Witch. Younger half-sister. Ana is close to her, but not as close to Artemis as she is to Apolla. | Wisteria Dreamer, Witch. Younger half-sister. Ana likes Wisteria, but they are really friends.. | Lena Dreamer, Squib. Younger sister. One sided dislike, Lena doesn't like Ana.

Other Siblings: Too many to count.

Stepfather, Don't Even Try To Be My Father: His name is Trent. He is a wizard. Ana and Trent don't like each other, but don't dislike each other. They are neutral.

How She Came To Be Who She Is Today


Template my me.
Anyone may use.
Just credit me.

Paint A Perfect Picture


Ana's little sister Nicole, and her adopted daughter Rebecca

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