An unlikely friendship.

Oliver Cade Halliwell

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Curly 10 Inch Unyielding Pear Wand with Boomslang venom Core
Term was just around the corner and Oliver had returned to Hogwarts refreshed after an interesting holiday. He had made a new friend who lived just over the way from him and he had sparked up a very interesting friendship with the almost impossibly beautiful Kara. Now he was back at Hogwarts he found himself missing Kara and saddened by the fact he would not see her around the castle until the next school year. Despite the fact that he did not want to go home in the first place he was glad he did and in fact wish he could go back.

The day was coming to an end, the sun hanging in limbo, the last flickers of sunlight reflected off the surface of the lake and danced in the dusk. Oliver laid his back on the grass and looked up at the sky as it turned purple. It was here, in his first year that he first met Adriana. They hadn't spoken much since, and in truth he hadn't thought about her since he went home.

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