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Leo Shephard didn't quite know what he was doing here in Takarokaro Park. Life hadn't been all that great for him. He was single, he didn't have many friends nowadays, and his life was just pretty darn dull at the moment. He kicked the football that he had with him, towards a nearby tree, which it re-bounded-off and Leo then caught-it back-into his hands, before spinning the ball on his middle-finger.
'I need to get a life.' Leo thought-to himself as he began to do some kick-ups with the ball. He had debated whether he should just go and get himself drunk in The Medley and pick-up some random-girl whilst he was there, but he just had no energy nor motivation to do that sort-of thing these-days.....Getting frustrated with himself, Leo pelted the ball as hard as he could away from him. He soon regretted that decision. "ARGH!" He groaned-allowed before chasing after the football at a fast-pace. He finally caught-up with it, and tried-not-to look to out-of-place in this different-section-of the park, standing-up with the ball now in his hands before running his spare-hand through his hair as he tried-to act all cool before leaning-against a nearby tree-trunk and sighing-to himself. What had his life come-to recently?!
'I need to get a life.' Leo thought-to himself as he began to do some kick-ups with the ball. He had debated whether he should just go and get himself drunk in The Medley and pick-up some random-girl whilst he was there, but he just had no energy nor motivation to do that sort-of thing these-days.....Getting frustrated with himself, Leo pelted the ball as hard as he could away from him. He soon regretted that decision. "ARGH!" He groaned-allowed before chasing after the football at a fast-pace. He finally caught-up with it, and tried-not-to look to out-of-place in this different-section-of the park, standing-up with the ball now in his hands before running his spare-hand through his hair as he tried-to act all cool before leaning-against a nearby tree-trunk and sighing-to himself. What had his life come-to recently?!