Open An Ice Breaker

Friday Weeks

sweet(ish) | naive | two-faced
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 1/2" Flexible Hazel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
02/48 (13)
The lakefront was admittedly a very beautiful lake. Her siblings had understood how pretty it was, or perhaps they just hadn't wanted to make her more jealous. She knew she was unlikely to spend too much time by it while the weather was still cold. However, since she wasn't exactly interested in the library and she wasn't interest in listening to some of her insuffrable housemates - specifically one boy - then she had come outside. She had wrapped up well, a nice scarf and hat, a thick warm jacket, making sure that she didn't feel one inch of the cold. Friday had stepped out early, just post-breakfast and noted that the lake had a thin layer of ice on it. She grabbed a rock and threw it as far as she could, pleased when where she threw it, the ice broke apart and the stone sunk in.
Benicio was having a fine time exploring the castle. There was just so much to take in! He'd finished his breakfast, thrown on a thick hoodie and headed outdoors, happy for the free time. He'd noticed a lake from the windows the other day, and that was his destination. He arrived just in time to watch someone throw a rock. "Bet I can make it farther than that!" he declared as he scooped a rock, gave it a throw and watched it clear the girl's before cracking through the ice and sinking in.
Friday glanced as a boy suddenly was beside her and was throwing a rock. It did go further than hers. She scoffed a little. "You got a walking start," she accused him, even though he absolutely really hadn't. Friday scooped up another rock and then threw it, just getting a little shy of where this boy had gotten it. She huffed again. "Let's see you get it that far again,"
"No way!" he protested. He'd taken an extra step, at best. That was hardly a head start. "Fine" he stated, looking around for a good rock. Scooping one up, he proceeded to try to beat his previous one but failed by a significant amount. "My hand slipped, it's wet" he explained as he rubbed his palm on his hoodie.
Friday was pretty glad when after wasting time with looking for a rock, when the boy threw it, it didn't beat it. "See," she said. "You cheated on the first shot and now can't repeat it," Friday told him, boasting slightly in her tone. She picked up another stone and threw it, but the rock slipped in her hand at the last second and it did not go far at all. "Wow, now your bad energy is affecting my performance," she said, blaming him for her miss.
Benicio narrowed his eyes at her because he hadn't cheated. Not really anyway. They widened again when she tried and failed to beat her last attempt. "See? The rocks are wet!" he exclaimed, choosing to ignore her comment as he looked out onto the lake at the holes they'd made. "Do you reckon there are creatures in there?" he asked.
Friday rolled her eyes. "My rock wasn't wet, it was perfect," Friday lied with an overemphasized roll of her eyes. "I was doing perfectly fine with it till you showed up," she was falsely blaming him for her lack of ability to throw the stone. "Like fish?" she asked, not sure what sort of creature he might be talking about.
"What?!" he exclaimed as he felt her blame. "No way I had anything to do with your luck running out." Benicio knew it was the rocks being wet or he'd have done better. For the second time, he stared at her incredulously. "I was thinking more like salamanders or grindylows or giant squids, but yeah I guess there could probably be fish in there too" he shrugged.
Friday huffed as he tried to pass off like he wasn't the one who'd made her do badly by doing badly. Of course. She frowned and then looked back out at the lake. Her siblings hadn't told her that. "Doesn't giant..anything need like soo much space, this lake can't be big enough, surely..," she said, keeping her gaze out at it, thinking she might just spot something.
Benicio just started at her for a moment, not sure if she was being purposely dense. "It's magical so it's probably as big as the ocean down there" he explained slowly. "Doesn't your family have a magical tent?" he asked as if it was standard for every magical family.
Friday's family didn't have a magical tent but she wasn't about to admit that to someone. "Of course we do, but that doesn't mean the lake is," she countered sharply. Clearly somewhat offended by what the boy had just asked, but for no noticeable reason. "How come you know so much about lakes? Are you a nerd?" she said lamely just trying to turn this back on him.
Benicio didn't believe her, but he didn't have the chance to say so before she was calling him a nerd. "Nooo" he said hotly. "I was just guessing" he over explained. "Fish is just such a common response." Benicio cringed at himself. He sounded rude, privileged even. "Nevermind" he mumbled, slightly ashamed.
Friday was glad to get such a reaction out of him. She smirked a little and then frowned a little at what he said. She bristled a little at it, but he seemed fairly apologetic about it, which she hadn't been expecting. "Fish is a common response," she replied, not entirely sure if she was trying to make him feel less awkward about it.
"I know, that's what I just said" he stated, having already recovered from his chagrin. Mostly anyway. Beni thought he heard a noise and whipped his head back towards the lake. "Did ya hear that?" he asked.
Friday rolled her eyes and did hear the noise or something, "Yeah, but it's nothing," she said. "Maybe there's someone splashing elsewhere or a bird," she added, because, a noise didn't mean anything, it was just the sounds of the outdoors.

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