An Early Morning Stroll

Kate Archer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Kate tossed and turned in her bed. She couldn't get to sleep,she had been in her bed for over two hours now and noting was working to make her fall asleep. Kate sighed and pushed the covers off her. She was also roasting and she could feel how wet her clothes were. She got up as quietly,trying not to wake up Tara. When she went into the bathroom she splashed water on her face and tried to cool down. She could see her tang top was covered in sweat.She knew she wouldn't be able to get back to sleep. Sighing she got back into bed and felt a small bit better. She sat there for another hour before remembering what Stefan had said.She looked at her watch and sighed it was four in the morning.Before she could change her mind she got dressed and even though she she didn't need it she put on make up. When she was ready she got out some pen and paper and wrote down her letter. She then began to trapse her way to the Owlery where her owl was. When she was there she found her owl. she woke it up and she gave it some nuts because she didn't like being woken up early.She tied the letter around her leg and told her owl to bring it back to her dormitory. When she was finished she made her way back to her room and sighed when she felt a head ache.She went to the bathroom and took to paracetomals and a glass of water. After this she made her way back to the bed and sat down. The selfish part of her wished he was awake but the other side of her hoped he was asleep and that she hadn't woke him up.She was wide awake now but she didn't feel tired more excited. she looked at her watch and was surprised to see that only half an hour had passed. Sighing she took out her book and started to read while waiting for a reply.
Despite the lateness of the day, there were some who found it difficult to sleep. For some it was excitement or nerves, on this very night the Sltherin teen was finding it difficult to sleep because he'd tripped on a flight of stairs and used his hands to break his fall, and had still landed on his front. It hadn't been a terrible fall, and for most they'd have gotten up easily and walked away, but for someone in a position like Stefan it had hurt like hell. It basically meant that sleeping was not option, since his front was in agony and his arms were on fire. Well, the left more than the right anyway. It wasn't like he needed anything of that sort at this very time. He was constantly struggling to keep himself out of harms way, let everything terrible heal, and let things go back to something more normal that most would be used to. Thankfully, most of the bruising on his face had gone down. And most of the bruising on other visible areas was clearly improving. It was a good thing. Stefan was very much pleased about that. He didn't know how on earth he would be able to keep going if they hurt more. However there were days when it seemed everything was wrong. Like that night, it was four in the morning, and Stefan was exhausted, but unable to sleep. It was like he was back home, only he didn't have the problem with the heating. The day before he'd had a rough day, waking up too early after a nightmare had completely set him off. But, it was nearing the time when he'd have to go home. Face the music and find out his fate. With those thoughts his mind moved to kate. He wondered if she was still awake. He hoped she wasn't, after all it wouldn't be good for her. But as he realized there was a bird attempting to get in the room, he opened the window, and quickly closed it as soon as the bird was perched on his bed side table. The bedside table that had all of his possessions on it, and it was't much. He noticed the note tied to the owl leg and approached it carefully. He untied the knot and read the note. kate, she was still up and needing a walk. Stefan folded the paper over and then took his pen to write a reply. He walked to the bathroom, closed the door and used his wand to light up the room. Slowly he wrote his reply. His hand was shaking as he did so, it was painful. And the words appeared shaky too. It was clear that Stefan was having issues. He just hoped she wouldn't read too much into it. Once finished he walked back to the owl attached the letter and then sent it on it's way. And from that he began getting ready. He'd told Kate in the letter to meet him under the willow tree by the lake.

Stefan didn't really have to do much to get ready. He was already wearing his one set of clothes, and all he did was change into the second set of clothes that he owned. He pulled his jumper on, careful to avoid where it hurt the most. He put his wand in his pocket and then headed out of the dorm. he didn't think it would be that hard to be first to be at the willow tree, Stefan was slightly closer than Kate was, so he definitely had that advantage working for him, but Stefan moved slowly. At night the dungeons were not the best place for a colourblind boy with terrible eye sight to be. Genreally it was just too dark. He had to use the light from his wand to be able to get anywhere and that was saying something. Stefan didn't using his wand for such things but he was completely okay with it in the dark of night. Because Stefan didn't exactly like the dark. More that he had too many experiences of blacking out, which meant darkness was something he tended to associate with pain. He quickly stepped outside and let the cool spring air fill his nostrils. It was perfect. He loved being out at night time. It wasn't because it wasn't allowed, but just because it felt perfect. It felt right and it was different from almost all other feelings. It was clean it was perfect. Stefan slowly walked towards the Willow tree. He knew full well that they could've just met at the doors of the castle, but the willow tree was a nice place to be, and a good place to start a walk. it was peace and it meant you were far less likely to be done for sneaking out at night. Which wasn't what the slytherin wanted to happen. Once he was at the willow tree he slowly sat down. It was silent. All he could hear were the sounds of his breath and the sound of his heart beating in his chest. He knew that moments like this were ones he should cherish. The small perfection in his black and white world. The simplisty that most people didn't see because they saw too much as Stefan liked to say. He wished Kate would be there soon. Because she was the only person who could make this moment more perfect than it already was.​
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Kate had managed to doze slightly before she heard an owl tapping at her window. She quietly walked over and opened the window. She gently untied the letter from her owl and opened the window again so it could go back. She read the letter and smiled glad that he was awake and willing to go for a walk with her.She got her jacket and wand and made her way down to the willow tree as quietly as she could.Her head ache wasn't as bad now after the paracetamols but she did feel hungry. She wondered would the elves be awake but she decided against it knowing they would get up if they were asleep and fuss over her,which she didn't want them to do.She was looking forward to this walk,she didn't know whether it would help her to get more sleep,but it would certainly make her feel better.She hoped they wouldn't be caught or accused of doing anything more sinister. She wasn't that worried though because for many nights she had wondered around the castle trying to waste the hours before everyone else would start getting up.

When she walked out she breathed in the fresh cool air. It was colder than earlier on and Kate was glad of the jacket she had on.None the less she pulled it closer around her feeling the chill of the night.She hoped he was already here,she was very grateful to him for agreeing and offering to do this,not many people would.Earlier on she had been deciding on her Halloween outfit and whether or not she would be going. If she was she had decided on a rock chick sort of look,she liked the outfit and she was probably just going to go to wear it.When she neared the Willow Tree she saw a shape sitting by the tree,she smiled and quickened her step. When she reached there she sat down beside him "hey"She said knowing it was a lame start to the conversation but Kate wasn't the sort of person to start of conversations.
<SIZE size="50">Wrapping his arms around himself, the boy sat in silence. He felt his eyes close slightly in the cool air. Oddly enough the cool crisp morning air reminded him of being home with his father, and somehow it didn't send shivers down his spine. At least there were times when his father was out cold, that the Slytherin teen could enjoy a quite morning, watching the sun rise and thinking of the time he spent with his mother. A thought that often sent him into a much more peaceful sleep than there would be before. The teen reopened his eyes and just stared out to the lake front. The small perfections of such a place never ceased to amaze him. The way the tiniest of things reminded him of what he did have. Rather than what he didn't have. The cool air the smallest reminder of how in the smallest of moments he didn't mind his home life. He didn't mind what he had to go through because of the way things turned out. It was tiny, and was only ever for about an hour at the most but being from a home such as his, that was what it took. People wouldn't understand it, hell he was sure no one would understand. Points like that reminded him of how good it was to be alive. How perfect the world and life could be. It was only his that had huge imperfections and that no one in there right mind would actually want. Stefan smiled to himself. It was pretty much a perfect morning, though he hadn't been to bed yet. He was glad that Kate had decided go on his advice. It wasn't like he'd be able to do it every time, but he would try. And he was glad to help her now. Since he knew if he couldn't be completely fine himself there was literally no harm in helping those around him that also needed help, and considering that it was Kate, Stefan was just about willing to do anything. Which was not an exaggeration of the truth.

The silence was slowly disturbed by the soft sound of feet against the ground. He was pretty hopeful that it was not just some teacher coming to give him into trouble for being out so late, from what he could tell, the soft footsteps were not that of a teacher. Who would've maybe made themselves known at that point. He looked over as the person sat down beside him. Kate, he smiled. He didn't really know what to say, but he just moved over beside her slightly and smiled at her. She was so beautiful. He couldn't believe how amazing she was and how privileged he felt to have her in his life. "Hey" Stefan muttered quietly. He stretched out slightly and then got to his feet. Careful to put more pressure on his right arm than his left. Seeing as that had been the less hurt of the two from his fall that morning. He couldn't help but audible wince as he got to his feet. It hurt like hell. He extended his right hand to Kate and smiled. "Shall we?" Stefan asked. He wondered if she'd just want to sit, but he needed the walk. And it was still around the time. "You want to tell me why you were having trouble sleeping tonight?" He knew she might not tell him, but considering it was close to five in the morning and they were both outside in the cool spring air, there had to do something. Something to make it better and just let her talk over what had been going on, and give Stefan a chance to try to help. He didn't know how much he could really do to help, but he was sure, something was more and better than nothing. And Stefan was fairly good at knowing how to deal with problems like a lack of sleep. It was just almost all other things he was not good at. However, he kept smiling at his closest friend. His mind suddenly turned to a certain festivity that would be coming up in a few weeks time. Yuleball.
As Kate walked towards the Willow tree,she noticed the beauty of the morning.Since the days were getting longer and the nights shorter,there was a lot more light now then there would of been in winter. If she was lucky Kate would get to see the sunrise which she loved,it was so beautiful and it would be ten times better with Stefan by her side.Kate usually would get up early in the morning,she loved the quietness of the morning and the stillness,it was nature at it's best. No cars,machinery or human beings disrupting it.Kate sighed the ways things were going there would be no nature left soon.all the things animals,plants and trees did for us and how do we repay them,destroying animals homelands,like polluting the sea,rivers and lakes,cutting down forests which make the air cleaner for us to breathe and destroying plants.Kate didn't know why people didn't believe in Global Warming,it was pretty obvious that it was happening,but then people are ignorant and selfish and only care about money.

Kate didn't need all those thoughts swirling in her head so she just focused on the person beneath the willow tree.She ignored the increasing pounding in her head and how increasingly warm she seemed to be getting. When she saw the smile on his face when she sat down she couldn't help smile back.She felt the butterflies in her stomach begin and she tried to calm them.She watched as he got up and she pretended that she didn't hear the slight groan.She hid her worry with a smile when he extended his hand. "We shall"She said taking his hand and pulling herself up.The cool air had made her cheeks go pink and she felt wide awake now.She still felt uncomfortable like her body was changing between hot and cold. Kate tried to ignore it and pretend she felt okay.Kate walked to the middle of the lake,until she answered the question.She liked just walking with him her hand in his. "Well,I was all hot and the room felt really stuffy. My head was pounding as well and well i just couldn't settle"She said walking further.She wondered did the squid in the lake sleep or was it watching them now,Kate wasn't entierly comfortable with that idea.
<SIZE size="50">There was little that the Slytherin teen would not do for a perfect night's sleep. It wasn't like he had to generally do anything, since sleep was not something that was easily controlled. It was something that was just there, that just happened. He didn't sleep well, because of many many resasons that he saw no point in discussing since most would claim them to be perfectly normal. He just was annoyed that it was so hard to actually get to sleep. It wasn't like he wasn't used to it, but it was still annoying and would always be annoying since nothing could really be done about it. He just hoped that a walk with his closest friend would really help him in getting her to sleep. Since he really did care more that she slept well than he did. He didn't see himself as anywhere near as important as he saw Kate. A small side effect. He was glad that she had asked him to be there. That she had contacted him out of all the other people she could've gone to, like her sister, or even the other friends she had that were maybe more likely to be able to keep going longer than he could. A lack of sleep made Stefan a very tired guy, and with the way he was shaped and how little he ate before school it meant he generally meant that come a few hours into the day, no matter how well he slept he was shattered. Where as most other would probably be able to keep walking with Kate until she couldn't possibly take anymore and was falling asleep standing up. He wished to be there for her like that. In no other way could he think it would be better. As soon as Kate had taken his hand he smiled. It was perfect. Her hand felt perfect in his. He gave it a very light squeeze. He watched as she got up and smiled again. It was the way he liked it, kate by his side. It made him feel like anything was possible. A thing which he didn't think all to often. It just wasn't the way he functioned, but with Kate a lot was different about the Slytherin teen. He was slightly more comfortable with her, and he enjoyed everything they did together, even if it was just talk. He pulled her towards him slightly and then began walking.

Listening to her talk, he didn't quite know what to say. Sometimes all methods just didn't work, and all that was left was waiting to just collapse due to exhaustion, it was his least favorite method of getting to sleep since it was slightly unpredictable, and the Slytherin had no desire for Kate to have to deal with such a thing. It would be a walk that would in turn wake her up and as soon as she got in would probably send her right back to sleep. He just nodded, knowing that he had little he could add to the matter. It wasn't like he was actually very good at giving advice. After all he couldn't even get his own life to be in order, he doubted that he could help anyone else with theres. He would try, since that was what friends did, but he could give no guarantees. It wasn't like he was the prime example of someone who had control in their life. Not that he had any real desire for control, more that he just desired to be safe. Something he couldn't quite achieve just yet. "Sounds pretty bad, Hopefully this will help you." Stefan gave a small nod. "How about on other nights? Have you been sleeping okay?" Despite everything his mind was telling him he was pretty sure that this wouldn't be the first time that week that she'd not slept well. He thought from experience that it had be a couple of days that she wasn't sleeping too good. He didn't quite know how to help her improve it, but anything was better than nothing. "Maybe you should consider opening a window, or sitting in the common room for a little to let yourself cool down." Stefan had no idea what to suggest he'd never really been warm, it was only with fevers, and he still felt cold. "I've never been able to not sleep because it was too hot and stuffy, but it could be very irritating."
Sleeping had always been pretty easy for Kate.She had never really had problems with it,she just lay her head on the pillow and after around ten, fifteen minutes she would start falling asleep.But when she couldn't go to sleep well that was just frustrating because there's no medicine you can take,well unless you want to take sleeping pills.So the only thing you can do is try to make yourself tired by reading watching the tv. Watching a movie usually helped Kate,but sadly no electrical appliances worked here.Kate liked this alternative though,it was nice being out here with no interruptions and walking closely beside the person she cared most about.It was moment like these that would help her through whatever tough times lay ahead.Life isn't plain sailing and there are times when it seems as if there will be nothing good for you in life,but there always is,because to every cloud there is a silver lining.

Kate had started sweating but then she would stop and she would feel very cold. Not now she said,she did not want a repeat of what happened in front of Jake.She calmed down her increasing heart rate by breathing slowly.she got a tissue out of her pocket and started wiping her forehead and the back of her neck.The medicine was obviously wearing off,which it shouldn't of because she'd taken it what? an hour ago.She checked her pockets to see if there was anything in her pockets.Kate sighed in relief when she felt the familiar cardboard box in her hand.She had no water but she would make do."Well its been happening since October but its getting more frequent,this is my fourth time this week"Kate said discreetly trying to punch out two of the paracetomals.Kate smiled at him she was so grateful that he was helping but she was a bit preoccupied at the moment. She was able to get the two pills out and sh then threw the two of them into her mouth and after a few tries swallowed them. She felt more relaxed knowing this fever would soon go away."Yes,I should do that,though I'd probably just get warmer in the common room"Kate said though she squeezed his hand because she really was appreciating this.She was even starting to feel a bit tired. "It is but sure what can you do"She said smiling. "So are you sure you don't mind doing this"Kate asked biting her lip.She wanted him to get sleep as he always seemed to look tired and she felt a bit selfish even though she was really enjoying being with him.
<SIZE size="50">It wasn't like Stefan had ever had it out easy when it came to any part of his life, but he could always claim that being at Hogwarts made things considerably easier for him. There wasn't so much pressure or be the boy who stayed out of his father's way and still did everything around the house. At hogwarts he didn't have to do everything, he could do what he wanted and he guessed that was the biggest and most annoying thing ever. He didn't want people to think he couldn't be independent, that he didn't know how to take care of himself. He was actually fairly good at it, but his father hindered it. He may keep a roof over the colourblind teens head, but that was the first and most clear reason as to why he even stayed with his father. That and with out his father he would have no one else, and the boy didn't want that. He hated his father a lot but he didn't want to be alone in the world. Sure he had Kate, Sara, Tara, Willow, but they were hardly people that were around enough to make it easier for him to allow them to help him. He didn't want to have to tell them that his only living relative that he knew about had left him too. What if they did. What if they let him in and then decided he wasn't worth it. Stefan wasn't very good at taking news that resembled anything like that. He didn't think he could handle someone else walking out on him. It was fairly hard to be the last known Archer. He didn't know anything about his parents history, who they were before everything, where they were from. Nothing. All he knew was what was in front of him. What had become of the man he had to call his father. Sighing slightly, he let his gaze shift over to the girl he was pretty sure he was in love with. She didn't look good. It was clear even to him that she was in pain. He didn't quite know what to do. he knew it wouldn't exactly be great if he was the one to bring it up, after all he'd been in pain around her too many times to count. It would be a simple matter of calling him a hypocrite that would end with him having to share something, and when it came to pain he had no interest in talking about it. So the boy just ignored it. He just kept an eye on Kate as she spoke. Watching her carefully, although finding it a little difficult to see everything that needed to be seen.

Not knowing what it was like when it was intensely warm in a house put Stefan at a disadvantage. Even if he was sick, his house was never warm. It just was one of the side effects of his house. He was sure there had been one time that he'd been too warm, but it was when he'd been much younger. The only greetings he had with radiators nowadays was when his father shoved him and he fell into them. Which was generally met by the slurs that even a radiator that couldn't be switched on was of more use that he was. It was always hard for him to let his friends tell him he was worthwhile. That his life meant something. When all he'd heard for years before that his life meant nothing that he was a lesser human. It wasn't easy and the Slytherin teen had trouble realizing that the people around him were serious. So when Kate asked if he didn't mind doing what he was doing, his mind for a split second thought it meant that she didn't want him there at all, that he was proving like his father said useless. Stefan Archer didn't like thinking that. Not in the slightest. He was pretty much sure that of all the people currently in his life, Kate was the one that cared the most. The one who actually cared. He nodded and looked round to his friend. "I don't mind at all." He said his voice quiet. "I wasn't asleep anyway. It won't be my first or last sleepless night either, so I really don't mind." Stefan spent most of his time at home asleep, but there were days that he just couldn't fall asleep. He just sat on his bed and wondered about how his life could be so terrible. what he had done to deserve the life he'd been handed. He didn't ever say that, or he wouldn't at that time, but it was what worried him most about the nights he didn't sleep. His brain over thinking everything.

"So, I've been thinking, I really like you. And I'd really like if you were my date to the Yuleball." Stefan muttered quietly. His voice barely above a whisper. he could feel his cheeks warm as unknown to him they went a dark red color. he didn't know where the confidence was suddenly coming from. He had wanted to ask her at the start of the year. He wanted nothing more than to spend one great night with the girl he was in love with. Especially since he was sure he wouldn't make it back from the holidays. He wanted everything in the term to be perfect and that meant he wanted to have at least one dance with Kate. He could feel his heart hammer in his chest. He slowed his walking slightly, due to nerves and the fact that it did somewhat hurt to walk so fast. "I don't know how to dance, and I still don't own any formal clothes. So I understand if you don't want to, I just....I want to."
For the Yule Ball this year,Kate had decided on something different,she wasn't wearing the traditional sort of dress,it was more of white shorts and white top,with light blues heels and a white clutch bag was her outfit this year.Kate really liked it and it was one of her favorite so far.She loved being able to dress up,she would never of been able to do it anywhere else.It was also something to look forward to which Kate needed so she could convince herself to stay here.She loved Hogwarts and it was more a home to her than England.She hadn't made any plans for it this year,she would probably meet with some friends the usual really but she was kind of hoping someone would ask her.A certain someone.She was too scared to ask,to shy really and afraid he would say no.But lately the confidence was growing inside her to ask,she would wit another few days just in case Stefan decided to ask her.She wondered what was the sceal with the rest of her friends. Where they going with anyone or were they planning on meeting as a group.It wasn't that much longer to the Ball and Kate still had a few bits and pieces to get,she would have to make her plans soon.

Kate still felt uncomfortable and she was glad Stefan wasn't saying anything.the medicine would take a few minutes to work and Kate couldn't wait until it started because she was still wiping the sweat of her forehead and she was going between cold and warm.Kate hated fevers especially on a morning like this.Sometimes life was really unfair.Which was the understatement of the year for some people.Luckily her headache was gone and for once there was peace and quiet in hr brain,that was a rare occurence and Kate couldn't help dreading when it would return.Kate had tried looking up books to see if she could figure out what was wrong with her,but no luck so far.She found weird,strange wizard ones but in the muggle book,there was nothing resembling what she had.It was frustrating because Kate couldn't do anything until the holidays.She was steadily getting worse and she was scared of her parents reactions where she returned.They would be angry that she hadn't said anything but Kate had only recently caught up on the work from second year and she didn't want to miss time with Stefan and the rest of her friends.Kate smiled "It means a lot"She said squeezing his hand gently.She doubted any of her other friends would do this "Well your not alone there"Kate said sighing.A lot of sleepless nights lay ahead and it didn't exactly liven up Kate's mood.Slowly the tablets seemed to be working.Kate no longer had to wipe her forehead and her body wasn't changing temperature as often.

His next question pleasantly surprised her.She couldn't believe he had asked her.Something she had been waiting for for ages had finally come true.She smiled at his red cheeks and his voice which was barely over a whisper.Kate was really happy,this meant that it was very possible he felt the same way.She admired his confidence,it took guts to ask a girl out.She wondered where the sudden confidence had come from but she didn't mind,she was going to go to the Yule Ball with Stefan.She was looking extra fore ward to it now.She slowed her pace when he did.Kate smiled,stopped and looked at him "Stefan,I'd love to go with you"She said a huge smile plastered on her face.Little did he know,he had just made her day.Every bad thing was forgotten.She wanted to hug him but she was afraid she would hurt him so instead she squeezed his hand again.She didn't mind that he couldn't dance,Kate wasn't exactly the best herself "Do you want me to teach you to waltz?"Kate asked grinning.
<SIZE size="50">Having something good happen to him was an incredibly rare occurrence, it just didn't happen very often for the boy who couldn't see color. He hardly expected anything to come of what happened with his asking. The Yuleball was not something that Stefan was ever keen on going to. Ever single time he went he stood out completely against the crowd of people dressed in perfect dresses, and perfect suits. He was the guy that turned up in his usual jumper and trousers. It wasn't that he didn't want to wear a suit, he really wanted to be able to fit in, but he couldn't since he didn't have the money or the means to get a suit. His father hadn't bought him clothes in a long long while. The last clothes he had been given were his father's old ones, which were hardly an example of how much his father cared. He didn't really mind not getting new clothes that were from the man he hated, but he couldn't say no since any clothes were better than none for Stefan Archer. Sure during the times when he had to go out and get school supplies, he very much had the opportunity to get himself some clothes, but he tended to keep the money so he could buy something to eat. While most wouldn't understand that to him having a little more to eat was a lot more important than a new item of clothing, he didn't ever try to change his system. He was pretty sure that he didn't need to. But at that point it was fairly annoying that he couldn't be the very best image of himself for her at the Yuleball. He was pretty nervous about asking her, but he'd been wanting to for a fairly long while. He knew that he only got one real chance to ask a girl like Kate to an event like that. If he didn't someone else would, and he would lose his chance. If it didn't work out then it would be okay, because he would've given it a shot. It all depended on if Kate felt the same way about him as he did about her. The Slytherin teen was working on his confidence, and he kept thinking of this as his last year so he was willing to take the chance. He could lose the friendship but it was something he was willing to risk for her. To try. Since all he really could do was just that. Try.

Noticing that she'd stopped walking, Stefan mentally prepared himself for the fact that she was probably turning it down. That she was probably not wanting to go with him. He even wondering if maybe he'd just been late. If someone else had beaten him to the punch. The latter was what he was really hoping for since it meant that she might have considered it. She might have said yes had he been first. He took a deep breath and met her eyes. The moment she said yes, Stefan felt as though someone had literally just stopped his heart. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and tell her that she was the most important person to him in the world. That without her, Stefan had no idea what he would do with himself. He smiled at her. He was smiling because it meant they were on the same page about each other. Stefan really liked that, he really, really liked her. There was no question when it came to that. He was just incredibly happy to even be around someone like her. To have the chance with the most perfect girl in his eyes. He just hoped this wasn't through pity. At the offer of dance lessons, Stefan nodded. That would be good. Not only could he spend even more time with his date to the Yuleball, but he didn't know if it would be any good. Stefan just wasn't gifted in dancing. He'd never really had the chance to learn, but he knew that if he had he wouldn't be very good. He knew that Kate could be a good teacher and he was very willing to give it a shot. "I'd love that" Stefan said nodding, and smiling. "That would be really great. Since I really don't know how to dance. Like, at all." Stefan smiled at her. He couldn't believe he was going to the Yuleball with such a perfect girl. Such an amazing person. Someone who deserved the world, and Stefan was more than willing to give her everything. "When?"
Kate had had some roller coaster years since entering here.she wasn't sure whether they would of happened if she hadn't come here.It was still sometimes weird to call herself a witch,to be able to do magic when when she had been younger that had just been in books and films and on the TV all those years of playing princesses and believing they could do magic ,her mother and father smiling at Sara and herself playing and dressing Ryan up as a prince who would rescue them and then Star just jumping around wanting to be the princess.All that time and there were people actually able to do magic and it was their life.Kate sometimes felt special that she had been picked,someone with muggles for parents had been given magic.She would never tire of it and she loved learning about it.She always wondered why she had become one,why had she and all her siblings become witches and wizards when know one they were related to had magic blood,she was always curious about this,she wasn't sure had anyone researched this or if somebody knew.She would like to find out someday.It had opened many doors for her that she would never of thought of been available to her.It had given her all her friends and given her experience ,matured her but then maybe she and her sister wouldn't of drifted apart and she probably wouldn't of gotten ill in second year.If she hadn't been a witch she would never of experience any of this and she wouldn't of met this wonderful beside her or Tara,Jake,Willow and loads of other people.She couldn't stop the smile come to her face,even though things weren't the best at the moment she was so happy.Happy to be herself,be here holding the hand of the person she cared so much about.Like the name of the famous Christmas movie what a wonderful life.

Kate smiled as he smiled.Kate was so happy that she would be going to the Yule Ball with the person she cared the most about.She felt her heart going a million miles per hour.Perfection,that is what she felt right now.She may be sick but things like this made you forget all about that and just appreciate the people who could make you forget something that was nearly constantly on your mind.Kate was so excited,this would be one of the best Yule Balls,it was about two three weeks away and Kate couldn't wait. "Don't worry,I'm not good either"Kate said smiling.She remembered dancing with her dad when she was younger,standing on his feet and dancing to all sorts of classical music.Kate didn't know why she was in a nostalgic mood but she didn't mind because these memories were bringing extra smiles to her face.The pills had done their job and Kate felt at the right temperature and her head ache wasn't as bad.Kate smiled "No time like the present"She said grinning.There was no one around perfect time to practice dancing.Waltzing was pretty simple just count one,two,three one,two,three in your head and that's it really.Kate turned sideways and faced Stefan. "Put your right hand on my waist and hold my left hand"Kate said waiting for him to do so.When he had Kate put her left hand gently on his shoulder. "Now all you do is go in one direction and count one,two,three in your head and move your feet in that rhythm"Kate said demonstrating with her own feet on the spot "Got that?"She asked hoping she had explained it alright.
OOCOut of Character:
Once again, I apologize for the huge delay in posting
<SIZE size="50">Knowing how early it was, his mind was beginning to get at least a little tired, it was fairly normal considering how little he slept anyway. Since it was now early morning and he'd still not been to bed to sleep was catching up. Not sleeping was a fairly bad thing for the Slytherin to not do. Considering how thin he was, how little energy that gave him and how much he needed to rest to be able to handle what was to come as soon as he left for his home when school was out. It wasn't pleasant and he was pretty sure that this would be the last, which was why all thoughts of tiredness were forced aside. Here he was with an amazing, beautiful girl that he was pretty sure he was in love with, and all his mind could really do was remind him of the fact that he wasn't going to be able to survive the summer holidays. It was obviously something that would be at the front of any mind, but he didn't want it to be. It would get worse as time went on, but he was pretty much certain that no matter how hard it got to be, that knowing he'd made Kate's life slightly better in a minor way and that he'd spent just one night with her would make things in his mind okay. He could deal with whatever else he'd have to facing knowing he'd done something with his life. Something other than just being the slytherin teen who couldn't see color and was pretty much a twig any person could just snap in half. He was afraid of course of what was to happen to him, but he knew he could deal with it when the time actually came. But seeing her smile, at the thought of going to the yuleball with him, made his day all the more perfect. And nothing could change that fact in the slightest. Learning to dance would be a different matter altogether, he had never danced before, so he knew it would pretty much be a disaster.

The way Kate was explaining it made a lot of sense to the young teen. He could count out the steps, and be able to keep a small eye on his feet he was sure. It would be difficult and different at the actual ball, since the lighting was different, but with Kate he knew things were going to be okay. She'd be able to keep him right, he was sure of it. He carefully put his right hand on her waist, well, he put his hand more on the lower part of her back, since it was more how he'd seen it done. It also meant that his hand didn't hurt in trying to hold her waist. He then carefully put his left hand in hers. Careful as to not upset his wrist. It felt nice, to have Kate so close to him, he could pretty much smell her hair, and he just had to look straight forward to stare into her eyes. There was literally no where else that he would rather be in that moment. He watched how she stepped. One, two, three, it appeared to be pretty simple but Stefan doubted it was really as easy as she was showing it to be. "I hope so" Stefan said, a smile reaching his face, and surprisingly enough making it all the way to his eyes. He'd pretty much literally never been happier. As odd as this moment was, it was the happiest he'd been ever. Although most would say considering his life it really wasn't hard. He gave a half nod, before attempting to waltz. His mind muttered the count, and as he watched his feet he made his attempt. It wasn't the best, and Stefan was clearly not made for dancing but he was giving it his all. Eventually Stefan managed to actually look up at Kate as he attempted to dance with her. "How am I doing?" He muttered, trying to keep his mind concentrated on the tasks he was doing. Stefan was clearly not a very good multi-tasker. Which hardly surprised most since he had never really be to school before Hogwarts so he'd never had much opportunity to learn all the things others had. That and it wasn't like he had to really multi-task when he was at home. He knew that he probably wasn't the best dancer and that he would end up, showing up kate, but he was happy she'd said yes, and he wasn't about to ponder it much longer.
OOCOut of Character:
Don't worry,it's grand

Kate was feeling her lack of sleep catching up with her.She yawned and rubbed her tired eyes.She couldn't wait to get to the hospital to see what was really wrong with her.She knew it would be something bad but she would have her family and friends to help her get through it.There was no point being sorry for herself and trying to fix it herself like last time,the best thing to do was to embrace the help and keep a positive attitude because if you didn't you were just making things ten times worse for yourself.She knew he parents would freak out and probably would be much more protective over her but Kate wasn't going to lose out of school work especially withthe OWLS next year,she wanted to do well in school and nothing was going to stop her from getting what she wanted.One problem was Kate had know idea what she wanted to do,it was something she thought of often but she couldn't think of anything.It would probably involve music but Kate wasn't sure what.It worried her,she wondered would she even go to college,no one seemed to go but maybe it was just a muggle thing to do.But Kate didn't think magic was going to be involved in her job,she was contemplating going to UCC or and arts college in London,so many options but Kate didn't know what one to choose.She may have another three years here but that didn't stop her thinking.

It didn't get much better than this.Dancing with someone you were sure you were in love with.Kate would never of pictured doing this,she probably wouldn't of set her sights on anyone at this age or even be able to say she loved anyone other than your family.Strange how your views an be changed by one meeting or after an event.She had never really believed in all that love stuff but her views were starting to change.When they were ready she smiled as she looked him in the eyes.She could see he was concentrating.It was nice being this close to him,she felt all warm and fuzzy inside."You'll be grand"She said giving him a re assuring smile,it widened wen for once Stefan's face lit up with a real smile,something that Kate had rarely seen.This was one of her happiest moments and it would always be remembered.They then began to waltz and their feet slowly went one,two,three,one,two,three.For a beginner he wasn't that bad.The Yule Ball was going to be fun.Kate began to concentrate and they were soon going around in circles doing the same pattern "Very good"Kate said grinning "Better then I was when I first tried"Kate said smiling,well she had been around four or five but she admired Stefan because he was doing pretty good.For a person who had probably never danced before,it was perfect.Kate didn't really mind if they looked ridiculous ,cause in the end who cared what other people thought,it was going to be their special night and Kate wasn't going to pay attention to anyone else.

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