An afternoon nap.

Jake Simpson

Well-Known Member
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
It was just another day for the thirteen year old; he went to his classes and didn't pay much, if any attention at all to what the professors were saying. Besides the boring daily drone of enduring education, Jacob Simpson did have a positive outlook on life, the name calling from his peers had almost stopped and small flashes of confidence could be seen within his sleep deprived eyes. His nightmares were becoming lesser, enabling the third year to get an ounce more sleep than earlier in the year. Things were finally looking up for Jake; it was just a pity it had to take so long. The Slytherin walked out to the lakefront, a typical smirk gracing his pale features. The teen hadn't any idea of what he was going to get up to on this afternoon, but he did know that one way or another he was going to have an afternoon nap. His friend Georgiana had suggested it a short while ago, and since Jake couldn't get enough peace and quiet in his dorm, he chose another venue.

Jake strolled along the edge of the lake, a spring in his step and a sparkle in his eyes as he gazed out into the distance. This would be a classic time for the young Jacob William Simpson to ponder his thoughts and clear his head. However, the Slytherin didn't want to be accepted into the cliche that was adolescence. The main reason Jake had ventured outside today was to take an afternoon nap, and after a decent amount of walking to ensure he was away from his fellow students, the third year sat in front of an old tree. He leant back against it, and felt the sun tickle his light skin. Jake closed his fatigued eyes and let his mind fade into a dream state. This was relaxation, something Jake had not experienced in a while, and the thirteen year old wasn't going to let that go just yet.
Once classes were done for the afternoon Georgiana decided to take a walk down near the lake like she has done many times before, but all with Logan Stone, a guy two years ahead but only a year and a half older. She used to spend most of her free time with the boy, but he decided to leave school and venture off to Beauxbatons and frolic with the other part veelas. She didn't mind that he decided it would be the best place to live after all his guardian was miving there so no doubt he'd live there, though he didn't have to go to school there, however it was the fact that he didn't tell her about his plan till days before he was set to leave.

Walking along the bank she noticed a familar face leaning against a tree not to far off and she began to make her way that way leaving behind any thoughts of Logan, who she still hadn't decided what he was to her anymore, long distance wasn't a good idea from them at this age and yet she didn't want to give him up, but with so many beautiful girls at his school, there was the possibility that he would find someone else to be with while she was stuck in New Zealand or America. "Hey," she said down to her friend, Jake, without realizing he was trying to nap.
The third year had been trying to sleep, however he couldn't get past a state of daydreaming, letting his mind wonder was just as calming as sleeping, if not more because he knew he was alert to what was going on around him. So, when Jake was disturbed from his daydream by one of his close friends, he did nothing but show a friendly smile, it was never a bad thing to see a friend. "Oh, hey. Care to join me?" Asked the teen as he patted the ground next to him, still smiling at his friend, he would never grow tired of seeing Georgiana around, they hadn't talked or seen much of each other as much as he wanted to, so spending some free time talking to his Gryffindor friend was never going to be a waste.

For an unknown reason, Jake could see something different about Georgiana, maybe there was something bothering her, Jake had never been able to read somebody well enough to guess what they were feeling, so he could have been completely wrong. Still, there was no harm in finding out. "How have you been?" Jake asked, it was a subtle way of finding out if anything was actually wrong with his friend, after all, he didn't want to see her sad. Jake wanted to keep the people he cared about happy, that was why he tried so hard to please the friends he had made, he didn't want to lose them, and taking up the traits that made a good friend was a definite way to ensure this.

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