Amzurah Archer

Amzurah Archer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Birch Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Dragonstone


Character's Name: Amzurah Archer
Character's Birthdate: June 9th 2008
Hometown: Obsidian, New Zealand
Blood Status: Half Blood

Someone once told me that you have to choose​
What you win or lose
You can’t have everything

Hair: Dark brown (always cropped short)
Eyes: dark brown
Height: 5'7"
Style: funky
Other Distinguishing Features: lion tattoo on right shoulder

I could stand by the side​
And watch this life pass me by
So unhappy
But safe as could be
Wand: Birch Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Dragonstone

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Broom: Firebolt​

So what if it hurts me?​
So what if I break down?
So what if this world just throws me off the edge

A Little Deeper


I was born in New Zealand on the North Island, near Aukland. My ancestors are scattered far and wide across the North Island. At the age of five we moved to Finland, as far away and as obscure a setting as possible. We lived an idealistic lifestyle there but of course it all comes crashing down at some point. I always knew about magic, I don't think there was ever a moment when I didn't. My parents used it daily. I attended Durmstrang Academy for the first five years of my life and would probably still be there but my father passed away in 2023 and my mother decided that it was time to return to New Zealand. We now live in Obsidian, she let me finish off my OWL year at least which was a help. I know I was born here but it feels as if I am stranger after being gone for so long.

My feet run out of ground​
I gotta find my place
I wanna hear myself

Family History:

The surname Archer, had its origin in the Ancient Past of old England-archery- and signifies "one who uses the bow and arrow." The Archer coat of arms in England was made up of three arrows and a lion. The lion standing for strength and courage- a characteristic that has come down to the present generation from a thousand years ago. The crest bears the following motto, "Sola Bona Tuae Honesta," which is translated into our tongue is, "Honesty is the best policy." While the memory of our English coat of arms had been lost, the older Archers always remembered this motto which they handed down to their children, not knowing then it ancient origin.

We are one of the oldest of the English families and we are also one of the very oldest of the American families. We have been in America over three hundred years and that is the length of American history. The Archers were in Salem, Massachusetts in 1630 and at this time
other Archers were in Virginia and New York. In many of the old colonial churches all through the east one can find the name of Archer carved on the back of the pews.

In 1755 Dorian Anthony Archer set out from Salem, Massachusetts for New Zealand, as did his second cousin Byron Douglas Archer from Kensington, London England. They both settled there, finding wives among the native maori women. With time their descendants became one of the oldest integrated families mainly settling in the North Island where many other wizarding families soon began to settle. Though the muggles did not begin to construct their railways until 1863, it was Emmet Damen Archer in 1850 who realized the original idea and began work on what is now The New Zealand Express, a special line was later created of course when the magic school came into being but no Archers officially worked on that project.

Don’t care about all the pain in front of me​
<B><B><SIZE size="100"><SIZE size="100"><COLOR color="mediumblue">Cause I’m just trying to be happy, yeah
Just wanna be happy, yeah

Family Heirloom: Family Crest Signet Ring​

Amzurah Anahera Archer
Amzurah : arabic - Pleasant
Anahera : maori - Archangel

Father: 1977 - 2023
David William Archer: Durmstrang Graduate 1996
Editor of Daily Prophet years 2003 - 2013 (was fired from position)
Assistant Editor of Word and The Quibbler in Finland 2013 - 2023

Mother: Ahurewa Archer: 1979 - present
Home schooled: by family.
Married: in 2000
moved to Finland in 2013 with family
returned to New Zealand 2024 to raise daughter

works: freelance journalist for The Quibbler

credit for song lyrics: Leona Lewis Happy: credit for any graphics: myself

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