- Messages
- 32
- OOC First Name
- Linda
- Age
- 8/2033
Full Name:
- Amiria Karauna
Amiria has never had a middle name, she does not know her mother's maiden name and knows nothing of her parents for her grandmother refused to speak of them to her.
Date of Birth:
- March 12th 2033
Current Age:
- 10 years
Basic Appearance:
- slender build, light brown skin tone, dark brown eyes, dark brown / black hair
- can be withdrawn and quiet but before she went to the orphanage she was talkative, exuberant, a little mischievous, always active.
- what is known to her:
Grandmother - Ngaire Karauna [muggle] - her father's mother: she has lived with this woman all her life until just after her tenth birthday. Ngaire died of natural causes and as there was no other family to care for her, social services came and took her from the small Maori tribe she had grown up with and placed her in an orphanage where other Maori orphans had been placed.
- what is not known to her:
Father - Ruru Karauna - [muggleborn] - from an early age he knew he was different, as did his parents who thought that they had been blessed by their gods. One bad incident after another led them to believe otherwise though none were Ruru's fault, they were just unfortunate coincidences. His father went out to fish and never returned, this was before Ruru's eleventh birthday and when a person from the magic school came to offer him his place there, Ngaire sent her away. She returned again but it was Ruru this time who said that he would stay at home and not attend the school. He much like the woman he would fall in love with, never went to Obsidian to get his wand and so went his life without knowing his true ability or what he could be capable of. What he did do, was to try to forget what he seemed to always accidentally do when his emotions were strong and that was to cause something strange and magical to happen.
Mother - Maia Hae Mata - [muggleborn] - her mother never attended a magic school and never possessed a wand, she chose to live among her tribe and attempted to hide the strange things that she could do. A terrible incident many years later after she had given birth to her only child, cost Maia her life and the life of her husband.
- raven - Piki
Area of Residence:
- Orphanage - Hamilton, North Island, New Zealand
Blood Status:
- Half Blood - but this is unknown to her
- Maori
Special Abilities:
- Magical: unknown to her as yet - she is able to do little things without intending to, sending flowers scuttling across the sky like butterflies; making a swarm of bees move in the opposite direction so she can pass safely by their nest
Non-magical:a strong swimmer | excellent at rowing a kayak | can climb trees | cycle a bicycle
Interests :
- life and all it's possibilities
- swimming
- Will always speak up for herself
- Amiable
- Independent
- Imaginative
- Takes the blame for others
- Does not like conflict
- Will take on too much
Describe your character in three words:
- patient | faithful | Sincere
Favourite place to be:
- by water
- none
Hogwarts House:
- not sorted as yet
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- to survive her first term and perhaps make some friends
Best school subjects:
- unsure - but on reading her school text books before arriving at Hogwarts, she has enjoyed potions and charms
Worst school subjects:
- only time will tell
Extracurricular Activities:
- she knows nothing of quidditch or how to fly a broom but perhaps will become adapt at those
- she loves swimming and will be delighted to discover the lake
- she is discovering she has a love of books but this is a slow progression and when she first enters the library at Hogwarts she will be possibly overwhelmed
- not until 2051
Current Job:
- student
Plans for future:
- none as yet
- does not know what a patronus is
Your Patronus memory:
- does not have one viable enough to create a patronus as yet
- death
- will not be one
Mirror of Erised:
- seeing her family, her parents and grandmother with her
A page from your diary:
Rataka, ko ahau anake i roto i te ao. Na anake e te whakawehi reira nga kau oho. mahi ahau toku pai ki te mahara katoa i homai e toku kuia ki ahau, engari ko te reira uaua. Kahore o tenei ao magic ahau e mohio. Ko ahau tere noa i te moana, kahore he hoe, i waho te kaha ki te hanga i taua mea ki te uta. Kia mau ahau haumaru Tangaroa, tena.
Diary, I am alone in the world. So alone that it is terrifying every waking moment. I do my best to remember all that my grandmother has imparted to me but it is difficult. I know nothing of this magic world. I am adrift at sea without a paddle, without the strength to make it to shore. Keep me safe Tangaroa, please.
- Amiria Karauna
Amiria has never had a middle name, she does not know her mother's maiden name and knows nothing of her parents for her grandmother refused to speak of them to her.
Date of Birth:
- March 12th 2033
Current Age:
- 10 years
Basic Appearance:
- slender build, light brown skin tone, dark brown eyes, dark brown / black hair
- can be withdrawn and quiet but before she went to the orphanage she was talkative, exuberant, a little mischievous, always active.
- what is known to her:
Grandmother - Ngaire Karauna [muggle] - her father's mother: she has lived with this woman all her life until just after her tenth birthday. Ngaire died of natural causes and as there was no other family to care for her, social services came and took her from the small Maori tribe she had grown up with and placed her in an orphanage where other Maori orphans had been placed.
- what is not known to her:
Father - Ruru Karauna - [muggleborn] - from an early age he knew he was different, as did his parents who thought that they had been blessed by their gods. One bad incident after another led them to believe otherwise though none were Ruru's fault, they were just unfortunate coincidences. His father went out to fish and never returned, this was before Ruru's eleventh birthday and when a person from the magic school came to offer him his place there, Ngaire sent her away. She returned again but it was Ruru this time who said that he would stay at home and not attend the school. He much like the woman he would fall in love with, never went to Obsidian to get his wand and so went his life without knowing his true ability or what he could be capable of. What he did do, was to try to forget what he seemed to always accidentally do when his emotions were strong and that was to cause something strange and magical to happen.
Mother - Maia Hae Mata - [muggleborn] - her mother never attended a magic school and never possessed a wand, she chose to live among her tribe and attempted to hide the strange things that she could do. A terrible incident many years later after she had given birth to her only child, cost Maia her life and the life of her husband.
- raven - Piki
Area of Residence:
- Orphanage - Hamilton, North Island, New Zealand
Blood Status:
- Half Blood - but this is unknown to her
- Maori
Special Abilities:
- Magical: unknown to her as yet - she is able to do little things without intending to, sending flowers scuttling across the sky like butterflies; making a swarm of bees move in the opposite direction so she can pass safely by their nest
Non-magical:a strong swimmer | excellent at rowing a kayak | can climb trees | cycle a bicycle
Interests :
- life and all it's possibilities
- swimming
- Will always speak up for herself
- Amiable
- Independent
- Imaginative
- Takes the blame for others
- Does not like conflict
- Will take on too much
Describe your character in three words:
- patient | faithful | Sincere
Favourite place to be:
- by water
- none
Hogwarts House:
- not sorted as yet
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- to survive her first term and perhaps make some friends
Best school subjects:
- unsure - but on reading her school text books before arriving at Hogwarts, she has enjoyed potions and charms
Worst school subjects:
- only time will tell
Extracurricular Activities:
- she knows nothing of quidditch or how to fly a broom but perhaps will become adapt at those
- she loves swimming and will be delighted to discover the lake
- she is discovering she has a love of books but this is a slow progression and when she first enters the library at Hogwarts she will be possibly overwhelmed
- not until 2051
Current Job:
- student
Plans for future:
- none as yet
- does not know what a patronus is
Your Patronus memory:
- does not have one viable enough to create a patronus as yet
- death
- will not be one
Mirror of Erised:
- seeing her family, her parents and grandmother with her
A page from your diary:
Rataka, ko ahau anake i roto i te ao. Na anake e te whakawehi reira nga kau oho. mahi ahau toku pai ki te mahara katoa i homai e toku kuia ki ahau, engari ko te reira uaua. Kahore o tenei ao magic ahau e mohio. Ko ahau tere noa i te moana, kahore he hoe, i waho te kaha ki te hanga i taua mea ki te uta. Kia mau ahau haumaru Tangaroa, tena.
Diary, I am alone in the world. So alone that it is terrifying every waking moment. I do my best to remember all that my grandmother has imparted to me but it is difficult. I know nothing of this magic world. I am adrift at sea without a paddle, without the strength to make it to shore. Keep me safe Tangaroa, please.