Amelie White

Amelie White

Active Member
OOC First Name
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
Amelie Riley White
N/A Future Hogwarts
June 9th 2017
New Zealand
Pureblood/half blood/muggle born:
Five words that best describe your character:
Stubborn. Mysterious. Clever. Mean. Sly


Hair Color:
Naturally blonde
Hair Style:
Short, just above her shoulders, and normally slightly wavy, and if wind, blown around her eyes.
Eye color:
Pale Blue


Stubborn - Amelie will go to long lengths to prove her point, and finds herself getting wound up if people do not agree with her. She absolutely has to have her own way. Exceptions being her best friends, in which case she would compromise.

Mysterious - She likes to keep people guessing, leave them at the most inappropriate of moments and generally annoy people with her mysteriousness. It is, to her, extremely fun to keep people wondering and on the edge of their seat.

Clever - Despite her antics, Amelie is very clever underneath. However, her idea of putting her knowledge to good use is to practise dark magic. She loves to excel in the subjects she loves, and completely reject the ones she does not.

Mean - Whilst she is good to her friends, Amelie takes great delight in watching others suffer. She could stand and laugh at somebody who was on fire. She enjoys pranking unsuspecting strangers and ignores the sly looks she gets afterward.

Sly - She believes that to be sucessful, you have to plan things carefully, no matter what. She is lightly mischeveous, and is great at hiding her aims.


Mother - Riley White
Occupation - Death Eater
Father - Andrew White
Occupation - Death Eater

History: Amelie has been brought up by her mother because when she was two years old her father had to leave them due to work with the Death Eaters. Her mother refuses to talk about him, despite her being one herself. Amelie also doesn't know what her blood status is, however she does know her mother is a pure blood. When her mother was at school she was in Slytherin, and worked to become a Death Eater. Due to her mothers hard work and care, and as an only child, Amelie wants to follow in her footsteps. Because she doesn't know what happened to her father, Amelie finds it hard to trust people, and therefore acts very cold to most of them.

At Hogwarts

Your best subject:
Your worst subject:

Extracurricular activities:
Favourite place at Hogwarts:
Least favourite place at Hogwarts:
Do any of the staff members scare you?:
Do any inspire you?:


What you might like to do after Hogwarts:
Amelie wants to follow her mothers footsteps and become a Death Eater
Someone you look up to:
Her mother because even though they've been through alot she's always looked after Amelie and put her first. Amelie knows that family is always the first priority.

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