- Messages
- 72
- OOC First Name
- Pat
- Sexual Orientation
- Undecided
- Wand
- 15 Australian Blackwood with an essence of Unicorn Hair
- Age
- 11/2011

The Basics
[Character's Name:] Amelia Melanie Jones
[First name:] Amelia: Work
[Middle name:] Melanie: Dark skinned
[Surname:] Jones: Son of John
[Character's Birthdate:] November 14th 2010
[Hometown:] London, England
[Current location:] Bordeaux, France
[Blood Status:] Half Blood
[Wand:] 15" Australian Blackwood with an essence of Unicorn Hair
[Education:] Beauxbatons
[Occupation:] Herbologist
[Martial Status:] Single
[Hair:] Amelia has medium length brown hair, which is dyed blonde. It is naturally straight with a few wavy bits.
[Eyes:] Amelia has greeny/blue eyes.
[Height:] Amelia is of average height for her age, 5' 10"
[Style:] Amelia doesn't really have a 'style.' She wears whatever she wants when she wants. Sometimes she may wear smart/casual clothes, then the next time it maybe jeans and a t-shirt. She is very famine though, so she will mostly wear light, soft, neutral colours, nothing that stands out too much.
[A Little Deeper
[Personality:] Amelia is not particularly snobbish, but it is hard for her to warm up to people she doesn't really know, and wont talk to an awful lot of people outside of her comfort zone. Although once she warms up to someone she will be a very loyal friend and becomes her usual bubbly, happy self. She can be a little timid and shy around some people but that doesn't happen often.
[History:] Amelia was born in London, England and had a very privileged childhood with both parents in good paying, high jobs within the Ministry. She was brought up, mainly, by her nanny, Sharline Rhodes, who looked after Amelia and her younger brother, Nathan, as their parents usually worked long hours at the Ministry. At the age of seven, she and her family were moved to Bordeaux, France, with her parents work. This didn't particularly annoy Amelia as didn't have any friends back home. She would only play with Sharline and Nathan.
Having her older nanny and younger brother as company for most of her life she would look up to Sharline and cling to her. By doing this she would, from a young age, follow her about and do everything she did. This consisted of listening to the news and reading the paper. Amelia would always try to act older than she actually was and read the paper, with hopes of impressing her parents so they would actually talk to her instead of 'Good morning,' 'Goodbye' and the occasional 'Hello' or 'Goodnight' as the case would normally be. At the breakfast table her parents would usually ask her if there was anything interesting in the paper to which she wouldn't be able to reply as she would only read the funnies. So determined to impress her parents she began to read the paper and learn about the local news and took interest in it. After a few years of doing this she became very knowledgeable and Sharline would tutor her on other things, magical and muggle.
Some would say Amelia never had a childhood and was an adult before she hit double figures, but she didn't mind this, she preferred to be seen as an adult rather than a child. When her parents had dinner parties Amelia would always be allowed to stay up late, as long as she was on her best behaviour and sing. From a young age Amelia loved to sing, and had a very good voice. She had training once a week from she was five years old, along with piano, violin and guitar practice. She also took up ballet for a few years before they moved to France. At the dinner parties she would tend to talk to her parents friends from the Ministry and if she was lucky, the Minster. She would always show off all her knowledge of the current affairs and impress the Minster and anyone who would talk to her and would discuss things with them for most of the night.
When time came for her to attend school she took the most obvious choice and attended Beaubaxtons. Even though she was English, and spoke English most of the time, she had learned French, Latin, German and Spanish, she the language barrier was no problem for her. She excelled in all of her classes, Herbology being her favourite, as she enjoyed being outside, around nature; her favourite place to study was in the garden under the large oak tree, by the pond. Even though she excelled in her classes she wasn't fond of Potions, as they were stuck in the dark dungeons, which were far too gloomy for her. Even though she was very popular with the Professors, even the ones she would correct, she wasn't popular with her classmates. She wouldn't try to make friends that much as she felt they would keep her back but in return no one tried to make friends with her. A few did try in first year but she was, and still is, shy and after a few weeks of classes they stopped. Amelia felt that they were intimated by her and resulted to snickering at her when she would be outside reading a book and by herself, but Amelia just turned a blind eye and didn't let it bother her.
The rest of school life was like this, only making a few close friends but she spent most of time studying and focused on her studys. She became the Herbology Professor's apprentice in her fif th year as well as a Prefect. Not letting her busy life effect her studys she graduated from Beauxbatons with high grades and continued her love of Herbology and began to travel the world studying different plants and became a full time Herbologist.
[Father] Eugene Jones
[DOB] June 1st 1979
[Blood Status] Half
[Occupation] Member of the Experimental Charms Department in the French Ministry of Magic
[Education] Hogwarts, Scotland - Gryffindor
[Mother] Iris Jones (nee: Williams)
[DOB] May 2nd 1978
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Member of the Experimental Charms Department in the French Ministry of Magic
[Education] Hogwarts, Scotland - Ravenclaw
[Brother] Nathan Jones
[DOB] 17th February 2017
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Chaser for the Chudley Cannons
[Education] Beauxbatons