Amazing Auror time!

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Eileen Doyle

Active Member
OOC First Name
13" Black Limba, Griffin Claw
Hey guys. I need to RP Eileen more.

An interesting thing about Eileen is her sister is a crazed Death Eater. They don't talk, and in fact Cordelia Doyle despises Eileen. It could be an interesting plot, or we could just do a more simple RP. I don't mind either way. I just want to RP someone who is.... sort of normal.

I need friends, probably other Ministry workers. A lover would be nice, but I don't think Eileen would be getting married any time soon.

I would also love to RP Ellen Harper more. Here is her bio:

She works in the International Magical Office of Law!
She needs friends! Ministry workers preferably, but I don't care if they aren't... In actuality, I'd like a groovy guy friend(An Auror or other worker, maybe?). Someone that she works with and has that spark but they don't really realize it until one of them gets with someone else....
I'm kinda going through something similar to this so it would be nice to RP it out and express myself.

It's a plus if your character is using this pb:
or him:

Just sayin'.
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