- Messages
- 139
- OOC First Name
- Kaitlyn
- Blood Status
- Pure Blood
- Relationship Status
- Too Young to Care
- Wand
- Curved 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Blackthorn Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
- Age
- 11/2038
a m a r a n t h a - n i c o l e t t e - s t y x
a - f a d i n g - p a p e r - s h e e t
o n c e - p l a i n - w h i t e - a n d - u n m e a n i n g l y
l o v e - l e f t - a - p r i n t e d - t r a c e
o f - s o m e t h i n g - t h a t - m a y - n e v e r - b e - a l i v e - a g a i n
h e l l - t o - t h e - h e a v e n s
i t - f i l l s - m y - m i n d - w i t h - h e a t
i - r a i s e - m y - h a n d s - a g a i n s t - t h e s e - s h u t t i n g - g a t e s
o p e n i n g - c l o u d s - a b o v e - m e
b a s i c s
- - - - - - - -
[NAME] Amarantha Nicolette Styx
a - f a d i n g - p a p e r - s h e e t
o n c e - p l a i n - w h i t e - a n d - u n m e a n i n g l y
l o v e - l e f t - a - p r i n t e d - t r a c e
o f - s o m e t h i n g - t h a t - m a y - n e v e r - b e - a l i v e - a g a i n
h e l l - t o - t h e - h e a v e n s
i t - f i l l s - m y - m i n d - w i t h - h e a t
i - r a i s e - m y - h a n d s - a g a i n s t - t h e s e - s h u t t i n g - g a t e s
o p e n i n g - c l o u d s - a b o v e - m e
b a s i c s
- - - - - - - -
[ETYMOLOGY] The name Amarantha is a girl's name of Greek origin meaning "unfading". It comes from the flower amaranth. A feminine diminutive form of Nicolas, which means "victory of the people." The surname Styx is very rare, but it has power behind it. It comes from mythology.
[SURNAME ORIGIN] The surname Zhefarovich originates from Romania and Bulgaria. However the heritage of Romanian has long since washed away. The Zhefarovich family is vast. Most of the Zhefarovich family are pure-blooded, and have laws and strict rules which they are known for, and many were either Death Eaters or associated with them. They are known for their tightness and also on how they hate muggles and anything to do with them. While allying with some other families, the Zhefarovich do control others. They are very isolated, and while some people consider them to be legendary, they are also very hostile and malevolent, and will not stop a fight until they die from it. More often than not, they keep to themselves in Bulgaria while some spread around, their main base is in a Manor where no one can access unless they know where it is, and have many other secret places. The Zhefarovich had this tradition to give into the inner dark nature, and many other traditions that if broken, one would die. The origin of Styx was by none other than her grandfather. After he was on the run from the Ministry, he started over with a new name, and had a clean slate. No one knows where he had gotten the name Styx from, but it represents one of the four rivers in the Underworld. So far, only their family is recognized with the last name, and most of them are pure-bloods, so it is a pure-blooded family.
[ALLIANCE] Neutral
[BIRTHDAY] November 1st, 2038
[AGE] 11
[GENDER] Female
[LANGUAGES] English, Bulgarian
[ORIENTATION] Demisexual
[HOMETOWN] Styx Manor that is located in a private, unplottable place in New Zealand
[RESIDENCE] Styx Manor
[HERITAGE] 3/4 Russian, 1/8 French, 1/8 Bulgarian
[BLOOD STATUS] Pureblood
[WAND] Curved 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Blackthorn Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: Bending to its side, this wand is more difficult to aim than its straighter counterparts but provides character that some simply cannot pass by.
Wood: A wand best suited for a warrior-type, Blackthorn wands bond most strongly to their owners after going through adversity.
Core: One of the rarest of wands cores, thestral hair is not to be taken lightly as a wand core. Thestral hair is a tricky ingredient to work with and will not just bond with any caster. This core works best for people who have faced death in the past. Because of the fears of the creature from which it comes, rumors have abounded that thestral hair wands have no allegiance to the wand's wielder.
Flexibility: A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.
[OCCUPATION] Student[HEALTH] Healthy
[PET] A munchkin cat named Niccy
[THEME] Coming soon
p e r s o n a l
- - - - - - - - - - -
[OVERALL] - - - - - - - - - - - -
Meaning: introverted, intuitive, feeling, prospecting, turbulent
Group: Diplomats
Also Known As: Mediator
Strengths: idealistic, seek and value harmony, open minded, flexible, very creative, passionate, energetic, dedicated, hard working
Weaknesses: too idealistic, too altruistic, impractical, dislike dealing with data, take things personally, difficult to get to know
[IDOL] -
[5WORDS] -
z o d i a c
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
[SIGN] -
a p p e a r a n c e
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[HAIR] -
[EYES] -
[SKIN] -
[VOICE] link
[HAND] -
f a v o r i t e s
- - - - - - - - - - - -
[COLOR] - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[FOOD] -
[DAY] -
s c h o o l i n g
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
[SORTING] This is her post
Eagerness to learn something, or dreading being away from her family, Amarantha could not shake the feeling she couldn’t distinguish in her gut. The upside to all of this would be that she had her only brother, twin, with her, in her year. She held his hand tightly since she did not want to be separated from him at the moment. Mari had a codependency issue with her twin, likely due to her mom passing away when they were born. Their father worked every chance he got, so the only stable person in her life was her brother. Mari glanced at him as the first years were sorted, one by one. She knew that she would be going first. Her line of family members were all mixed, so there was no telling where she would go. Soon enough, she heard her name. She reluctantly let go of her brother’s hand and walked up to the stool. She sat down and closed her eyes as tight as she could. She wanted to be with her brother, but since she was first, she couldn’t ask for his house. Not when he was after her.
"You are first and while that might seem like a bad thing, it might be good too....and certainly, where you're heading will help you on the way....Hufflepuff,"
[YEARS] Y35 - Y41
[GRADES] Gradebook
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