Amara Cherce Austin

Amara Austin

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hazel Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Pixie Dust
A M A R A – C I N N A M O N - A U S T I N

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FULL NAME: Amara Cherce Austin
NICKNAMES: Mara, Tidbit
BIRTHDAY: December 8th, 2014
AGE: 25
LANGUAGES: English & slight French
WAND: Hazel Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Dragon Blood
BROOM: Doesn’t Own One
OCCUPATION: Currently unemployed
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
THEME SONG: Ready to Go – Panic! At the Disco
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HAIR: Amara has long golden blonde hair that normally falls to the middle of her back. It is very thin and normally soft feeling to the touch. Amara spends a lot of time taking care of her hair and making sure it looks perfect. She will style her hair in a variety of ways. It really depends on her mood.
EYE: Amara is bright blue eyes. They tend to be lightly colored, but they stand out easily. Sometimes the shade will brighten or dim depending on the light.
WEIGHT: 118lbs.
BUILD: Amara is fairly petite. She has little to no muscle tone, nor does she have much height to her. Amara does have some curves to her though in certain areas.
SCARS: Amara has no noticeable scars that she knows of.
SMILE: Amara’s smile has been described as being pretty and inviting. Her smile is said to be good at drawing people in. Sometimes it can also be considered to be a bit mysterious too.
STYLE: Amara’s Closet
PIERCINGS: Navel and ears.
TATTOOS: Amara has no tattoo’s yet, but she would like to get one.
FEELINGS: Amara takes pride in her appearance. She likes to make sure she looks good. She will go out of her way to be fashionable and whatnot. Amara does accept that she has flaws but she likes to keep them hidden by her confidence and any other way she could manage. Amara is aware of the fact that she does have good looks. But she doesn’t exploit them as much as she would like to.

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FAVORITE FOOD: Lemon Herb Chicken
FAVORITE SONG: Africa – Toto
FAVORITE SAYING: “I had a dollar for every ugly person I’ve met, I’d be the richest woman in the world.”
LOVES: Peanut butter, fashion, art, lotus flowers, shoes, make up, autumn, stars, poetry, jewelry, handsome men, birds, iced tea, ribbons, beaches, sunsets, books, vanilla, baking, and bonfires, and sleeping in.
LOATHES: Anything sloppy, bugs, spiders, people who have no appreciate for art or the classics, boring people, the clock outside of her room, humid weather, wearing a bathing suit.
ERISED: It would be Amara becoming a world famous artist, and her falling in love.
BOGGART: A Dementor. Although she has no reason for such a thing to come after her she fears ever confronting one. She finds them to be utterly creepy.
DEMENTOR: Amara’s worst memory would probably be the day she got lost in the woods when she was much younger. She wandered off while her dad was meeting with someone and she happened to get lost. Amara wandered through the woods for a good seven hours before she was found. Never again has Amara bothered to venture into the woods again.
PATRONUS: Although it sounds silly, Amara’s favorite memory to date was the first painting her father ever bought her. Whenever Amara thinks of it she becomes really happy. It was only a replica, but it was what first brought Amara into her love of art work. The painting was Starry Night By Vincent Van Gogh.
PATRONUS FORM: An Ocelet – As Ocelets are described to be alluring and mysterious cats. They are rare to find and a bit different than most cats, but they are very valuable.
AMORENTIA: Peanut butter, vanilla, and the smell of old books.
VERITASERUM: Amara’s biggest secret is probably that she saw her father having an affair with another woman, and has never told another soul. That and she is scared to fall in love.
STRENGTHS: Amara is very good at pulling people in and making them feel comfortable around her. There is something very alluring about her. Amara is also very talented at potion-making even though she doesn’t really like to make them. Amara is very good with anything fashion-related. She is good at putting things together to make them look good. Amara has a creative edge to her so she is able to make a lot of things interesting. It has also been said that she is a very good kisser, but Amara doesn’t believe these statements.
WEAKNESSES: Amara tends to overthink things. She often assumes the worst without even meaning to. Amara also has a tendency to desire being independent even when it’s obvious that she needs help. Amara is also a horrible artist. Even though she loves art, she has a horrible time making her own.
FIVE WORDS: Fashionable, alluring, creative, bold, confident
PAPARAZZI: Shot 1 Shot 2
OVERVIEW: personality overview goes here
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INNOCENCE: Amara has not lost her virginity
APHRODISIACS: Peanut butter
TURN ONS: Artists, smirking, fashionable, hint of cologne, dark eyes, good body, aggressiveness, intellect, possessiveness, Amara hates to admit it but she is often attracted to guys who are very cocky and whatnot. She tries to make it seem like she doesn’t though.
TURN OFFS: Slobs, bad breath, someone who doesn’t appreciate art, rudeness, sleeping around,
IDEAL MAN: Amara wants a guy who is willing to be with her through thick and thin. He has to share a love of art and fashion with her too. Amara wants someone who won’t be afraid to show that he cares from time to time either. Amara is also known for being a spoiled brat at times so she hopes that she’ll also find someone who can spoil her and make her feel like a quee.
THOUGHTS ON ROMANCE: Amara dreams od findingf her prince. But she also recognizes the fact that she is too young to be really looking for someone to fall in love with. Amara thinks that romance can be very complicated and even though she is afraid to fall in love to an extent, a part of her desires to have someone care for her in that manner.

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SCHOOL ATTENDED: Salem Witches' Institute
TITLES: Prefect
BEST SUBJECTS Potions & Arithmancy
FAVORITE SPELLS LEARNED: Avifors – Which t urns inanimate objects into birds.
Hasn’t Taken
Hasn’t Taken

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Mother – Arianna Hartley – Pure blood - Unspeakable

Father – Thomas Austin – Half-Blood – Art Collector

Elder Brother – Oliver Austin – Mixed-Blood - Shopkeeper

OTHER IMPORTANT FIGURES: Valera Vyhnal – Her best friend. Amara often goes to her when she needs advice on things her parents cannot give her.
PET: A Tawny owl named Alaska. Amara also has an appaloosa horse named Pepper
BIRTHPLACE: Northampton, Massachusetts
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Northampton, Massachusetts
HOME FEATURES: House, Bedroom, Living Room,
HISTORY: Amara was born in Northampton Massachusetts on February 4th, 2014 to Thomas and Arianna Austin. She was their second child, but their first daughter. Arianna had wanted a daughter badly, and was eager to spoil her greatly. Even from a young age Amara was given whatever she wanted. Toys, horses, clothes, she was just like a princess. Her brother was easily jealous of her and how much her parents spoiled her, so Amara and her brother never got along well as kids. Oliver did whatever he could to cause misery in the young girl’s life. Even as much as to letting her get lost in the woods for several hours when she was a little girl.

When Amara was right years old, her father took her to her very first art show. Amara was instantly smitten with how beautiful all of the pieces works were. Her father saw how happy she was to be there and bought a replica painting for her. It was Starry Night By Vincent Van Gogh. Amara was so happy to receive the painting. That was the day she fell in love with the beauty of art. Not just painting but sketching, abstract, everything about it. It became a whole other world to Amara. Sadly though, Amara quickly discovered that she had little artistic ability. She tried and tried to produce something decent, but it always turned out to be a mess. Amara opted to just collect and appreciate art instead of wasting her time on trying to do something she wasn’t very good at. Amara let her talents in other areas shine through though. Amara was very smart, she had a good memory and was able to figure things out quickly, and because of all the time she spent around clothing, she had a very good nose for fashion. When Amara turned eleven her parents tried home schooling her for a year. But Amara’s bratty and arrogance towards her tutors made it hard for her to learn much. Amara was sent to Salem for her schooling. Amara found it hard to make friends there but over time she made friends and excelled in her studies. During Amara’s third year, she came home to what she thought was an empty house. She went upstairs to see if her mother and father were just in their office, but she ended up looking into her father having an affair with some other woman. Her father wasn’t aware that she had seen him with the other woman, and Amara never told. The actions of her father brought her to believe that love was a fake word used by people. Amara managed to become Prefect at the start of her Fifth year. She isn’t very happy about receiving the title but she wears the badge proudly. Amara plans to go with her father to Paris during Christmas for another art show.

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<COLOR color="black"><COLOR color="black"><FONT font="timesnewroman"><SIZE size="50"><COLOR color="black">This bio was coded and such by me Jessye. Please do not use unless you've been given permission by me first. Some of this bio was influenced by Kaitlyn so some credit goes to her. Any images used are from Hollow Art or Tumblr!​

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