Amalia Bridgeton

OOC First Name


Family Photos


Lia, Her father, Aunt and Brother on a hiking trip, a rare event in the Bridgeton family

Full Name:
Amalia Marina Bridgeton

Date of Birth:
August 15

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Amalia's hair is long and silky blond. She was told she gets it front her mother's side of the family. She is quite tall for her age and is often mistaken for much older then she actually is. Her complexion is tanned, very contrasting her her light hair, everyday looks like she just got back from the beach. Her eyes are very blue, and hard to read. It almost looks as thought the colour changes from time to time.

Lia is all around shy. A quiet pre-teen girl who likes to keep to herself most of the time. However, it doesn't mean she is anti-social, she does try her best to talk to others when they are around, but sometimes she feels like she just needs to be alone. She is uneasy about trusting people, and has abandonment issues.

Family History:

Amalia Bridgeton was born the first child of Arthur Bridgeton, and Marina Van Der Hoft. The Bridgetons were a well respected and very wealthy muggle family in London, who had not been expecting to have a wizard for a son. Regardless at age 11 Arthur was sent to Hogwarts were he was sorted into the Slytherin house, and where he eventually met Marina. In his eyes she was a goddess, blond haired, blue eyes, something you would imagine to have come from Mount Olympus and for him it was love at first sight. The two began dating officially in their 7th year, and although Arthur took it seriously Marina never did, she was a full blooded witch with an attitude, who was just around to woo whomever was 'worthy' of her time.

When the two discovered they were expecting a child, scandal broke out with the Bridgeton family, it had been a mistake, something that certainly was not planned. Arthur, despite multiple proposals could not get Marina to marry him, regardless of the situation, she kept making excuses about how she didn't want to get married just because she was pregnant. Amalia was born and things seemed alright for a while, the couple lived in the Bridgeton Manor, and soon discovered that so shortly after their first child was born she was pregnant again! Marina had never even wanted the first child but Arthur was so excited about it she went through with the pregnancy again. Less than a year later Aston Bridgeton was born.

A month after the birth of their second child, Arthur came home to discover that his wife had vanished, with nothing but a note explaining that she never loved him, and didn't want a family so she was leaving the children with him to raise. It was safe to say he was heartbroken, and now with the help of his family had two children around the same age to raise. The children initially grew up believing that their mother had died in childbirth with Ashton.

Over all the Bridgeton children has a relatively normal muggle childhood, as normal as it could be in the high society in which they were raised, with no knowledge that once day they would be going to Hogwarts. As the children grew older, with matching blue eyes and white blond hair, people often assumed that Amalia and Ashton were twins because they were so close in age. When Amalia was about 7 years old strange things started happening, she could make things levitate, and soon her brother was starting to show similar symptoms.

To get them away from the public eye their father made the decision to relocate his law practice to New Zealand, where he would have the support of his younger sister, Annaliese. Life there was pretty great, they had warm weather which was quite the difference from London, and honestly Amalia was glad to be away from all the 'training' to become a proper lady. She was just glad to finally be able to just be a normal kid.

When Amalia turned 11 she received a letter explaining to her that she was a witch and would be attending a magical school. At first she had thought the letter was a joke but, soon her father sat her down and explained everything to her. He explained that her mother had been a witch and he had been a muggle born wizard that the two of them had met at school. With all the truth in her mind now, Amalia wasn't sure what to make of this new school, she also didn't want to leave her brother, because for the longest time it had been just the two of them relying on eachother. Her father assured her that her brother would be joining her the next year and with that she reluctantly accepted the school's invitation and now it awaiting the adventure before her.

A Black owl named Mercutio, which she has only just recently acquired

Area of Residence:
Started out in London and eventually moved to New Zealand for a new life.

Blood Status:

Special Abilities:
none that she is aware of yet

Interests or Hobbies:
Amalia loves to read, and to cook. With no mother, and after moving away from their charmed life style she had to learn how to cook so that her family wouldn't die of starvation.

Additional Skills:
Very detailed memory

Her confiedence

She is not very good at magic yet because she feels like she is behind having had no knowledge of it. Her physical strength is also a weakness, although she is quite tell she is slender and injures quite easily.

Describe your character in three words:
Sweet, Excitable, Shy

Favourite place to be:
By the ocean, listening to the sound of the water and reading one of her favorite books

Amalia has not many friends, her friends in England were mostly forced upon her, and since arriving in New Zealand she has been spending most of her time with her brother, therefor not really having the opportunity to make any new friends. She is also somewhat of a tomboy, and doesn't relate very well to girls of her own age.

Hogwarts House:
She has no preference towards house, she doesn't really know much about them. She knows that both of her parents were in Slytherin, but has no concept of what that means.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
To learn as much as possible about magic, and to come out of her shell and get to know new people, and make some friends.

Best school subjects:
Charms, and History of Magic

Worst school subjects:
That would easily be potions, although she loves to cook she can't seem to get over the idea that what she is creating has actual power, something always seems to go wrong.

Extracurricular Activities:
So far nothing, though she is interested in learning how to fly and perhaps eventually join the quidditch team

still a student

Current Job:

Plans for your future:
Not entirely sure, she has so many interested that she can't really decide yet what she wants to do. She does know that she wants to have a family, and to actually be there for them.

Your Patronus:

Your Patronus memory:
When she was 6 years old she got lost in the forest behind the manor and her father came and found her.

Your Boggart:
Losing the only family that she has left

Your Animagus:

Mirror of Erised:
She would see her mother, wanting to be around, and being a family.

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