Alyssa Snow

Alyssa Chevalier

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Willow Wand 13 1/4" Essence of Veela Hair

Alyssa Snow


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Distant Friends
Family Friends
Protective Over Me
Protective Over You
Former Enemies


Former Friends
Name Basis
Met Once


Mortal Enemies
Hardcore Enemies
Average Enemies
Mutual Dislike
One Sided Enemy


Puppy Love
Like Family
Mutual Crush
I Have A Crush On You
You Have A Crush On Me
I Look Up To You

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House & Year:
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Our History:
What Do You Think Of Alyssa? (i.e. general comments):
Link To Your Relationship Thread:


Name: Henri Russo

Age: 12

House & Year: First Year Slytherin

Our Relationship: Best Friends, I Have a crush on you, Close Friends, Family Friends

Our History: I've been friends with Theodore since we were both really young. But I had never met you until the day the three of us boarded the Hogwarts Train and Theodore told me who you were, we also had played a few times when we were younger.

What Do You Think Of Alyssa? (i.e. general comments): Henri believes Alyssa to be one of his best friends. He has a lot of fun hanging out with her.
Henri still has a slight crush on her.

Link To Your Relationship Thread:
Click Here

Name: Theodore Snow
Age: 11
House & Year: Slytherin First Year
Our Relationship: Protective Over You, Annoyances, Close Cousins.
Our History: Were cousins.
What Do You Think Of Alyssa? (i.e. general comments): You may be a pain in the butt. But your my I do care what happens to you.
Link To Your Relationship Thread: I don't have one.

Name: Angus Greenwood
Age: Eleven
House & Year: Slytherin First Year
Our Relationship: Student Friends, Average Friends
Our History: We met on the Hogwarts Express, and became friends quickly (although I really don't like your cousin). We were sorted in to Slytherin together, which I guess makes us housemates?
What Do You Think Of Alyssa? (i.e. general comments): I think you're pretty cool, not to mention a little cute! I'm glad we're in Slytherin together, I guess that means we can become good friends...I hope.
Link To Your Relationship Thread: right here, right now.
Name: Bianca Felicity Petrescu
Age: 11+
House & Year: Hufflepuff First Year
Relationship with me:I look Up To You, Average Friends, Student Friends.
Our history: Well i'm not sure where we've met but we'll seeing each other in classes and around the school.
What Do You Think Of Alyssa? (i.e. general comments): You're really funny and fun! We're not really that close but i'm sure we will be. At first, i thought your character was just another Stuck-up Slytherin Princess, but you aren't. I actually enjoy being around your company! And you've been a great pal at spamming xD
RPs we have together: Later.
Link to your Relationship Thread: Click!

Name: Isabella Chaos
Age: Eleven
House & Year: Slytherin First Year
Our Relationship: Best Friends!, Roommates, House mates, Partners In Crime!
Our History: We met on the Hogwarts Express and just clicked. The ride to school was pretty interesting haha
What Do You Think Of Alyssa? (i.e. general comments): Cool chick with awesome sense of fashion. Together we will rule Slytherin!!
RPs We've Had Together? Here are just a few, The Lakefront, The TriWizard Stands, Here's our current one: In the Dungeons Fighting with Henri & Patricia, & more!
Link To Your Relationship Thread: HERE! :)
Name: Aiden Lorka

Age: 11

House & Year: First Year Gryffindor

Our Relationship: Student Friendship, Mutual Crush?

Our History: I've seen you in classes and I actually talked to you for the first time at the TWT :D

What Do You Think Of Alyssa? (i.e. general comments): Aiden thinks she very pretty and strong minded. He also has a slight crush on her.

Link To Your Relationship Thread:

Name: Alphonse Snow

Age: 40

House & Year: Slytherin Graduated

Our Relationship: Family

Our History: You are my first child and have always been daddy's little girl. I will love you no matter what decisions you decide to make in life.

What Do You Think Of Alyssa? (i.e. general comments): Your are a true Snow and your mother and I am sure you will go far in life.

Link To Your Relationship Thread: I'll make one later in time.

Name: Margaux Snow

Age: 38

House & Year: Beauxbatons Graduate

Our Relationship: Family

Our History: You are my first child.

What Do You Think Of Alyssa? (i.e. general comments): Your are a beautiful young girl with so much potential if life. Your father and I expect to see great things come from you in time. Remember that no what happens we will always love, and support you in anything you do.

Link To Your Relationship Thread: Later


Name: Annamarie Rousseau

Age: 11

House and Year: 1st Year Gyffindor

Our Relationship: Good friends

Our History: We first met on the Hogwarts Express on the way to school and we hung out quite a few times after that (remember that one time I got lost in the dungeons?!? lol). I am glad that we are friends!

What I think of Alyssa: You aren't afraid to be yourself and you seem like you don't let others opinions of you effect who you are. I respect that a lot! PLUS...You have an awesome sense of fashion. We should go shopping together sometime...maybe you could give me a make-over!

Link to my wall: Here is mine!

Name: Patricia Rogers

Age: 12

House and Year: 2nd Year Hufflepuff

Our Relationship: Average Friends, Student Friends

Our History: We first met I think in the Dungeons (not sure tho) Met again in that fight between me and Henri against you, Bella and Aiden. Then we made up in Great Hall

What I think of Alyssa: I think you are a really nice person, even for a Slytherin

Link to my thread: In my siggy :D

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