Alyssa Chevalier

Alyssa Chevalier

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Willow Wand 13 1/4" Essence of Veela Hair
Perhaps It's True

*That ANGELS Are Among Us*

Darling, what did you do for those pearls?
What! I am a good girl!

-[Name] Alyssa Christelle Chevalier nee: Snow
-[Name Meanings]
Alyssa: Beautiful and Noble Sort
Christelle: Believer
Chevalier: Knight
Snow: Frozen Rain

-[Origin] Although Alyssa’s first name isn’t French, the rest of her name came from her French ancestors. She had a great aunt named Christelle whom had a high position in the family and was considered to be one of the most beautiful women of their time. Margaux believe Alyssa would some live the same fate. Her first name was given to her by her mother because her family was believe to have descended from royalty.
-[Nicknames] Aly, Barbie, Snowflake,
-[Birthdate] December 12, 2008
-[Age] 20
-[Gender] Female
-[Sexual Orientation] Heterosexual
-[Dialects] French and English
-[Hometown] Bordeaux, France; House
-[Residency] Balclutha, New Zealand; Her house
-[Heritage] Full-blooded French
-[Blood Status] Mixed-Blood (1/2 Veela)
- [Blood Type] A-
-[Wand] Willow Wand 13 1/4" Essence of Veela Hair
-[Wand and Core Properties]
Willow: Comes from the tree of enchantment. A feminine wood which harnesses the power of moon and water. Seeks a companion with psychic energy. Excellent for Moon Magic and Healing Spells.
Veela Hair: Veela wands are temperamental like the creatures they come from, and are considered too volatile for a decent wand core in many circles. However, some wizards, particularly those with Veela blood, enjoy the boost it gives to outdoorsy magic, divinations, and Charms. The Veela’s inherent intelligence makes finding these wands among the non-Veela blooded most common in Ravenclaw. The Veela Hair in Alyssa’s wand Came from her mother, this wand was made specially for her and she inherited when she started school.
- [Current Year/School/Occupation] St. Mungos Healer
- [Health Status] Healthy
-[Allergies] Bee Stings
-[Pet] Snowy Owl, named Pierre and a Pomeranian Dog, Named Snowball
-[Alias’] Half-Breed, Traitor (Given to her By Theodore)
-[Special] N/A</COLOR></SIZE>
My address today, LA by the way
Above Sunset Strip, the hills all the way
<SIZE size="50">
-[Five Words] Graceful, Girly, Gentle, Warm, Prideful
-[Personality] Alyssa is the type of girl you would expect to win a beauty pageant without even trying. Most people will easily notice that she is very graceful both in appearance and the way she does things. It's hard for her to make herself appear ungraceful even when she is upset or something. Most people have said that anger and hurt don’t mix well on her face. Alyssa takes a lot of pride in her appearance and one of her greatest dislikes is when someone looks shaggy or scummy. Because of her veela blood though it's not very hard for her to look good but she still takes as much time as possible to make sure she looks perfect. Alyssa is very girly and is not up for very sweaty or harmful activities. There is and always has been a part of Alyssa that makes her a little snotty but over the years it has died down a little and she has become far more friendly and welcoming towards others. Alyssa loves to makes friends and especially loves to meet people who are into fashion or healing which is what she wants her future profession. Alyssa likes to help people as much as possible and it has made her driven to do more good than her family has ever done. She has a romantic side who loves everything a typical girl would love, her ideal could would be thought by her as the typical 'knight in shining armor' type of guy. Alyssa can seem a little flirty and passionate but it's usually only shown to her boyfriend. She seems very confident and happy to most. But there is a part of her that is lacking the self-esteem she always seems to portrays which is due to the constant abuse from her father and her veela that often has her wondering of people really like her for her.
-[Beliefs] Alyssa believes that Blood Prejudice is wrong and that everyone should be accepted for who they are. Alyssa also believes that helping the innocent is a priority in life.
-[Boggart] Death Eaters because they kill people like her and could be a threat to her new family. She also blames them for forcing her and her brother to grow apart.
-[Dementors] Alyssa’s worst memory would be when she saw her mother’s bloody corpse in the floor of the Main hall and a several black cloaked figures plus her father standing over her body. Alyssa was very close with her mother and that happened to be her first encounter with Death, Death Eaters, and the cruelty her father displays to those in his life.
-[Likes] Winter, Jewelry, Clothing, Animals, Diamonds, Glitter, Ribbons, Hair Bows, Lattes, Vincent, Perfume, Candles, Kisses, Cuddling, Stars, Pumpkin Spice Muffins, Egyptian Cotton, Cashmere, Cool Weather, Modeling, Singing, Dresses, Romance, Herbs, Make-up, Making Love, Christmas lights, Hot Chocolate, Manicures, Pedicures, Shopping, doing other people’s make-up, flowers, fine wine, shoes, Cupcakes, Vanilla, Burlesque Theater’s, Almonds, Soy, Jelly Beans, Chocolate, Candlelight Dinner, Belly Rings, Cute Guys, Oceans, Beaches, Giraffe’s, Lace, Stuffed-Animals, Juicy Couture, Vogue, Cute Clothing, Purses, Love, Healing, Cherries, Snow, Paris at Night, City Lights, Nail Polish, Scarves, Beauty Pageants, Vegetables, and Smoothies.
-[Dislikes Bums, Odor, Meat, Players, Spiders, Being Broke, Loneliness, Summer, Blood, Dark Arts, Death Eaters, Prejudice, Goths, Fishnets, Killing, Arguing with people she loves, being bullied, animals being harmed.
-[Goals] Become a Healer and Start A Family. Possibly get back into modeling someday.
-[Good Habits] Good Posture, often Polite, Good Hygiene.
-[Bad Habits] Can be Obsessive about Looks and occasionally snotty to others who don’t look like her.
-[Strengths] Alyssa is skilled with most magical spells and is quite advanced for her age. Since she is also Half-Veela she is able to seduce and charm men to do her bidding at times. She is able to remain innocent looking even when she has something up her sleeve.
-[Weaknesses] Alyssa is quite small and not very physically fit so she could easily become harmed by others. Sometimes her charming ability can become a nuisance as well when she accidentally charms or attracts someone she didn't mean to, as well as transform and become dangerous to others.
-[Loyalties] The Chevaliers, Aurors, and Healers
-[Magical Talents] Alyssa is very good with Charms and defensive spells.
-[Other Talents] N/A
-[Patronus Form] A Dove
-[Annoyances] People who don’t take care of themselves, and people who call her a Half-Breed or fake.
Told the others, my lovers from past and present tense
Do your thang honey
-[Zodiac Sign] Sagittarius
-[ Mutable Sign] Flexible, Adaptable and Thrive on change.

-[Zodiac Positive Traits] Honest, open-minded, staight forward, ethical, charitable, generous, good sense of humor.
-[Zodiac Negative Traits] Exaggerating, blunt, impatient, pushy, tactless, talks too much.
-[Zodiac Likes] Unlimited freedom, alternative or unusual ideas, being on the move all the time, plentiful food and drink, perfumes and beauty aids of any kind, gambling, raffles and lotteries, and recreational flirting with those aforementioned people.
-[Zodiac Dislikes] Disapproval of others, inclined to keep in the end, being too safe, secure, or confined, administrative details, and above all having their basic honesty doubted by others for any unmerited reason.
-[Zodiac Colors] Blue, Royal blue, Purple, White
-[Zodiac Starstone] Turquoise
-[Planet] Jupiter
-[Planet Positive Traits] Success, ambition, inspiration, growth, expansion, wealth, optimism, generous, aspiring.
-[Planet Negative Traits] Extravagance, pomposity, conceit, very lazy, over confident, fanatical
-[Element] Fire
-[Element Positive Traits] self-expression, creativity, courage and enthusiasm.
-[Element Negative Traits] Lack of interest, egotistic, excessive self-centeredness, self-importance.
-[Birthstone] Turquoise
-[Birthstone Meaning] Turquoise Stones are powerful healing stones... and will filter the fifth element, ether... into the etheric body. From there it then weaves this element into the physical body... to create a deeper level of healing.

I don't know what you did boy but you had it
And I've been hooked ever since
-[Martial Status] Married
-[Whom?] Vincent Chevalier
-[Reason/Why?] ; Within moments of meeting Vincent back in the beginning of her third year Alyssa felt a natural chemistry with him and ever since that day her feelings for him had only grown stronger. He has proved to be a very good friend to her and an even more amazing boyfriend. Vincent is exactly the type of guy Alyssa wants and she feels very lucky to have found him. He is the one person she feels comfortable being herself around and because of that she agreed to marry him and keep him forever as hers.
-[When?] Relationship: December 25th, 2024; Proposed: December 25th, 2026; Married: December 26th, 2026
-[Turn Ons] Toned Arms, Slight Facial Hair, Blue eyes, Charming Smile, Good Order, and Expensive Clothing
-[Turn Offs] Players, Prejudice, Raggedy Look, Odor, Bad Kisser
-[Aphrodisiacs] White Chocolate, Candles, Cologne, and Rose Petals.
-[Preferred Male] Someone who is very Romantic and Sensual. Who will always be by her side when she needs him and spoil her from time to time. It would also need to be someone who appreciate’s a good sense of fashion.
-[Former Lovers] Aiden Lorka & Leo Baxter
-[Preferred Dates] A Night of Cuddling in Bed, Walks under the Stars, Shopping, Candlelight Dinner, Going to the Beach
-["Purity" Status] No longer "pure"
-[By Whom?] Vincent Chevalier
-[When?] December 25th, 2026

What was cloudy now is clear, yeah yeah
You're the light that I needed
-[Playby] -----
-[Ages Used] Fourteen & Fifteen, , Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen
-[Former Playbys] Taylor Momsen
-[Ages Used] Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen
-[Hair Type] Thin and silky
-[Hair Color] Platinum Blonde
-[Hair Length] Goes to Mid-back when fully straight.
-[Eye Color] Sparkling, crystal blue
-[Eyes Reflected] One would see someone with a soft heart and gentleness who just longs to be accepted and loved. Alyssa is easily able to hide the emotion in her eyes and replace it with innocence.
-[Eye Color Meaning] Blue is an intense and energetic color that has connotations of the wide-open sky, sun energy, electricity, the power of conscious
thought, and that which is direct and unhidden. Blue eyes may indicate a forceful, direct person who has an immense vitality and a gift for insight and
-[Height] Five feet ten
-[Weight] 118 Pounds
-[Complexion] Snowy Pale and very smooth.
-[Scars] A couple of Scars given to her by Alphonse
-[Birthmark] N/A
-[Smile] Beautiful, Soft, and Seductive
-[Body] Slim and slightly curvy, Alyssa is also tall but carries herself gracefully.
-[Piercings] Navel and Earrings
-[Tattoos] Simple Heart on back of Neck and that is unknown to everyone but her and her brother.
-[Dominant Hand] Left
You're the kinda guy a girl finds in a blue moon
You got soul, you got class, you got style with your bad a**
-[Clothing Style] Preppy and Cute
-[Shirt Size] Extra Small – Small American Size
-[Shirt Style] Beauty Tops
-[Pants Size] Size 3 American Size
-[Pants Style] Skinny Denim
-[Skirt Size] 3 American Size
-[Skirt Style] Frilly and Lacy
-[Shoe Size] Six
-[Sneakers] Flats
-[Boots] Uggs
-[Sandals] Flip Flops
-[Dress Shoes] Heels
-[School Uniform] Uniform One & Uniform Two
-[Hair Style] Straightened and shiny, occasionally wavy and full.
-[Pajamas] PJ Style
-[Make-Up] Varies from Light and simple to darker and sexier.
-[Accessories] Necklace, Engagement Ring
-[Overall Summary] Alyssa’s style is very expensive and preppy looking. At times she can also wear more revealing clothing if her mood is up to it. Alyssa isn’t fulyl afraid to flaunt her long legs and stuff like she was when she was younger. She does like to be comfortable but she would prefer to look good more than anything, she will spend hours on her appearance making sure she looks just right.
We've lost it all, the love is gone
She has won. Now it's no fun
-[Favorite Store] Vera Wang & Charlotte Russe
-[Favorite Color] Pink
-[Favorite Animal] Giraffe
-[Favorite Shape] Heart
-[Favorite Weather] Snowy
-[Favorite Food] Pumpkin Spiced Muffins
-[Favorite Activity] Shopping
-[Favorite Person] Vincent Chevalier
-[Favorite Name] Azelle
-[Favorite Book] Les Misérables
-[Favorite Music] R&B,
-[Favorite Memory] Meeting Vincent for the First Time
Got that glitter on my eyes
Stockings ripped all up the side
-[School] Hogwarts New Zealand
-[House] Slytherin
-[Special Title] None
-[Extracurricular Activities] Heta Omega, Student Defense Association President, Quidditch Cheerleader, Conglomerated Arts Club
-[Favorite Subject] Care of Magical Creatures
-[Best Subject] Herbology
-[Loathed Subject] Muggle Studies
-[Worst Subject] Arithmancy
-[Favorite Professor] Professor Snow
-[Loathed Professor] Professor Lowe
-[Grade Average] Outstanding
-[OWL Grades]
Potions: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
History of Magic: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Average
Astronomy: Average; Exam: Average
Transfiguration: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Outstanding
Herbology: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Charms: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Divination: Average; Exam: Average
Muggle Studies: Average, Exam: Average
Ancient Runes: Poor; Exam: Average
Care of Magical Creatures:; Exceeding Expectations Exam: Outstanding

-[NEWT Grades]
Potions: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Herbology: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Charms: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Ancient Runes: Poor; Exam: Poor
Artihmancy: n/a; Exam: Average
Care of Magical Creatures:; Exceeding Expectations Exam: Outstanding

-[Graduation Year] 2027

You know we're superstars
We are who we are!

-[Husband] Vincent Avery Chevalier
-[Information] Mixed-blood, Beauxbatons Alumni, Former Prefect, 11/14/2006, Auror
-[Playby] Leonardo DiCaprio
-[Roleplayer] Sir Kaitlyn


-[Son] Chacen Alphonse Chevalier
-[Information] Part-Veela, 12/2/2028,
-[Playby] Unknown
-[Roleplayer] Reserved


-[Father] Alphonse Selvere Snow
-[Information] Pure-blood, Slytherin Alumni, 12/18/1987, Death Eater
-[Playby] Nick Lachey
-[Roleplayer] Jessye


-[Mother] Margaux Eloise Knight
-[Information] Veela, 12/3/1986, Model, Deceased
-[Playby] Christina
-[Roleplayer] Sir Kaitlyn & Jessye


-[Paternal Grandmother] Zephina Joselyn Snow
-[Information] Pure-Blood, Ex-Death Eater, 4/5/1959
-[Playby] Catherine Cole
-[Roleplayer] n/a


-[Paternal Grandfather] Valere Alexandre Snow
-[Information] Pure-Blood, Slytherin Alumni, Former Prefect, Ex-Death Eater, 10/25/1957, Former Head of the Snow Family
-[Playby] Steve Bacic
-[Roleplayer] n/a


-[Maternal Grandmother] Liliana Olette Knight
-[Information] Veela, 5/5/1968, Deceased
-[Playby] Charlize Theron
-[Roleplayer] n/a


-[Maternal Grandfather] Xeius Lucien Knight
-[Information] Veela, 5/28/1965, Deceased
-[Playby] Josh Holloway
-[Roleplayer] n/a


-[Father-In-Law] Amauri Patrice Chevalier
-[Information] Half-blood, Ravenclaw Alumni, Former Prefect and Head Boy, 02/22/1987, Auror
-[Playby] Jensen Ackles
-[Roleplayer] Sir Kaitlyn


-[Half-Brother] Xavier Michele Snow
-[Information] Pure-Blood, Hufflepuff Alumni, Former Beauxbatons Student, 11/29/2006, Chaser for The Quiberon Quafflepunchers
-[Playby] Ashley Angel Parker
-[Roleplayer] Jessye


-[Half-Sister] Gabrielle Desideria Snow
-[Information] Pure-Blood, 11/29/2006, Beauxbatons Alumni, Healer
-[Playby] Julianne Hough
-[Roleplayer] Jessye


-[Brother] Theodore Yzak Snow
-[Information] Half-Veela, Slytherin Seventh Year, Prefect & Head Boy, Quidditch Captain, 12/12/2008
-[Playby] Dave Williams
-[Roleplayer] Jessye


-[Sister] Amethyst Julianne Snow
-[Information] Half-Veela, Beauxbatons Fourth Year, 2/21/2012
-[Playby] Ashlee Simpson (Red Hair)
-[Roleplayer] Patricia


-[Sister] Daniella Mallorie Snow
-[Information] Half-Veela, Beauxbatons Fourth Year, 2/21/2012
-[Playby] Ashlee Simpson (Blonde)
-[Roleplayer] Jessye


-[Sister] Romaine Alias Snow
-[Information] Half-Veela, Slytherin First Year, 2/22/2015
-[Playby] Jesse McCartney
-[Roleplayer] Jessye


-[Sister] Kendra Caterine Casey Snow
-[Information] Half-Veela, Slytherin First Year, 2/22/2015
-[Playby] Chloe Moretz
-[Roleplayer] Sir Kaitlyn


-[Sister] Aphrodite Veronique Snow
-[Information] Half-Veela, 2/14/2017
-[Playby] Deltra Goodrem
-[Roleplayer] Sir Kaitlyn

You can Take a Picture of Something You See
In The Future where Will I Be?
Alyssa Snow was born on December 12, 2008 right after her fraternal twin Theodore to her pure blood father and Veela mother. At first everyone seemed proud for the second birth of twins in the family and tried their best to ignore that they were in fact half-breeds of the worst sort. Since they were raised in a wealthy pure blood family that was known for power and Dark Arts they were spoiled form birth. Alyssa was also taught to appreciate nice clothes, jewelry, and style by her fashion designer influence mother which is what made her because the diva barbie every appears to see her as today. Growing up she never really saw much of her father due to him being a Death Eater and unlike her twin brother Theodore she was never told about his status and interest in the dark arts. So she grew up in the dark of what her father was, however she knew very well who the Death Eaters were because they were always over at her home and she was terrified of them.

Until Alyssa was eleven years old she was raised as nothing more than a spoiled brat who was used to getting whatever she wanted and when she wanted it. She had indeed inherited her father's magical ability so it did not come as a surprise when she had gotten an acceptance letter from both Hogwarts New Zealand and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, one was close but the other one had family history so the school she would attend was highly argued over. Alphonse won over Margaux and insisted that she and her brother would most likely be sorted into Slytherin like many others from their family had, so on September 2020 Alyssa travelled many miles to New Zealand where she would finally attend a wizarding school like she had wanted for so many years. On the train she met up with her Cousin and family friend Henri Russo who started to argue to Alyssa figured it wouldn't be worth sitting with them and found a different place to sit. It was then that she met Isabella Chaos, Angus Greenwood two fellow Slytherins as well as another good friend Annamarie Rousseau. The group clicked well at first and all of them but one was sorted into the same house.

Both Alyssa and Theodore were sorted into Slytherin most likely due to their cunning and arrogant natures that stuck out because they believed in blood purity. With Hogwarts also hosting the TWT things got really exciting fast, by this point Isabella and Alyssa had become really good friends and Alyssa had also met a boy and her first crush Aiden Lorka. It wasn't long before they were dating and they even attended the Yule Ball together, Aiden happened to be Alyssa's first kiss. After a fight between Henri and Patricia in the Dungeons things went a bit hectic for Alyssa as she and Aiden ended up breaking up due to his feelings for her best friend. This caused a short fight between the friends which was soon amended after a small confrontation between the two. The rest of the first year was a blur and before she knew it she was a second year at Hogwarts. Sometime during the middle of her second year Alyssa discovered she wasn't a pure blood but was in fact Half-Veela due to her mothers blood. At first Alyssa was scared and didn't really understand what was happening, but her father's opinion towards them changed greatly when he discovered they were in fact Half-Breeds...a race he was disgusted by.

During October of her Third year, during a trip to Brightstone Alyssa met up with Vincent Chevalier, whom she was instantly attracted to. They spent a whole afternoon together and ended up deciding to write letters to one another so they could keep in contact with one another. Nothing much else happened except Alyssa meeting Nia and Abigail Lurken which caused the accidental forming of the Glam Squad. Other than the usual gossiping and shopping Alyssa years were often filled with a lot of drama. Towards the end of Third year she had also met Hadan Johnson who had become an instantly good friend of Alyssa's.

During the beginning of Alyssa's Fourth Year she had left the Glam Squad because she felt as if it were not right for her to be there as she was trying to change herself. Alyssa had a small talk with Ava Prince and eventually decided that perhaps she was wrong and went back to rejoining the Glam Squad with many apologies to her friends. However she began to branch out a little and started to associate with others for friendship as well. During the middle of her Fourth year she began to date a Seventh year boy named Leo Baxter who fell victim to her Veela charm and was smitten by her. Things had been going fine between the two until the summer before her fifth year when her and Leo had broken up and Vincent whom had still been the object of her affections showed up. Alyssa tried to confide in him but since his feelings were hurt he left her alone and miserable that he didn't accept her back like she wanted him to. It wasn't until Alyssa's Fifth year that she had become a completely different person. She had decided that she wanted to aspire and become a Healer when she was old enough and carefully selected her classes so that she had all the required ones to become one. Alyssa's attitude changed a lot and even though she was bummed that she had not made Prefect she had continued to keep up her classes. Alyssa was named a co-leader of the SDA and also Social chair of the Heta Omega Sorority which she found to be a high honor.

Alyssa's attitude had changed completely and although her snobby attitude still slightly remained she had become much kinder and was more in tune with trying to be as friendly as possible. On Christmas of December 2024 she was asked by Vincent to meet him under the stars at Brightstone. There the to ended up confessing they loved one another and soon agreed to go steady and become boyfriend and girlfriend. Their confrontation was cut short because of their fathers showing up and showing bitterness but the two ended up still spending the night together and have agreed to write one another until they could see eachother again.

-[Photo Albums]

*I did not make these, credit goes to those who actually made these for me










*I did not make these, credit goes to those who actually made these for me








*I did not make these, credit goes to those who actually made these for me
*I did not make these, credit goes to those who actually made these for me







*Some of these have been made by me but a Few Have not



Let's not lose this chance!
Hold onto my hands!

-[Best Friends] Vincent Chevalier, Hadan Johnson
-[Close Friends] Theodore Snow, Gabrielle Snow, Abigail Lurken, Efeyenia Samartzi, and Damian Metzger
-[Friends] Colton Kovac, Patricia Styx, Ava Prince, Katalina Vanderhol,
-[Acquaintances] Aleyha Devearux, Miriah Johnson, Aiden Lorka, Ariah Rowan

<FONT font="lucida"><COLOR color="black">Code: Made by me, Sir Kaitlyn.
Lyrics: - by ; Christina Aguilera & Coldplay
Influence: Thank you, Zoey and Jessye, for influencing me with the code.
Snow Family
Generation II Currently: 25
Adelina Snow married Saber Gillet
Had: Adele Snow and Adorlee Snow
Valere Snow married Caterine Roy
Had: Isaac Snow, Alphonse Snow, Anastasia Snow, Seraphine Snow, Noah Snow, Zuri Snow, Effie Snow, Leon Snow and Katarzyna Snow
Alice Snow married Byrant Rufus
Had: Julienne Snow, Lacey Snow, Masson Snow, Diamanta Snow, Garnet Snow and Page Snow
Catherine Snow married Mayne Petit
Had: Lyle Snow, Alexander Snow, Reve Snow and Vardon Snow
Isabelle Snow married Henri Morel
Had: Emilie Snow, Corbin Snow, Fifi Snow and Charlaine Snow
Tiffany Snow married Leodegrance Renaud
Had: Calanthe Snow and Leal Snow
Harriett Snow married Andy Poulin
Had: Deverick Snow, Lionell Snow and Bretta Snow
Felicity Snow married Destan Monet
Had: Donatien Snow, Reule Snow, Lealia Snow and Richelle Snow
Sharlene Snow married Landers Maçon
Had: Fleur Snow and Therese Snow
Rique Snow married Sylvie Legrand
Had: Roche Snow, Madelon Snow and Cendrillon Snow
Aramis Snow married Lorayne LeBlanc
Had: Avery Snow, Christophe Snow and Davet Snow
Celestine Snow married Esme Guillory
Had: Julius Snow, Warrane Snow and Kalle Snow
Dion Snow was killed before marrying or bearing children
Generation III Currently: 71
Adele Snow married Quenton Gosselin
Had: Adriella Snow and Adora Snow
Adorlee Snow married Macon Foss
Had: Xanthe Snow
Isaac Snow has not married or bore children
Alphonse Snow had children with Danielle Lefevre is widowed to Margaux Knight and married Nataliia Dragonov
Had: Xavier Snow, Gabrielle Snow, Theodore Snow, Alyssa Snow, Amethyst Snow, Daniella Snow, Nazaire Snow, Kendra Snow, Romaine Snow, Aphrodite Snow, Lucien Snow, Lucretia Snow, Katrina Snow,
Jean Snow
and Emma Snow

Anastasia Snow has not married or bore children
Seraphine Snow had a child with unknown
Had: Garrett
Noah Snow (accidentally) had children with Nataliia Dragonov
Had: Valor Snow, Timothee Snow and Dominique Snow
Zuri Snow has not married or bore children
Effie Snow has not married or bore children
Leon Snow married Svetlana Khamidouline
Had: Sophia Snow and Valentino Snow
Katarzyna Snow has not married or bore children
Julienne Snow married Xenon Gagnier
Had: Rae Snow and Raffaello Snow
Lacey Snow married Landen Favreau
Had: Lamisa Snow and Leri Snow
Masson Snow married Haley Fontaine
Had: Pierre Snow, Patrick Snow and Nycole Snow
Diamanta Snow married Travis Duval
Had: Tacey Snow
Garnet Snow married Terra Durant
Had: Thaddeus Snow, Thatcher Snow and Favian Snow
Page Snow has not married or bore children
Lyle Snow has not married or bore children
Alexander Snow was killed before marrying or bearing children
Reve Snow has not married or bore children
Vardon Snow has not married or bore children
Emilie Snow married Cassius Desrosiers
Had: Cailean Snow
Corbin Snow married Dextra Dufour
Had: Crystal Snow and Decima Snow
Fifi Snow has not married or bore children
Charlaine Snow married Genero Paget
Had: Glora Snow
Calanthe Snow has not married or bore children
Leal Snow married Florrie Royer
Had: Jillian Snow, Gracie Snow and Horace Snow
Deverick Snow married Kyrie Plourde
Had: Laraine Snow, Lin Snow, Madra Snow and Marin Snow
Lionell Snow married Nola DeGarmo
Had: Octavia Snow, Orianna Snow and Prince Snow
Bretta Snow has not married or bore children
Donatien Snow married Serafina Sauveterre
Had: Severino Snow
Reule Snow married Sidra Yount
Had: Simeon Snow, Terry Snow, Topaz Snow and Vega Snow
Lealia Snow has not married or bore children
Richelle Snow married Aric Villeneuve
Had: Calixthe Snow, Damon Snow and Dorcas Snow
Fleur Snow has not married or bore children
Therese Snow has not married or bore children
Roche Snow married Dycis Delacroix
Had: Evadne Snow
Madelon Snow has not married or bore children
Cendrillon Snow has not married or bore children
Avery Snow married Elifiah Augustin
Had: Lilika Snow
Christophe Snow married Helia Bonnaire
Had: Greta Snow
Davet Snow married Karis De la Fontaine
Had: Lethia Snow
Julius Snow has not married or bore children
Warrane Snow has not married or bore children
Kalle Snow has not married or bore children
Generation IV Currently: 53
Adriella Snow married Placido Patenaude
Had: Sienna Snow
Adora Snow married Leone Richelieu
Had: Mita Snow
Xanthe Snow married Giacomo Sarkozy
Had: Eitan Snow
Xavier Snow had children with Cassandra Zhefarovich
Had: Lolita Zhefarovich and Lysander Zhefarovich
Gabrielle Snow has not married or bore children
Theodore Snow is married to Aleyha Devearux
Had: Astarte Snow
Alyssa Snow is married to Vincent Chevalier
Had: Chacen Chevalier
Amethyst Snow has not married or bore children
Daniella Snow has not married or bore children
Nazaire Snow was killed before marrying or bearing children
Kendra Snow has not married or bore children
Romaine Snow has not married or bore children
Aphrodite Snow has not married or bore children
Lucien Snow has not married or bore children
Lucretia Snow has not married or bore children
Katrina Snow has not married or bore children
Jean Snow has not married or bore children
Emma Snow has not married or bore children
Garrett has not married or bore children
Valor Snow has not married or bore children
Timothee Snow has not married or bore children
Dominique Snow has not married or bore children
Sophia Snow has not married or bore children
Valentino Snow has not married or bore children
Rae Snow has not married or bore children
Raffaello Snow has not married or bore children
Lamisa Snow has not married or bore children
Leri Snow has not married or bore children
Pierre Snow has not married or bore children
Patrick Snow has not married or bore children
Nycole Snow has not married or bore children
Tacey Snow has not married or bore children
Thaddeus Snow has not married or bore children
Thatcher Snow has not married or bore children
Gracie Snow has not married or bore children
Horace Snow has not married or bore children
Laraine Snow has not married or bore children
Lin Snow has not married or bore children
Madra Snow has not married or bore children
Marin Snow has not married or bore children
Octavia Snow has not married or bore children
Orianna Snow has not married or bore children
Prince Snow has not married or bore children
Severino Snow has not married or bore children
Simeon Snow has not married or bore children
Generation V Currently: 5
Sienna Snow has not married or bore children
Mita Snow has not married or bore children
Eitan Snow has not married or bore children
Lolita Zhefarovich has not married or bore children
Lysander Zhefarovich has not married or bore children

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