Alyss Crow

Alyss Crow

Active Member
A totally awesome, limited adition STICK!
a . l . y . s . s . b . l . a . z . e
athena crow

“Can I ask you a question please
Promise you won't laugh at me
Honestly I'm standing here
Afraid I'll be betrayed.
As twisted as it seems, I only fear love when it's in my dreams
So let in the morning light and let the darkness fade away”

c . a . n . i . a . s . k . y . o .u
a question please

♥FULL NAME: alyss blaze athena crow
♥NICKNAMES: aly, lyssa, blaze
♥GENDER: female
♥AGE: eleven
♥HOUSE: slytherin
♥YEAR: first
♥BORN: 31 of december, just after 12pm
♥HERITAGE: french
♥RESIDENCE: thames, new zealand
♥HOMETOWN: deveraux, france [/b]

p . r . o . m . i . s . e . y . o . u . w . o . n . t
laugh at me

♥HAIR: dark blond/gold, curly, waist-length
♥SKIN: pale
♥EYES: hazel/gold
♥HEIGHT: 4”3
♥WEIGHT: slim, almost unhealthy
♥CLOTHING: skinny jeans, sneakers and tees
♥SCARS: one on her knee from falling off her bike and grazing her knee
♥GOOD FEATURES: slim figure, pretty hair, small enough to look innocent and cute
♥BAD FEATURES: too small to be taken seriously
♥VOCAL TONE: soprano
♥HANDEDNESS: right-handed

h . o . n . e . s . t . l . y . i . m . s . t . a . n. d . i. g . h . e r. e .
afraid i’ll be betrayed

♥FOOD: loves fries, yoghurt, salads, fruit | hates pineapple
♥DRINK: loves orange juice, pumpkin juice | hates coffee
♥COLOUR: loves pink, purple, green. blue | hates yellow, red, orange
♥ANIMAL: loves horses, owls | hates most other animals
♥HOBBIES: loves sports, fashion, singing, acting | hates swimming

♥MUSIC: plays the guitar and flute, love pop, rock | hates broadway music, rap, hip hop [/b]

a . s . t . w . i . s . t. e . d . a . s . i . t . s . e . e . m . s
i only fear love when it’s in my dreams

alyss blaze has a habit of being bossy because she is used to forcing others to do things so she gets what she wants. alyss is a twin. alyss hates being a twin. alyss hates having someone who looks and talks just like her. alyss is essentially the ‘evil’ twin. if alyss hadn’t been born a twin, perhaps she might have turned out nicer. or maybe if her parents hadn’t died, alyss might be more caring. alyss always felt as if her parents loved her twin more than her, and alyss craved more attention from people.

alyss can be nice when she chooses to, but she prefers not to be nice unless befriending someone would be an advantage to her. On some rare occasions, alyss is nice just for the sake of being nice. She is good at manipulating people. alyss will pretend to be friends with someone and gain their trust.

she cares for nobody apart from herself, and will betray anyone she wishes. alyss is very intelligent and knows a lot of pointless things that she will never have to use. school is important to alyss, though she pretends it isn’t. alyss firmly believes that she can not care about anything, as everything she cares about will be taken away.
alyss used to be a nice little girl, until her parents died. Since then, she has learnt not to trust anyone.

♥WANTS: get a job as a writer
♥FEARS: water – alyss almost drowned when she was six
♥GOOD QUALITIES: intelligent, loyal
♥BAD QUALITIES: paranoid, bossy, control-freak
♥MANNERISMS: avoids eye contact when talking

s . o . l . e . t . i . n. t . h . e . m . o . r . n . i . n . g . l . i . g . h . t
and let the darkness fade away

♥MOTHER: sara amanda crow (deveraux), witch, thirty-two, deceased
♥FATHER: oliver james crow, wizard, thirty-two, deceased
♥SISTER: alyss blaze athena crow, witch, twin, hogwarts student | madrigal “maddy” radiance sara crow, witch, 14, home-schooled
♥COUSINS: all cousins attend beauxbatons
♥OTHER FAMILY: laura ann crow, paternal aunt, muggle, 26, ravenclaw graduate
♥PETS: bichon frise X chihuahua called dustfinger

alyss blaze was born in france, and lived there until 2019, when her parents died. then she moved to new zealand to live with her aunt laura. as alyss showed an interest in learning, she quickly became aunt laura’s favourite of the three girls. alyss’s elder sister madrigal was easy to control, and always did as alyss wanted. alyss wasn’t exactly cruel to her sisters, though she was very bossy. aunt laura tried teaching alyss about the dark arts, and alyss developed a slightly morbid nature because of this</COLOR>

♥LYRICS: black roses red – alana grace
♥you may use this form for your biography, pm ysobella crow for the template!

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