Altiyan Lee

Altiyan Lee

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OOC First Name
SECTION ONE: Basic Information

Altiyan Lee


1st January . Age 23

~Zodia Chart~
Star Sign ; Capricorn
Stone ; Garnet
Color ; Black , Brown and Grey
Planet ; Saturn
Element ; Earth
Lucky Number ; 8 and 2

~Blood Status~
Half Blood

~Blood Type~

SECTION TWO: Appearance

Dark ash blond that is scruffy and long

Dirty grey with a light blue hue

Strong hard set jaw line with strong fretures and full lips

~Height & Weight~
Well built with strong muscles. Standing about 6ft

~Identifiable Features~
Tattoo ; Tribal design over right shoulder and down arm
Scar ; claw scratches along his left side and back, from an encounter with a beast

Dark black jeans and a shirt. Often wears a long black coat

~Face Claim~
Chris Hemsworth


Fits well with members of the Scitorari, a group in while he has desires to join. He is dark and slightly disturbed with a hatred towards muggles and muggle sympathizers. He appears to others as arrogant and a flirt with a large ego. But deep down he is just lonely after the love of his life left him and took his unborn child too and just when he was starting to get closer to them they died. He uses alcohol to mask his pain and violence to vent it. He hates his own company for the thoughts that come to him when he is alone, but hate being around people who annoy him, and because he is easily annoyed he chooses to be by his self often.

~Word Discription~
Dark || Unpredictable || Deceptive || Malicious || Unstable

The company of woman and the taste of alcohol. He loves a good rush of adrenaline and the feeling of fear.

Any and ALL Aurors! other Ministry Officials and the Ministry of Magic itself.

~Strength / Talents~
He can be very charming when he wants to be and can convince people into doing his bidding by giving them a wicked smile and telling them it's a good thing to do. He can also be very deceptive when it comes to Blackmail and twisting peoples emotions

~Weaknesses / Fears~
Smoker, somehow he picked up the nasty muggle habit of smoking but enjoys the rush it gives him to quit. He also has a weakness when it comes to his old family, his girlfriend and baby daughter who died.



Names ; Michael "Mitchie" Lee and May Patterson-Lee
Blood Status' ; Half-Blood and Muggle-Born
Birth dates ; 17th August and 8th June
Living Status ; Living
Description ; They raised him among muggles with him not believing in magic until he finally did magic and received his letter to Hogwarts. His relationship with his parents is odd as he hates them for letting him associate with muggles as a child and not telling him of his blood line. He does not hate them and deep down loves them but does not go and visit them ever. The last time they were together at the same time was at the funeral of his girlfriend and child.

Name; Haylee Samuels
Blood Status ; Half-Blood
Birthday ; 30th December
Living Status ; Dead
Description ; Altiyan loved Haylee whilst at Hogwarts, she was in Slytherin also, but was highly intelligent and beautiful. Altiyan knew he never had a chance with her. During their second year at school a yule ball was held but Altiyan did not attend and sat near the forest with a group of friends smoking and being stupid. In their last year at school the yule ball was held again and Altiyan, asked Haylee to the ball. She said yes, and he had no idea why she said yes but was very happy. They stayed together from then on and fell in love. After leaving school Altiyan continued to look at the Scitorari as a group he wanted to join. However Haylee did not approve. After she fell pregnant and money became an issue Altiyan got into doing illegitimate jobs for money and the couple began fighting until eventually she left him.

Name; Lacey-May Lee
Blood Status ; Unknown
Birthday ; 12th December
Living Status ; Dead
Description ; Haylee had already left him by the time Haylee was born and for a few months he wasn't allowed to see her. He loved Lacey as much as he still loved Haylee but knew their relationship wasn't going to change. Altiyan was invited to Lacey's first birthday party at Haylee's home and things were starting to look up for them however on the day of the party everyone waited at Haylee's house while Haylee picked Lacey up from her nana's. On the drive home they collided with a tired truck driver her had driven over the center line. Haylee was killed instantly whereas Lacey suffered, her body mangled in the backseat of the car until the flame hit the gas and the car exploded.

~Country of Origin~
Hungary and Europe

~Best Memories~

~Worst Memories~
The call from the police saying there had been an accident and Haylee and Lacey had died. He rushed to the accident scene.. he has nightmares about what he seen most nights.

Attended ; Hogwarts New Zealand
House ; Slytherin


~Current Occupation~
Somewhat of Mercenary, does odd jobs for people whether it's legitimate or illegitimate it doesn't matter as long as it pays.


Cheap apartment block with limited running water and no heating or air conditioning

~Relationship Status~

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