Alodiah Lancaster


Party girls don't get hurt
Can't feel anything, when will I learn
Full Name: Alodiah Maribel Lancaster
Pronunciation: Al-Oh-Dee-Ah
Nicknames: Carrots (thought its not used so much anymore)
Name Origins: Latin
Date of Birth: July 3rd, 2002
Current Age: Currently thirty six</FONT>
I push it down, push it down
I'm the one "for a good time call"

Basic Appearance: Alodiah has fair skin and brown hair on most occasions, though at times it can appear to have red highlights or a reddish tinge in the direct sunlight.
Personality: Alodiah is sweet to most of the people in her life. Of all of her siblings she had the tendency to be the nicest. However that was only within her family unit. Outside, in the real world where she couldn’t tell pureblood from muggleborn, she tended to be rather cruel to everyone she suspected to have a tainted heritage. She has very strict views on blood status and does not like to have her views questioned. The thought that maybe muggleborns are magical because they are allowed into wizarding society makes her angry to the point of a magical explosion. She is strict on her children, but she is fair with them. Alodiah gets along with only a few members of her family, but hates her parents with a burning passion.
Family: --</SIZE></SIZE>
Phone's blowin' up, ringin' my doorbell
I feel the love, feel the love

Pets: She has no pets of her own.
School: Beauxbatons
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: Scottish-American/English
Interests or Hobbies: She likes photography and design.
Strengths: --
Weaknesses: --</SIZE></SIZE>
1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 drink
</i> 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 drink

Describe your character in five words: --
Best school subjects: Potions, Charms
Worst school subjects: Transfiguration
Current Job: None
Plans for the future: --
Patronus: --
Patronus memory: --
Boggart: --
Animagus: --

<COLOR color="#000"> 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 drink
</i> Throw 'em back, till I lose count

<FONT font="verdana">Now hear this kiddies. This template is created by me with thanks to Tenilee. No touchy or I break you... Kay Oh , oh and song lyrics are "Chandelier" by SIA.​
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