Almost a newbie

Robert Kain

father 🎉 live for the experiences
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Sturdy Cedar Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
9/2009 (54)
Robert came out of the griffindor common room, he felt like a first year, even though he was back in his second. The first thing on his list was to see Larissa. He hadn't forgiven himself for not seeing her before now, and was desperate to see her.

He made his way down the corridor, and passed what look like a few first years, who seemed to be as lost as he was.
Larissa had heard Robert was back.
She'd been prowling the seventh floor corridor for hours, snapping when first years asked her what she was doing up there.

Larissa was just about to give up when she heard, yet again, someone leaving the common room.
Larossa poked her head round the corner and saw-
"Robert!" Larissa squeeled, running towards him.
Roberts head jerked as he heard a familiar voice. He saw Larissa running towards him and he started grinning. "Hey!" he put his arms out to hug her. "I am soo sorry i didn't say anything" he said, hugging her close. If he could have changed it before he would. "What have you been up to?" he asked trying to sound casual, still hugging her but looking down into her eyes.
Larissa felt warm and protected in Robert's arms.
"It's ok," she said, pushing months of anger to the back of her skull.
Larissa smiled up at Robert. He was only a bit taller than her.
"Lessons, shopping, being lonely." Larissa sighed.
"Libby left too not long after you- And I've missed you so much.." Larissa pinkened a little as she said this.
Her eyes sparkling blue, her hair blonde white.
"What about you? How have you been?"
Robert felt slightly guilty now. If Libby had left too, her best friend, she would have been very lonely. "Im sorry" he really was. He gave a light shrug, "Mum and Dad are out of the country. Alex is having to come out of school to look after the younger ones. Did i ever tell you what happened?" he asked, taking Larissas hand and jumping up onto the window sill, patting the seat next to him.
Larissa sat beside Robert.
"No," Larissa replied, "But do tell me."
She was eager to listen, to take her mind off the problems ahead.
Robert started his story. "Dad's work. It turned out to be something else, he isn't a doctor as we thought he is, was. I can't tell you what, but he's been put in prison because of it. Mums been taken to another part of the country, we have no idea where, but Alex is looking after us, which is why i came back here, to make it easier for the older ones." he said, looking around to see if there were any lurking students. "What about you? What have you been up to?" he asked.
Larissa's eyes were wide at Robert's story.
She supposed she could forgive him.
"Oh.. just um.. Been hanging around." Larissa said, thinking how boring her life was.
"Listen," she said, cutting to the chase, "About us," Larissa said this loosely, "Are we... just friends?"
Robert looked at Larissa strangely. "I know ive been away a long time, but arn't we still...?" he didn't say it. Where they still together? He hadn't been without Larissa before, it would feel as lonely as ever.
Larissa felt awkward.
She was stand very close to Robert and her eyes were gazing deeply into his.
She'd felt empty without him. She didn't care that he was muggle-born, he was her muggle-born!
At that moment, Larissa felt something spark inside her, something which made her do something highly surprising to everyone around.
She reached her hand up to grip the back of Robert's head, she pulled him close and kissed him.
Her first propper kiss.
Robert was aware this may end up badly, and was starting to fell disappointed as Larissa stood in front of him, catching his eyes. The next thing he was least expecting though. He kissed her back and put his arms round her. After a moment he leaned back but kept his arms round her waist. "So," he paused, smiling, "What's this mean?" he grinned and hugged her. "Ive missed you. I really have" he said seriously, now looking into her blue eyes.
"I've missed you too." Larissa said, her blue eyes already speaking the words for her.
She slowly became aware of the wolf whistles nearby.
Larissa turned slightly pink.
"Come on," she said to the love of her life, "Let's go for a swim in the lake."
She beamed him a beautiful white smile that clearly said, everything will be alright.
Robert smiled and turned to raise his eyebrows at their audience. He took her hand and followed her to the lake. If he was right in thinking, it was where they'd met. "I love you by the way" he mentioned quietly on the way there.
Larissa smiled as they made their way down the staircases. "I love you too."

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