Alleara Vendalwood

OOC First Name
Birch Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Dragonstone
The Basics
Character's Name: Alleara Ambrose Vendalwood
Character's Birth date: 6th, September 2019
Home-town: Liverpool, England
Blood Status: Half-blood
Wand:Birch Wand 14 1/4 essence of dragonstone
Educated At: Durmstrang
Occupation: Student

Hair: Long, tumbling in loose waves around her shoulders and down her back to her waist, black, looking slightly brown in some light.
Eyes: Bright blue
Height: 5'7
Style: Casual, jeans, shirts, skirts, dresses- mostly wears flat shoes. E.g boots, ballet flats, sandals, converses.
Other Distinguishing Features: Small Tattoo of a black butterfly on her left shoulder. Her parents and her sister's names along the inside of her right wrist.

A Little Deeper
Personality:Nice, sweet and caring to those she loves, but determined and ready to fight for what she believes in, hard working, closed off to most people, she however does not believe in true love, especially at first sight.
History: Both of Alleara's muggle-born parents died in a car accident when she was 9, and she, and her younger sister, soon after went to live with her wizard great-uncle and his son. she does not believe in love due to neglect from her uncle and the loss of her sister, whom she lived with along with her great-uncle and cousin, she died when Alleara was 15 due to a terribly painful sickness. Luckily Alleara had her best friend, whom was also her cousin, to help Alleara through her sorrow and despair.

Mother: Real estate agent. Died at age 36, in a car accident with her husband after a drug driver had ran a red light on their way home from dinner for their 10th wedding anniversary. Her given name was Tyler Amber Rose, her mother had past away from a heart attack when Alleara was 5, and her father had left her mother before she was born, and was unknown to Tyler. Allear looks like both her parents but mostly to her mother's likeness, with black hair, though whereas Alleara's was long and wavey, Tyler's hair was mostly kept short and neat, falling lightly just above her shoulders, with her same creamy skin and long legs as Alleara. Alleara got her commitment and determination from her mother, Tyler being a business woman, but if she were still alive Tyler would have wanted Alleara to know that love and family was most important. Tyler had been fully English, living only in Liverpool her whole life. Tyler's middle and last names were combined to make Alleara's idle name Amber and Rose into Ambrose.(deceased)

Father:Ethan Travis Vendalwood died on his 10th wedding anniversary, having been hit while driving by a drunk driver who had foolishly ran a red light as Ethan and his wife were driving home from their formal dinner away from their two daughters that night. Ethan had been trapped in the crash and had watched his wife die before dying himself. Ethan was born in England, thought his parents were of German and Irish decent, and that mixed accent was pasted on to Alleara, as was his bright blue eyes, like his own mothers. Ethan parents had both died when he was young, and he regrated that they had never gotten to see heir granddaughters. Ether is where the source of Alleara's kindness and caring had come from, as was the source of her skilful piano playing as well as her magic, though he chose to live a normal life. Ethan had fallen madly in love with his wife from the second he had saw her, and was still madly in love with her until he day he died, and it could very well be argued that he'd died from a broken heart and not from the car accident itself. he'd had brown hair, which had been passed on to his youngest daughter, and worked as a lawyer before he'd died, wanting to make things right in a world full of wrongs. his father and uncle, Alleara's great-uncle, had both been wizards, though his father had chosen to live a normal mortal life, and so Ethan had also chosen to live a normal wife with his family. Ethan's first and middle names are also combined into a middle name for Alice, Ethis, being Ethan and Travis together(deceased)

Little Sister: Alice Ethis Vendalwood was only 6-years-old when her parents died on the night of their wedding anniversary, and if it had not been for her older sister, Alleara, Alice felt that she would have sunk into despair and horror over having to live with her great-uncle, who was neglecting to everyone and mostly stayed up in the highest tower of his castle, practising magic and potion-mixing. Alice looked up to her older sister, wishing to be as greater wizard as her when she was older. Alice looked more like her father with brown wavy hair and blue eyes, the mirror image of her sisters. When Alice was 13, one morning she vomited blood, falling ill and being in unimaginable pain, not that she let her sister know, and could barely even talk. she knew that she would die before even having her great-uncle say it, and on the night that she died she made Alleara swear to be the best wizard this age had ever seen, sparking Alleara's determination, she also made her swear that she would mourn for no longer than three days, which Alleara also followed obediently. (deceased)

Cousin: Alleara's cousin is Jace Vendalwood, who is only a year older than Allear, soon after she comes to live with him and his father, they become bestfriends, and he looks out for her at school and anywhere else, being that little bit older and feeling protective over her. His mother died at childbirth and most times he felt as if his father blamed him for her death, even if he had never said so to Jace, and that had lead to his lonely childhood. His hair is fair golden, his eyes looking much the same colour, and with being an only child alone in a huge castle, he had trainded himself in magic, combat and anything else to entertain himself during his isolated childhood years. (wizard)

Great-uncle: Alleara's great-uncle, Lucian Vendalwood, is a cold man, having locked himself away when his wife had died giving birth to his first son, and refusing heartache and grief. Many people believed he was mad, driven to insanity by his despair and mourn for his wife, nephew and niece-in-law. His hair has whitened to I fine white-grey colour and years from the sunlight has paled his skin. He is not much in the world anymore, but stays locked away in the highest town. (wizard)

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