All of the stars

Professor Lyra Potter

Mother of 4 💜
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Chimera Scale Fragment Core
It was late, later than students were supposed to be out of their houses, as Lyra Potter quietly climbed the stairs to the North Tower. She had brought her star charts, even though she didn't have any intention of doing actually doing homework. Mostly, the Gryffindor wanted to make it look like homework if she got caught by a professor or prefect. She also carried a large quilt in her bag with her. Her mother had made it out of old quidditch team t-shirts that had belonged to her parents. She didn't have much to remind her of her dad, but this was one of them. It was one of her prized possessions that she kept on the end of her bed every night and had for years. Her parents had always been weirdly in to the stars. Stargazing was something that they had frequently done together, and Kiera had still done with the children after James vanished. Lyra had a love of the stars, and tonight was the perfect night for stargazing. The night sky was completely clear.

Lyra looked around the tower, pleased to find it completely empty. She took out her quilt and spread it across the hard stone floor before sitting down on it. She pulled a second blanket out of her bag and wrapped it around herself. Autumn was just beginning, and the air had a distinctive chill to it. Lyra's emerald eyes looked up at the sky, watching the stars.

Silus swung his feet over the side of the bed, sighing in frustration. He stood and gave the room a quick glance over, making certain that no one would miss him. It had become a routine for him, and he crept out of the dormitories, heading for the North Tower. It was one of the places at the school where he found something akin to peace -- a rare occurance in his life. He supposed it made him feel more at "home". Not that he really had a home, but it was what he remembered as one. Spending many a night out on the streets, or in the woods, he'd look at the stars and pretend he was somewhere else, somewhere better -- Knowing under those same stars were people living better lives than he was.

Entering the tower, something felt off. Silus wasn't alone tonight, he groaned. Who'd be up here at this hour of night but himself?
Well, he was about to find out, because whoever it was, they were most likely up to some mischief. His icy blue eyes locked onto a small dark figure sitting in the floor. He tilted his head, not able to see who it was in the dark, but they seemed to simply be stargazing. He smirked. Probably just a spirited firstie. He thought, silently moving closer. "Not scared of getting caught?" He asked in a low voice, smirking.

"Not me. You know I love trouble." the Gryffindor answered with a smile to the familiar voice behind her. It was a voice that sent shivers of excitement up her spine. It was a totally new feeling to her. Lyra had never felt the way about anyone that she did about Silus. She doubted Silus knew it was her when he saw her, but he would know her voice. She hadn't expected him to show up here tonight, but he wasn't unwelcome. There was still a lot of what Silus did that she didn't know, or understand despite the fact that she probably knew him better than anyone else in the school did. "I did bring homework as an excuse though." Lyra admitted to Silus.

The Gryffindor turned to look at the Ravenclaw. "Come on. Sit down with me." she said, patting the quilt. "What are you doing up so late?" Lyra asked him curiously.

Silus was more than surprised to hear Lyra's voice answer him back, and he felt his quicken. He hadn't expected to find her up here, certainly not at this hour of the night, but he smiled , always happy to see her. "Clever." He said, very amused and almost proudly. Grinning, he accepted her invitation and settled down beside her on the quilt, crossing his legs.

"I don't sleep much." He answered truthfully. He gazed into her eyes and raised a brow, his lips curling into a smirk. "What about yourself? We're you up here waiting for me?" He teased, grinning.

"I came to see the stars. I couldn't sleep either." Lyra answered honestly. She liked stargazing and it helped to calm her. The Gryffindor girl had been thinking a lot about the boy beside her. She hadn't seen him much in the last week. Just in passing in the classes they shared. Lyra didnt know what was going on between them, but maybe she could find out. He didn't like talking about his feelings she knew, but if he would tell anyone, it would be her. "I didn't know you would be here, but I certainly don't mind your company." Lyra said with a smile at Silus. She reached out and gave his hand a squeeze. "Why don't you sleep much?" Lyra asked curiously.

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