all of the cards are on the table

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Tara Sitara

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
so, i am just about to come into my summer holidays once my exams are finiched next wednesday, and i would like to have some intresting plots happening. so i am putting all of my charictors on the table, as souch, and seeing what we can come up with

Tara Sitara
she is my newest charictor. a first year hufflepuff. she lives for beauty. by this i dont mean that she is vain, quite the contrary, she sees the beauty in anything, and loves it. she ehjoys srawing, and being out in the grounds. she finds magic amazing as she is from a muggle family. she grew up in the north of india and so the whole new zealand thing is a bit of a shock fir her.
what it want
friends, anyone. male or female, prefrably first or seccond years but i think she will be shy with anyone fourth year and above.

Briar Rowan
she is a gryfindor fourth year. she grew up in the forests in europe, having been brought up by a heard of centaurs. she therefore enjoys being in the grouns running especially the forbidan forrest. she doesn't realy attend classes, as it has never been part of her life before. she enjoys dueling
what i am looking for
friends, any one, prefrably students, but any age. maybe if anyone wants to exercise their centaur accout, she would be a good person to do it with.
crush/boyfriend, she is just getting to the age where it would be nice for her to have a boyfriend, or a cruch. it would have to be a boy who enjoys being outside and doesnt mind loosing physical comprtitions to a girl

Elvera Le Fey
she is my sixth year ravenclaw. she is a bit of a loner spending most of her time in the north tower. she enjoys divination and runes.
to be honest i havnt rped with her in a long time and cant seem to get into the swing with her, but i want to have a go.
what i need
friends, after six years at the school i don't whink she has any
best friend, see above
boyfriend/crush/final, shr is sixteen and has never had a boyfriend before, which i think is a little sad as it reflects on my own expreience :(
anything else.

Morgan le Fey
she is a seer, she owns the inner eye in makatu mall, she is elveras mother, she has a twin sister, fho she hadnt seen for 30 or so years untill her neice randomly walked into the shop and they started talking. she is a very nice lady, even though sometimes she may look a little crazy (especially if she is having a bad hair day). however she always talks her customers through any problems that they have over a nice cup of tea, at her shop
what i want.
friends, anyone who wants to befriend her
people she can help out
an event she can predict, it doesn't matter how small or large,
I have Alyss Summers here who I think would be perfect for Morgan Le Fay. I haven't been very active lately, and I probably won't be until after the school certificate (which is just a week away,) but here's what's going on with Alyss.

Alyss is a Slytherin third year obviously, and she is part-veela. She is an eighth veela, and she has only recently discovered that because her father was part-veela, and he didn't even know himself. She only found out through Axel Zhefarovich when he changed his mind from adopting her into the Zhefarovich family into just allowing her to live with them until she's of age, and is able to live in her own house.

Because of her being part-veela, boys that are older than her, and younger than her are beginning to fall for her, and when she didn't know that she was part-veela, it was confusing for her. But now she knows why, and she absolutely hates them. She is too young to really care about boys, but she's going through a stage where she is confused, but she refuses to tell anyone what she's truly feeling.

She's a type of girl that has no friends, only acquaintances, if you could call them that, as she believes having friends is a weakness. Well, at least that's what she wants everyone else to think. She puts on an evil persona, but she isn't really. She is slowly turning evil, because of how she is treated, and how no one seems to care about her. She knows that she has to look out for herself, especially since she is a bit of a bully, and people assume that just because she is a Slytherin, she's evil.

Her father was a Death Eater, and he began trying to turn good, and get out of it, but Alyss doesn't know that. He only gave her a cryptic warning, and that was to "never reveal what she was truly thinking to anyone." She doesn't know what to make of that, but that is why she keeps up a facade, but she has been close to accidentally letting it slip a few times, but then she remembered what her father told her before he went on a mission and she was told by Professor Styx in her first year that her father was murdered. She doesn't know who the Death Eaters are really, as her father wouldn't tell her, in case that they would go after her.

She will become a Death Eater, and she will hurt and kill people. Perhaps Morgan could see her killing people when she is a Death Eater? Alyss probably will believe her because of the vision, but she will think that Morgan is crazy, and it will be out of her mind until she is older. She may go and see Morgan more than once, but she won't think about it properly until she is older.

What do you say?
I think that that is a good idea. she can come into the shop, maybe eve by accident, and morgan can try and help her, but i dont think she will stop her over all path. as much as she disagrees with it she knows that things must happen. I dont know how much she will tell her up front, but she may drop hints and maybe say what she sees after a while. It is also a good idea because Morgan has only tried to help those which want help, and it seems that she doesn't want help as such.

also a forgot to add if anyone else has any other plots i can help you with feel free to ask.
I really liked the way Cyndi and Morgan Le Fey interacted, so perhaps they can have another rp together. She gave Cyndi great advice last time, and maybe Cyndi can drop by the shop once more for some advice.

I also have Jeremy Thorne who is a third year Ravenclaw. Maybe he could be a friend for Briar. He is rather quiet though, so I'm not sure how he'd get along with Briar. Or, he could be maybe a student who Elvera helps. She takes Ancient Runes and so does he, and since they are in the same house, maybe he asks her for help in that class or in another. He desperately needs transfiguration help (he is terrible in that class) so if she is any good at that subject, maybe she could be a tutor of sorts.
I has Eden! I think that Eden and Elvera are friends but maybe they could become best friends. I would like that, they get along super well and such idk ummm grr I am no good at this. PM me and we can put or heads together.
Cyndi and morgan
cool, i enjoyed the cyndi morgan rp when it was good fun. I would love Cyndi to drop by the shop whenever she wants.

Jeramy and Briar
that would be intresting. however i think that she would probably intimidate him. but it would be fun.

Eden and Elvera
awesome. Im sorry their last rp fizled out. maybe you should start next time, I think eden and Elvera would be good best friends. as they seem to like similar things, and also whant to do similar things.
Cool! So, would you like me to start one of the rps?
Hey Cyndi
please may you start the Cyndi, Morgan rp, and i'll start the Jeramy, Briar one.
If you still need another friend for tara I can offer up James again since we did not get to finish our thread!
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