All I Want Is To Be Happy

Kate Archer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Kate walked out of the bathroom in her dorm.Tara had left earlier this morning so she had the room to herself.She hadn't talked to Tara properly for a long time and she made a note to try harder to talk to her and catch up with her because last time they had talked,Tara hadn't been sure whether she was getting married or not.Kate hoped that Tara didn't have to marry.It was way too long and Kate believed that there was someone special for everyone you just had to find them and she hoped Tara would meet that person in the future.She deserved it,she was such a nice girl and a great friend.She was beautiful too.Kate sighed as she sat down on her bed.She wasn't herself lately.She was just so tired and fed up with the world.She had so much on her plate and all she wanted to do was have to worry about nothing and just feel the weight on her shoulders lifted.That wasn't going to happen for a long time sadly and Kate sometimes felt an overwelming sense of sadness.It didn't happen much but when it did Kate would just feel the tears forming and she would do her best to just force down the sadness and focus on the few good things in her life.She had to start focusing on her Ryan.She felt bad that he wasn't given the attention needed because of her own selfish actions.She was going to try and make it up by being there for him and helping him out of the shell he had crawled into.To be honest Kate was surprised her parents hadn't taken all the Moon's out of Hogwarts.It seemed to be the source of all their problems which wasn't true.It was just what happened inside the school that was the problem or the people inside the school.Right now Kate was just upset and and fed up with one person in particular and a group of people.She hoped karma hit back hard on the particular group of people and she just hoped the one person was safe and he would return soon because Kate missed him and she was always worrying about his safety

Kate had the urge to just punch something but she took a breath and got off her bed.The weather was still lovely outside and Kate knew a nice walk would help her blow off some steam.She walked out of the common room and walked slowly down the staircases to the Great Hall.Thankfully no new RHI magazine had been released lately and she hoped it stayed that way.She hated who ever wrote it and if they were ever discovered,Kate would be one of the first people to get pay back.She didn't care what the punishment was she was going to get some sort of revenge.As she walked out of the castle,she gathered her hair and tied it into a loose ,high ponytail.Tied up it still reached her middle back.She hadn't been cutting it much.She loved her wavy,shiny ,long hair.Usually she left it down but it was quiet warm and she was much cooler when she tied it up.There were a few students,chatting and walking around the Lakefront.The Lake looked lovely in the sun and Kate found herself walking towards it.When she was by the edge,she took off her shoes and walked knee high.She loved the water and she wasn't afraid of any creatures.She had swam in the lake before and even going down pretty far and she hadnt been attacked.As she stood there she looked at the view and enjoyed the nice peace and quiet
Drew had been having a bad couple of weeks, and it wasn't even his fault. The main source of all his problems could be traced back to his supposed to be bestfriend Cam, who was supposed to be there for him and support him when he was down, just like he had been there for her all the time. Every. Single. Time. Drew didn't really know what he was doing these days, he went to classes, but just lulled along with the lesson and blindly nodding. Lately, Drew just felt like kicking something. 'That's great... a violent pacifest. Just what the planet needs right now...' Drew had never really been an airy-fairy person that could bounce back from difficult situations and could carry on with a smile on his face. It wasn't that he was usually a depressing person or anything, but he was more of the stubborn type, the type that didn't like to have to change and re-make himself for people, the type that liked things to be stagnant and stable, even a little boring. Because life was boring, and that was perfectly alright for Drew. But these days everything was everywhere in a jumbled mess and it just confused the muggle-born to no end. Usually, a nice letter from Hannah would make him feel better, but he would always go to the Gryffindor area of the castle and meet up with Cam to read the letter and they'd talk and laugh about it, then write something back to Hannah together, but stuff wasn't working like that right now, because for what ever reason, Camille felt the need to keep a 10 metre distance from the Hufflepuff at all costs, even in class, She'd practically zoom right past him and sit as far away as the school walls would allow. It was starting to really hurt, and the most annoying thing about it was that, no matter how many times Drew thought about their situation, or what had happened lately, he couldn't see why Camille was ignoring him and acting like he was the scum of the planet. It didn't make sense.

Exiting the castle finally, Drew's skin basked in the sunlight and he sighed. It wasn't anything like France, France was cooler than New Zealand, and he missed it dearly. Sure, Drew had spent the better part of his life in New Zealand, but France was nicer, and he could start again there, if he ever managed to actually make friends to start again with. Pulling on his shirt, Drew walked towards the lake. He had already been a fan of water, because it was so soft and comforting, especially right now since this heat was not something he was enjoying right now and he needed to dip his feet into something before he blew up from heat. Rolling up his pants to his knees, Drew stepped carefully into the lake as it was a little slippery, or Drew was just being his totally clumsy self, and before he knew it, he had slipped, and let out a scream as if he was dying. Graceful. Drew lifted his head from under the water and sat up, he was totally soaked, from head-to-toe, but he didn't really care about that, because he had inadvertantly splashed someone in his futile attempt to not slip in the water. "Oh I'm so sorry!" He said quickly, trying to stand up, but it wasn't working. "I slipped, I didn't mean to splash you or anything." All Drew was hoping right now was that this girl that he had just splashed didn't hate him forever and try to kill him by drowning him, because he was fully in the normally knee-deep water, so all she'd have to do was sit on him or something. She didn't look that big, but Drew wasn't exactly strong.
Kate liked the feeling of the water around her legs.She had always been a lover or water.Ever since she was one she had loved playing in the sea,and jumping over the tiny waves that would come in.As she got older and a better swim she would go out deeper and be in the water with some pretty big and strong waves with a terrible undercurrent.But she still loved it.It was great fun especially when your family were with you but that didn't happen often these days.Ryan wouldn't be caught dead enjoying himself and Star didn't liked the water as much now.The Moon's never really went on holidays these days which Kate missed.She kind of blamed herself for it because her getting sick had started everything off and she just wished everything could go back to normal.She guessed a lot of the family wished everything could go back to the way it was.They had all changed and a lot of it for the wrong reasons.The family had always worked well and got on together but now that had changed.It was more Ryan was stopping the family from developing and moving on.If he wasn't so stubborn and selfish maybe the family wouldn't be as bad as it is now.Kate had a sudden urge to just jump into the water and start swimming,but she really liked her blue dress and cardigan and she didn't want them getting soaked.

But it didn't really mater because seconds later she felt herself being splashed with water and heard someone let out a terrible scream.She turned around quickly and almost lost her footing but managed to stay standing.It wouldn't have really mattered though because the boy who was in the water had been close enough to soak her clothes.But that wasn't evry important at the moment,she had to make sure he was okay.He seemed alright but he seemed more concerned about apologizing to her.He couldn't seem to get out of the water either "Hey,don't worry about it"She said smiling sympathetically.She would live,she only got wet after all but he could be hurt because she knew from experience that slipping and landing on your butt was painful."Here,I'll help you up"She said putting on her hand.Hopefully she wouldn't slip and send them both sprawling into the water again.Luckily the day was warm so her clothes were drying pretty quickly.
The sun was really bright, and it warmed the waves a little. It was a beautiful sight outside, but sometimes, like now, Drew wished he stayed inside instead. To say that Drew felt stupid would be a massive understatement, it was like saying that a dragon was a chicken. He felt like throwing his head back into the water and waiting for high tide to wash him away. He looked at the girl he had covered with water and smiled slightly, he was still alive. Plus. She didn't look particularly angry. Another plus. But she was soaked, though not as much as Drew was, but he wasn't really worried about himself, he'd never really gotten sick before, and he wasn't about to start, he was sure. Atleast the water was freezing or anything anymore, in fact, the world outside fo the water was very chilly now, and he found himself tocuhing his face because to felt so cold from leaving the water. But he wasn't a mermaid, so he had to live with a freezing face, besides, atleast he was fully awake now. As she tried to reassure him, it didn't give him much comfort, but he quickly figured out that if he kept pushing the issue, it wasn't going to benefit either of them and would probably make things more awkward and irritating. When she tried to help him up, he wasn't exactly confident about it, because chances were they'd both fall over and be totally soaked. "I'm not so sure about the standing up part of your plan." He advised, slipping slightly as he tried to stand up, nearly bringing the girl down with him, but he was able to aviod draging her into the water.

An idea found its way into the Muggle-borns head and he crawled to his knees. Slowly, and carefully, he managed to stand up with his arms spread out, like he was a little bird learning how to fly, except he was pray to God that he didn't slip over and cause another wave of water. When he managed to stablize himself, he smiled slightly and flipped his hair out of his eyes, then smiled at the girl who tried to help him. "Thanks for trying to help." He said, slowly getting closer to the girl, grateful that this area wasn't as slippery, but now he was very cold. "I'm Drew by the way." He added, tucking his hands acrossed his chest and under his arms so his fingers wouldn't fall off. "What's your name?" He asked. Not being one for gossip, magazines or crowds, Drew rarely made his way to the Great Hall, and he didn't really talk to people, which might be noticeable to people, so he was probably one of the few students that had no idea what RHI was. He would probably never be mentioned either, because he was just too boring for something like that.
Kate had always loved the outdoors.Even though the weather in Ireland had could never always be trusted she still loved it. She liked going on holidays in Ireland. Visiting Clare,Kerry,Ardmor and Dublin. Even though it could be raining it was still great craic and cycling around the places had been fun too. She often preferred going on holidays in Ireland then abroad. Sure she loved the sun and goin to the pool and stuff uou still vouldn't beat coming into a roaring fire after having a warm shower and sitting down to a cup of tea and playing a game of cards. How she wishedthey could go on a holiday like that again. Since they had moved her Dad had been too busy and then there were family issues. They hadnt gone on a holidays in five years and she missed it.Kate didn't relly mind being wet,thankfully it was only water that she was splashed with.Kate grinned "Probably true" She admitted ,watching him make his way up by crawling. Kate wondered how she had no managed to slip.

She walked a bit closer, as he stood up,keeping her arms out just in case his plan didn't work out and he nearly slipped again.But finally he was stable and luckily he smiled. "No bothers" She said smiling widly at him.. At this stage her accent was a mixture of English and Irish and the accents of most of the students in her school. One part of her accent she could never loose was her Irish R. It was definiteky unique and it made Irish people stand out on the school. Obviously other accents were much more prominant. Kate looked at the boy, he seemed to be freezing "Here take my jacket" she said taking off her cardigan and walking over and putting it around his shoulders. She herself was fine and most of her was dry. She walked back a bit so hebeouldn't try and give it back "And don't worry about me" She added smiling. "Nice to meet you Drew"She sId,as she looks at him she was almost sure she had seen him before,probably on the common room. "I'm Kate"She said, she was slughtly puzzled because most students knew her due to the magazine.[/ font]
Drew couldn't believe how chilly he was now, it seemed a little unfair and now he wished he had a jumper with him, and that he had the intelligence to actually bring his wand with him. Being Muggle-born, Drew still wasn't used to carrying a wand everywhere he went, because even though he had four years to get used to all of this magic, he was a stubborn boy and wasn't one for change, and so being thrown into a wild world filled with magic and secret schools and such was confusing and strange. Going it alone was even harder, sure, his older brother was magical as well, but they weren't exactly on the same page, and their relationship was not that of the average brother relationship. In fact, Drew was sure Alex hated him, not that he bothered to care anymore, he'd finished blaming himself for there relationship, it had been bad since Drew's birth and he wasn't sure there was a way to make them friends, since they had never been friends. Drew nodded slightly. "It was a good suggestion though, but I'm afriad I'm a little too clumsy for it to have actually had the desired outcome." Drew didn't want to sound rude to the girl, which was why he decided to further explain why he denied her help. He was probably looking too much into it, but he wasn't exactly used to talking to people, especially whilst wet, standing in the lake and starting to feel the cold.

Drew was grateful that the girl tried to help, even though she ran the risk of slipping over and ending up in the same position as he was, though it probably would have been worse, sicne they both would have been down and they wouldn't have been able to help eachother out. Drew nodded in recognition, and tried to pin-point where she was from, since the accent was vaguely familiar, but he coudn't pick the area since he hadn't traveled to many places, he only went to three areas regularly, so he knew that she wasn't French, American or New Zealander, but that was about it. When she offered to give him her cardigan, Drew tried to tell her that he didn't need it, though it would have been a lie, he didn't want to take her cardigan, it didn't seem right, but it was around his shoulders before he could even attempt to talk her out of giving him the jacket, and before he knew it, she had walked back to her original position and it was done. With a small shake of his head, Drew gave up, deciding that it was better to just accept the cardigan, rather than have an arguement about it. It wouldn't hurt either of them anyway, once it was time to return to the castle, he could easily give her back the jacket and go to the Hufflepuff common room and change, probably have a warm shower as well. Realising that he had remained quiet for an extended period of time, Drew quickly shook his head. "Sorry I spaced out for a second." He confessed, since Drew could be described as socially awkward and silent, he wouldn't put it past some people to have no idea that he existed, since he would just walk around silently and totally unnoticed, but he didn't mind being unknown, because it enabled him to be comfortable, he really wasn't a boy that liked to be center of attention. "Thank you for the cardigan, by the way." He added, deciding that he might as well be grateful, rather than silent. A small smiled crossed his face as he learnt the girls name. "Hello Kate." He greeted. "So why are you out here?" He asked curiously.
Usually the weather was much warmer but for some reason today seemed to be the worst day this week.The sun was shinning but it wasn't a warm sunshine,the wind was cool.The wind is always a horrible thing when you are wet,it makes you even colder and when the insides of your ears are wet and a nasty wind is blowing ,you are more the likely going to get an earache.Of all the pains you could get in your body,Kate detested the ear ache the most.Luckily she hadn't got one in ages and she hoped it stayed that way.Thankfully she hadn't gotten her hair or ears wet so she wasn't as cold as Drew,who must be frozen.Kate wondered could she use the drought spell to dry their clothing.She wasn't sure if that would just dry up a puddle of water or would it dry clothes.Well maybe now wasn't the best time to experiment in case something went terribly wrong.Maybe she would try it on something that wasn't breathing and see where it went from there.Kate didn't use her wand,much.To be honest it didn't usually cross her mind to use it/.Even though she knew she was a witch fir fives year she had thought she was a muggle for the first eleven and also she can't use magic outside school so using her wand doesn't usually cross her mind though for some reason when it comes to light it's always her wand she takes out.She guessed it would be something that would just come naturally to her soon or when she left school. "Don't worry about it,I'm not exactly the most unclumsiest person either"Kate said smiling,she wasn't even sure that was a word but that's what had come from her mouth none the less.

Kate was always one to help people.Probably why she was put into Hufflepuff,not that people in other houses didn't help either but Hufflepuffs tended to do it a lot.Kate didn't see the problem with being a Hufflepuff.Some people thought they were useless and cry babies and put in the house because they were the left overs.'Puffs could be just as brave,cunning and smart as anyone else.It's just some characteristics were more prominent then some.Not everybody would agree with her but then again everyone is entitled to their own opinion.Kate had mostly dried by now,her hair was just a tad bit wet from where it was splashed but her dress was dry as was the rest of her.She briefly looked to the edge of the lake to make sure her shoes were still there.As she suspected they were still there.There were a few people on the lakefront,some were looking and herself and Drew,others were just minding their own business and doing their own things.Kate was glad that he didn't try to argue about the cardigan because even though she wasn't usually stubborn when it was needed she could be as stubborn as a mule.He needed it more the her anyways.She was quite content to let her skin absorb the vitamin D being shone on her.In Ireland they had never gotten much sun and to be honest it wasn't much better in England.Because the weather was usually much better here in New Zealand Kate was feeling a lot better and her hair was a much lighter shade then usual.Kate's weight was much better these days.She was feeling much more comfortable with herself and her appearance.Things in life were pretty okay,much better then the past few weeks anyways.She just hoped Stefan was okay.She missed him and she just hoped he wasn't regretting his decision or stuck somewhere out on his own and needing help. "Tis okay"She said reassuring him,she had done a bit of her own zoning out also. "No bothers,you need it more the me"She said smiling.Kate looked around,the view from here was lovely and even though there was a nasty breeze,Kate found the place nice and peaceful and a good place to think "I dunno,I just wanted some place to think"She said sighing and looking into the distance.She then turned her breath and turned to Drew "What about you?"She asked curiously

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