All Alone

Elspeth Brookes

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ceara (Melissa)
Willow wand, 14" with Unicorn hair
I'm gonna introduce the first stage of Elspeth's madness now. Basically, she'll be really up herself or really really nice. Depends on what you say to her. :kaitlyn:

Elspeth was sitting by the lake, with her toes soaked by the gentle lapping of the water. Her jeans and sleeves were covered in mud, from sitting so close to the lake, and her face was getting sunburnt. She barely noticed. She was thinking about how her mother had died, and what she would do during the holidays. She would have to stay at the Halfway House. She had been sitting there, barely moving, since the early morning. It was now around three o'clock. She hadn't attended any classes since that tragic visit to Brightstone Village. There didn't seem much point.
Raffaelo was tired strolling the corridors of Hogwarts that he decided to breath some fresh air near the lake. Suddenly he saw a young girl all alone and seems to be enjoying the sun. "Hey there miss. ." he said curiously to find who was the girl. He wanted to meet some new people and to have a chat with.
Ells turned. "Oh, hey there! Whatcha doin'?" She grinned at him. Suddenly realising her boots were soaked, she jumped up. "Oh no! My socks're soaked through!" She cried theoretically. Turning to look at the boy who had spoken to her, she said "Hi! What's your name? Because, umm, we kinda haven't met before, or at least I don't remember it!" She laughed brightly.She remembered being sad before, but what was the point in being sad? The birds were singing, the sun was shining, she had a beautiful view of the lake, and she was learning to do magic!
Raffaelo liked the energy of the girl he gave her a bright smile. "I'm Raffaelo Menzure and May I know your name miss?" he said still smiling at her. It was his first time to see the girls face around the School. He was pleased to see the girl smiling back at him especially being positive and all. Somehow he was interested with the girl just in front of her
Ells laughed. "I'm Ells. It's short for Elspeth. Hi Raffaelo. I haven't seen you around the school! But then, I haven't been out of my dorm much this past month or so..." She smiled cheerily at him. The back of her jeans were covered in mud, and when she realised this, she immediately burst out laughing. She probably looked very strange to any one who happened to be looking, covered in mud, bright red sunburnt face, bent over, giggling uncontrollably.
"Pleasure to meet you Ells" he said excitedly. Raffaelo noticed the mud on Ells pants and so is her face all red from the sunburn. He laughed along with her and seems to like the new girl he just met. "Hmmm let me guess your a Ravenclaw or a Gryffindor?" he asked him still smiling at her.
"I'm a Ravenclaw... I wanted to be one ever since I was a little kid. Mum used to want me to be in Gryffindor...." She trailed off, then glanced at him. Ells started to feel the sadness of the past few weeks washing over her, and her smile vanished. "Who cares. She's dead anyhow," said Elspeth. She suddenly felt the burn on her face more keenly, the sky seemed to turn from sunny to overcast, and her feet were freezing in her shoes. She stifled a sob, turning away from Raffaelo. Her mother was dead and it was all her fault. She remembered being happy a moment ago and hated herself for it.
Raffaelo thought that this conversation will be full of surprises and he was right. The smile on his face fade away when he noticed the girl sad and turned her head away from him. Without hesitating he grabbed his handkerchief out of his pocket and held it in front of Ells face. He even knelt down to see if she was fine or not. "I may not know your mother but I know she's very lucky to have you as her daughter" she gazed at her eyes smiling. Raffaelo noticed the grief in Ells eyes, he tried to gently hold her hands and said "Hey take it easy, you want to talk about it?" while he was still smiling at her.
"You'll never know her. And she wasn't lucky to have a daughter like me. I was horrible to her. And now she's dead" Elspeth pulled her hands away from him. "It was only a few months ago...We were meeting at Brightstone. She was embarrassing me, then there were loads of people, and then she fell, but I ignored her. And then she was dead. Next thing I remember, is waking up in my dorm. This is one of the only times I've left since then."
"Don't blame yourself for that" he said sharply at her. It was his first time to encounter a girl like her but still he was interested at her. "You should take it easy, Do you want to go somewhere else?" he asked her trying to make her smile again.
"No, it's fine here! I love it out here. You can see right across the lake on some days! It's really pretty." She grinned happily. She had already forgotten the conversation of a few moments ago. "What house are you in? What year are you in? Who do you stay with in the holidays?" She bombarded him questions, eagerly awaiting his answers.
Raffaelo felt relief when Ells was finally smiling again. "Hmmm, I'm a First year Hufflepuff but I'm not that proud though. Holidays? Just only now I decided to celebrate my holiday here in Hogwarts..My father is disappointed to me right now so. . . " he stopped when he remembered his father and him. He stared blankly as if he was lost or something but after a few seconds he started to smile once again. "How about you?Same questions." he said trying to be cheery and all.
"I'm a first year Ravenclaw, I love it there. I'm probably going to stay at the Halfway House these holidays" She grinned. "Now, the tricky ones! Do you have a girlfriend? Siblings? What's your favourite pastime? If you hadn't got Hufflepuff, what would you have gotten?"
Raffaelo was surprise to see the girl was curious about him. "Girlfriend? No, siblings? I have two elder sisters their twins and a little brother but he died when he was still young." his smile started to fade away just talking about Damien. "I love to play the cello and to read books, I should been a Slytherin according to my family/blood line.Now your turn, the same questions please" he said trying to smile.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your brother. I don't have a boyfriend, or siblings. I like reading and acting and singing and dancing. I think I would have got Slytherin, but I don't the reputation they have. I think its unfair on them. I know tons of horrible Ravenclaws, and Gryffindors, and Hufflepuffs!" She paused. "Can't you think of any questions yourself?" She asked playfully.
"Yeah I agree. . Hmm How about Which is your colour that best describes you or stands for your personality?" he asked the random question he could think of. Raffaelo seems to be enjoying their question and answer with each other.
"I guess it would be purple, because I'm usually quite happy..." She grinned. She enjoyed the conversation so far. "Same question. You? Are you part of any clubs, or anything like that?"
"Well I love the color white, it's just neat to look at and I thin I would like for everyone to see that I'm neat in every way." he replied to her. "I do belong in CONGLOMERATED ARTS CLUB but I would also loved to join Quidditch maybe when I'm ready."Raffaelo said with belief. "How about you Ells?" he once again asked her.
"I'm in the Conglomerated Arts club too, mostly for drama. I like playing Quidditch, but I'd never make it onto a team." She laughed. "The broom just ignores me a lot of the time. Does it's own thing, you know?"
"Oh good to know were in the same club!..Hmm on what year can a student join Quidditch?" he asked her curiously. Raffaelo loved flying bu still he needed to learn more before playing Quidditch.
Ells grinned. "I haven't actually been to any meetings or anything for C.A.C. And I don't know what year a student can join Quidditch. When Harry Potter went to Hogwarts Scotland they didn't let first years play. But they've probably changed the rules."
"Hmm..Oh well, I was hoping to join but I think I'm still not ready yet." he said laughing. Raffaelo was out of ideas and questions to ask to Ells, he just closed his fist and looked at the sky.
Ells had run out of things to say for once, and there was silence for a minute. She glanced at the surroundings, before looking at her feet. "Um, well, bye, I guess..." She trailed off.

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