Aliyah Mae Wright

Aliyah Wright

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Anna Lee
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Laurel Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core

Full Name
Aliyah Mae Wright

~ Aliyah pronounced ah-LEE-ah
Meaning highly exalted, to ascend, go up and alludes to an immigrant to a new home.

~ Mae pronounced may
Meaning bitter and alludes to the Roman goddess of spring growth.

~ Wright pronounced r-AY-t
Meaning a worker and an occupational name for someone who was a craftsman. Also a nickname for an upright person.

Aliyah doesn't have any given nicknames and does not like to be called out of her name. She would only accept nicknames from people she really close to or respects.

What Her Name Means to Her
Aliyah believes that her name suits her and she is quite fond of it. She shares her middle name with her late grandmother, Mae Wright, who although was a talented and well-regarded witch was also known for her rather icy disposition (she had a soft spot for Aliyah). Her parents are ambitious people and they have had high expectations for their daughter, so they gave her name that reflects that.

Date of Birth
Aliyah was born July 20, 2025 to Harrison and Kennedy Wright at the Malcolm Glow Medical Clinic on Andrews Air Force Base, just outside of the capitol of the United States, Washington D.C.

Zodiac Sign

Zodiac Description
Like a typical Cancers, Aliyah often contradicts herself in her need for other people. On one hand, she is very independent, head strong, and stubborn. On the other, she has a consistent need for the approval and support of others. She is highly emotional and when her emotions get the best of her she is prone to meltdowns and temper tantrums. If they are controlled, she is able to channel her energies into accomplishing whatever the task is at hand and be very effective. It is easy for her to make friends, but only superficially so. To the few that truly know her and have her complete trust, she is fiercely loyal and the friendship will be a lifelong bond.

Aliyah moved a couple of times growing up including stops in Texas, Florida, and brief stint in Germany.

Blood Status
Mixed-Blood - Her father is mixed-blood and her mother is a muggle born.

Views on Blood Status
Her family is rather progressive and believes that the blood classification system is demeaning. They would rather not subscribe to any arbitrary social hierarchies.


Special Abilities

Length: 9 and 1/2 inches
~ On the shorter side of things, this wand offers excellent control and aim - easily an extension of one's own arm.
Shape/Style: Curly
~ Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: Laurel
~ A Laurel wand suits one who pursues glory. Though rumoured to be unable to perform a dishonourable action, Laurel wands are formidable foes and expect their owners to never stop in their pursuit of bigger and better things.
Core: Hippogriff Feather
~ Just like the animal from which it comes, hippogriff feathers being used as a wand core produce wands that are stable and versatile; however, they must be respected by the wand caster or risk having this wand turn against them.
Flexibility: Sturdy
~ A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.

Pervious Education
Aliyah went to several different muggle primary schools and her mother home schooled her in the ways of the wizarding world.
~ Best Classes: Science, Art, and Music
~ Worst Classes: Language Arts, History, and Math

Current Education
Aliyah is currently a second year student at Hogwarts New Zealand.
~ Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Aliyah Mae Wright felt extremely small under the high magical ceiling of the Great Hall. The train ride to Hogwarts felt like ancient history and the stress of sorting had finally got to her. O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts you can prepare and study for, but how could she prepare herself for a mind reading by a magical talking hat whose sole purpose was to determine her future. Aliyah glanced around at the faces that surrounded her in the herd of unsorted first years. She spotted her train companions among the crowd and gave them each a small smile. She remembered how sure Rodrigo had been about being sorted into Ravenclaw and wished that she would have given her placement more serious thought. She was still certain that Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw were out of the question, but she didn't know what to make of Gryffindor and Slytherin. The silly hat's song didn't help matters either. Strong and bold sounds about right. she thought to herself. But ambitious and powerful... If she didn't know her own mind on this matter how could she hope an old hat would be able to find the best place for her.

"Aliyah Wright"

The eleven year old made her way to the front when her name was called. She may not have known what house she wants to be in, but she most definitely knew what she wanted for her future. Aliyah faced the entire school and hesitantly took her seat on the stool. As soon as the hat was placed on her head, so closed her eyes and thought of her plan. A clear picture of her future self being sworn in as minister for magic floated around in her head. As long as she was placed in house that could help her reach that goal, she would be content. "Ok..." she mumbled under her breath. She clutched her hands on either side of the seat and held her breath as she waited for the Sorting Hat to tell her fate.

"Being ambitious is one thing, but don't let your head get too big or you might not be able to get off the stool without toppling over. Let's see how this goes: SLYTHERIN!"

Current Career
Hogwarts Student
~ Aliyah enjoyed her first year at Hogwarts and is looking forward to her second.

Current Place of Residency
She is currently living Wellington, New Zealand with her parents, while her father works as a Technical Sergeant at the Christchurch Airport managing aircrafts used in military operations to Antarctica.

Current Relationship Status
Aliyah is currently too young for anything serious.

Physical Appearance
Aliyah is a small girl standing only at 4 feet 7 inches tall and weighting 85 pounds. She has clear deep carmel colored skin and dark brown hair. Her hair is shoulder length hair worn naturally curly and collar bone length when styled straight. She has expressive dark brown eyes with grey flecks the same color as her father's around her irises. She has generally warm and inviting smile, but since she is often smiling it is often hard for others to discern what is really behind it.

Personal Style
Aliyah prefers muggle attire in youthful styles over typical wizard wear. The idea of a uniform horrifies her. She appreciates self-expression and diversity styles and can be often found in vivid colors and bold patterns. She loves the versatility of her hair and enjoys creating new styles.

Father - TSgt Harrison James Wright - December 26, 1998 - Age 38

Harrison Wright was raised in an urban wizarding community outside of Salem, Massachusetts by his muggle born father and mixed blood mother. While the members of the community rarely associated with the muggles in the surrounding area, he was exposed to their culture due to proximity. He developed a deep fascination with them and begged his parents to let him attend muggle school during his elementary school years. They refused believing that he was too young to control his magic and they did not want to risk their community's exposure. He attended Salem Institute and was quite gifted in charms and muggle studies. During his breaks he worked part-time at local muggle mechanic shops, without his parent permission, learning the science of auto-mechanics. Upon his graduation in 2016 he signed up for the United State Air Force, took advantage of the educational benefits of working in military, and worked as a mechanical engineer. He also drafted reports for various magical government updating them on the state of muggle modern technology. He found a kindred spirit in his wife Kennedy Ann Taylor who he met while he was stationed at Andrews Air Force Base in outside of Washington, DC. The two married in 2022 and had their only daughter Aliyah in 2025. Harrison is very proud of his daughter's tenacity and believes that this last move will be good for her and the family.

Mother - Kennedy Ann Wright (nee Taylor) - August 7, 1999 - Age 37

Kennedy Wright was born in Baltimore, Maryland to a muggle family who always knew she was special, but were floored when she received a letter informing them that she had been accepted into Salem Institute of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Being the openminded people they were, they supported her and packed her up to go study magic. In school, she threw herself into her studies and received top marks in her coursework. Her parents valued education immensely and during her breaks from school her mother home schooled her so that she also had a well rounded muggle education as well. When she graduated school in 2016, she also received her muggle GED making her eligible to attend university. Kennedy returned to Maryland and attend a college in Washington, DC and studied political science. She was required to tour Andrews Air Force Base for a class project and while there, she bumped in Harrison Wright. During their time in school they both were so focused on their school work that they never noticed each other before. They maintained a close relationship while she finished her degree and he finished basic training and they married 2022. Their daughter Aliyah was born in 2025. Kennedy's primary focus is her family and making sure that their home life is as stable as possible as they move with her husband's assignments. In her spare time, she uses the traveling to her advantage and researches governmental structures of different wizarding communities. Kennedy sees a host of potential her daughter and she continually pushes her to do her best. She wishes that Aliyah would focus more and wasn't so hard headed and flaky.

Her Relationships with Her Parents
While overall Aliyah has a pretty decent relationship with her parents, but currently their relationships are going through some growing pains. Currently, she feels like her father is aloof and her mother is overbearing. Her father always seems busy toying with some new muggle gadget or away at work, so Aliyah often feels that he doesn't make much time for her. Her mother is constantly on her about getting ahead academically both in her wizarding and muggle education. She can look forward to spending all of her breaks from school catching up in all of the muggle subject for her grade level as well. Both of her parent expect the best from her and while she tries her best, she often finds herself stressed when she feels that she is less than perfect. Although she resents her family moving all the time, she does enjoy seeing new places and her family often takes time to explore their surrounding when they go some place new.

General Personality
Aliyah is idealistic and always tries to find creative ways to make her world a better place. However, her view is very subjective and she often jumps to the wrong conclusions and is too quick to act on things. She has a firm grip on her beliefs and will stand up for them no matter what.

She is a people person and enjoys interacting with others. At her best she could be a motivating and compelling leader. She likes to have fun and can draw people in with her enthusiasm. She can be a supportive and empathic friend and is quick to offer advice or a solution to someone's problem. At her worst she can be a major drama queen, especially when she feels offended or threatened. When things do not go her way she is not above implementing some questionable tactics to avenge any perceived slight.

Interests or Hobbies
Aliyah doesn't have any specific hobbies. She just kind invests herself in whatever she is doing at the moment. During her first year at Hogwarts, she was involved in several clubs and she looking forward to participating in duels next year.

Additional Skills
Aliyah is really good at being sneaky and eavesdropping. She also very observant and can be quite nosey.

Aliyah has never really had any true friends, although she has had plenty of associates. She finds it easy enough to socialize with people, but she tends to keep most relationships surface level. To gain her trust, you must show interest in her goals and be willing and able to help her achieve them. She is looking forward to being in New Zealand for a while and hopes to make some real friends, although she might not get how those types of relationships work right away.

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