Alissa Vetrova

Alissa Vetrova

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sir Dylaaaaan!
Ebony Wand 12'' w/ 1/4 Essence of Dragonstone

Full Name: Alissa Natasia Vetrova
Pronunciation: A-liss-ah Vet-rover
Nicknames: Lissa
Date of Birth: 7th April, 2020
Current Age: 17


Basic Appearance: Light blonde shoulder length curled hair, designer dresses and tops and skinny jeans with heels or vans.
Personality: Nice, though she has a stern façade she tries to keep up around just about everyone.
Wand: Ebony Wand 12'' w/ 1/4 Essence of Dragonstone
Broom: Scarlet Streak
Animal Familiar: A rabbit.
Relationship Status: In a relationship with Yevheniy Karchenko


Brother: Sergei Augustus Vetrov
Scitorari / Pureblood / Durmstrang Elite
Father: Markov Urie Vetrov
Scitorari / Pureblood / Durmstrang Elite
Mother: Natasia Alexis Vetrova
Vetrova Heiress / Pureblood / Durmstrang Elite
Brother: Alexei Ivaan Vetrov
Vetrov Son / Pureblood / Durmstrang Elite
Brother: Andrei Markov Vetrov
Vetrov Son / Pureblood / Durmstrang Student
Cousin: Zyke Urie Vetrov
Vetrov Son / Pureblood / Auror
Cousin: Acacia Natasia Vetrova
Vetrova Daughter / Pureblood / Hufflepuff, Hogwarts


Pets: A rabbit named Raynard.
School: Durmstrang
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: Vetrova Legacy
Interests or Hobbies: Witing, Reading, Flying, Shopping & Travelling.
Strengths: Her boyfriend Yevheniy
Weaknesses: Her father, Markov.


Describe your character in five words: Shy, Timid, Awkward, Caring, Enclosed.
Best school subjects: Charms, Trasnfiguration, Dark Arts Defence
Worst school subjects: Dark Arts, Herbology, Divination
Current Job: --
Plans for the future: To get engaged and travel, then settle into a Ministry or Fashion Designers job.
Patronus: A rabbit.
Patronus Memory: Her boyfriend Yevheniy kissing her.
Boggart: Her father Markov killing Yevheniy.
Animagus: --


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