Alison Bailey Kingswood

Alison Kingswood

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Name: Alison Bailey Kingswood.
Nicknames: Bay, Ally.
Date of Birth: 21th of July
Age: 10
- Long brown/black hair.
- Thin, short.
- Blue eyes.
- Curious.
- Shy.
- Smart.
- Friendly to people, when she finally makes friends.
Area of Residence: Wellington, New Zealand.
Blood status: Halfblood.
Siblings: Alison has an older sister in Ravenclaw named Kate.
Interests and Hobbies:
- Swimming.
- Surfing.
- Shopping.
Strengths: Good at making problems and getting herself out of them.
Weakness: A very bad liar.
Three Words for my character: Cute, Adorable, Friendly.
Addictions: Beanies, sweaters.
Hogwarts House: Alison does not want to be with her sister, she does not have a particular house in mind.
Hogwarts ambitions: Joining the Quidditch team, Alison does not care about grades.
Best Hogwarts school subject: Flying and Herbology.
Worst Hogwarts school subject: Muggle Studies and History of Magic.



Name: Alice Rose Kingswood
Age: 42
Former House: Gryffindor
Blood: Pureblood


Name: Josh Bryan Kingswood
Age: 41
Former House: Ravenclaw
Blood: Half Blood


Name: Kate (Katherine) Kingswood
Age: 12
House: Ravenclaw
Blood: Half Blood

heyy Tamzies! (Or Tamara if you prefer!) this is a really awesome Character development. A super great start! I just have a couple of questions for you. Which can be answered OOC, or IC!

1. How does Alison feel about her sister now being at Hogwarts?
2. How good would you say the relationship between the two is?
3. In this fairy tale world of hers, what are the big baddies? The things that scare her? Or even the people that she sees as bad guys?
4. What is her relationship with her parents like?
5. Is she happy with the relationship she has with her parents?
6. Why would she not make a good Hufflepuff? And why would she make a good one?
7. Which of the houses would she be most unhappy with?
8. What is her favourite fairy tale?
9. Does she prefer the Disney fairy tales or the darker brother Grimm stories?
10. If given the chance, would she trade the magic she has to live in a fairy tale world of her choice? And why?

That's all I have for now! If you need me to clarify anything just let me know. And once again, great character! Thanks!

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