Alice Rose Monet

Alice Monet

New Member
Oak Wand 14" Essence of Bloodhound Fang
&& The Basics

Character's Name: Alison Rose Monet
Character's Birthdate: 21st June
Hometown: Paris, France
Blood Status: Half-blood
Wand: Oak Wand 14" Essence of Bloodhound Fang
Educated At: Beauxbatons Academy of Magic
Occupation: Sixth Year Beauxbatons Student

&& Apperance

Hair: Long, red
Eyes: Hazel
Height: -
Style: Contemporary, Sophisticated
Other Distinguishing Features: Pale face, thin build, tall build

&& A Little Deeper

<FONT font="Georgia">Personality:

Alice has a fun, loving and whole-hearted personality, she is always willing to help and offer herself to those who are in need. She gives of an atmosphere of happiness, joy and love and this gives her many friends of whom she trusts with her life. She's confident in herself, and is brave and courageous when it comes to protection of those she trusts, herself and those who need protection. This is likely because of how she was bullied when she was a child for having gingery hair, but she managed to 'beat the bullies' so to speak, by keeping head and up and turning away from them. This has allowed her to connect with younger year members of the Academy in a way other older students don't.

Special Talents/Abilities:

Something that has baffled her parents, is that she can instinctively become aware if someone is honest and telling the truth, or if they are deceiving and lying. But she has always had a good karma following her, and she believes it to stem from this.


Marian Monet (nee. Clementines): Beauxbatons Alumni|Pure blood|Mother
Rodrigo Monet: Beauxbatons Alumni|Muggle-born|Father
Alexia Monet: Beauxbatons Second Year|Half-blood|Sister
Jasmine Monet: Beauxbatons Second Year|Half-blood|Sister
Edward Monet: Beauxbatons Alumni|Half-blood|Brother

Gabriele Pierre (nee. Clementines): Beauxbatons Alumni|Pure-blood|Maternal Aunty
Gordon Pierre: Beauxbatons Alumni|Half-blood|Maternal Uncle
Ingrid Pierre: Beauxbatons First Year|Mixed Blood| Maternal Cousin

Esme Le Blanc (nee. Monet): Beauxbatons Alumni|Muggle-born|Paternal Aunty
Richarde Le Blanc: Beauxbatons Alumni|Muggle-born|Paternal Uncle
Emma Le Blanc: Hogwarts Fifth Year|Ravenclaw|Mixed-blood|Parternal Cousin
Kaylee Le Blanc: Hogwarts Alumni|Ravenclaw|Mixed-blood|Paternal Cousin
Rose Bindley: Pre-Education|Mixed-blood|Paternal Second Cousin

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