Alice Hills

Alice Hills

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kate v.1 [Main]
Lignum Vitae Wand 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Right well before i start, i just wanted to let you know that i am still making my character complete so there is bound to be holes in this bio. Please help me by asking questions :D

Full Name:
Alice Hills

Date of Birth:
20th October

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Wavy brown hair, brown eyes

Alice is the sort of person who needs to be accepted for who she is. She won't put on an act for people - both a strength and a weakness. She also loves to study and will probably put it above most things apart from friends. She is loyal and loves to be around those who mean something to her.



[Relation] Mum
[Name] Anna Hills,
[Magical status] Muggle
[Profession] Teacher.
Alice has a very strong relationship with her mother, she can tell her everything.


[Relation] Dad
[Name] James Hills,
[Magical status] Muggle
[Profession] Doctor.
Alice loves her dad lots but doesn't always get to see him as he works a lot.


[Relation] Sister
[Name] Grace Hills,
[Magical status] Unknown yet
[Profession] N/A
Grace is 2 years old and adores Alice. Alice is very protective over her and found it hard to leave her for Hogwarts.


[Relation] Cousin
[Name] Isobel Hills,
[Magical status] Half-blood
[Profession] Slytherin 2nd year
Isobel Hills who is half born on her mothers side. Their dads are close brothers but Alice and Isobel really don't get along. They are both envious of each other and their lives and tend to not talk.

Mum and dad were delighted by her receiving a letter to Hogwarts but when it came to the final day, they both found it very hard to say goodbye and let their eldest child go to a school that they knew nothing about.

Her family has a dog called Toby, he is a border collie and is fiercely loyal. Alice had to leave him at home in england but is hoping to get an owl and maybe a kitten to keep her company at Hogwarts and become a new pet.

Area of Residence:
Born in England. Lived there all her life until now. Goes to Italy and France with her parents regularly.

Blood Status:
Muggle Born - not quite sure about everything in the wizarding world yet.

All English.

Special Abilities:
No special abilities but she likes the sound of being an Animagus later in life.

Interests or Hobbies:
Reading, learning.
Singing, playing the piano.
Writing and drawing

Additional Skills:
Can speak fluent Italian and French because of all her family holidays in those countries.
She can remember a lot that she reads.

Clever, a good friend.

Not very courageous.
Terrified of spiders and big animals.
Freaks out in the dark.

Describe your character in three words:
Clever, outgoing, musical

Favourite place to be:
At home.

Made a few friends so far:
- Tally Amis,
- Sophia Leingod
- Penelope Reynolds,

Hogwarts House:
Ravenclaw! YAY :D

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Hopes to make a name for herself.
Hates the idea of flying because she doesn't think that she could ever trust a stick to hold her in the air and is afraid of hurting herself.

Best school subjects:
Muggle: English, music
Wizard: Hopefully Transfiguration and charms.

Worst school subjects:
Muggle: Drama, PE
Wizard: Probably flying and CoMC.

Extracurricular Activities:
Was part of a book club and is hoping to help with the Hogwarts Monthly as she loves writing.

Current Job:
No. Hoping to get one to earn money, meet new people and be able to support herself as a witch.

Plans for your future:
Make friends, learn about the wizarding world, get a job.

Your Patronus:
Probably would be a dolphin. They are clever and loved. This is what Alice aspires to be.

Your Patronus memory:
The day her sister was born and her dream came true.

Your Boggart:
Seeing her family dead.

Your Animagus:
When older: An owl.

Mirror of Erised:
Herself as a successful woman.
A few questions:this is my first time asking questions.., so bear with me.

1..Why does Alice hate being in trouble?

2..How does it affect her that her father works a lot?

3..How was 2her sister being born" her dream come true?

4..Why is "her being a sucessful woman" her mirror of erised?
1: She hates getting into trouble because she feels that she has let someone down - this is something she hates doing, feeling that people will judge her and not like her therefore. She doesn't mind so much if people don't like her from the start, because she won't put an act on, but she would hate the idea of someone changing their opinion of her for the worst.
2: She doesn't get to see him much so doesn't feel close to him. This upsets her because she feels that everyone needs a relationship with her dad and she doesn't have one. She will argue with him when she does see him because she is angry with him for leaving her so much for work. of course, this doesn't improve the situation, only makes it more tense when she is actually around him. When she came to New Zealand, she decided to try and change this relationship around and get it back on her feet but she hasn't had the chance yet. She feels guilty about making him tense about his job.
:cry: Well, her sister is only 2, meaning that Alice had 9 years being an only child. She had a close relationship with her mother but always wanted a sibling. Alice has a caring nature, making her want to protect and look after people. Most of her friends had younger siblings and she felt jealous, jealous that they should have such a privilege that she didn't. She was especially happy that the baby was a girl and has felt the responsibility to introduce Grace to the world - this was why coming to HNZ was so very hard for her.
4: 2 reasons really:
a) Alice sees her parents as successful, especially her mum. She aspires to be like her and this is what she believes she needs to do to be this. Ever since she had the acceptance letter to Hogwarts, she feels that she has been given her gifts for a purpose, and she wants to use these gifts to become successful. This is why she sees that.
b) She finds her life happy and comfortable and this is all she really wants for her future at the moment. It will probably change as she gets older and more mature, and she realises what she really wants and desires most in life.

Thanks for the questions - they are really good and have helped me think more about her background and character. If you have any more, please feel free to post them :D

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