Alice Hills

Alice Hills

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OOC First Name
Kate v.1 [Main]
Lignum Vitae Wand 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker


FULL NAME: Alice Jane Hills
Alice = Greek, meaning: truth and nobility.
Jane = English, meaning: gracious and merciful.
Sophia = English, meaning: wisdom

AGE: 17
BIRTHDAY: 17th September 2015
Your element: Earth
Your ruling planets: Mercury
Symbol: The Virgin
Your stone: Sapphire
Life Pursuit: To do the right thing
Vibration: Compassionate and caring
Virgo's Secret Desire: To love and be loved in return

SCHOOL: Hogwarts New Zealand, Ravenclaw Beauxbatons
WAND: Lignum Vitae Wand 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Lignum Vitae, the tree of life, is well known for its medicinal qualities and the ability to cure most any aliment. This make it perfect for protection and healing charms. The overall energy of the wood can be summed up as "the power and strength of goodness." It is almost perfect for those with a love of handy charms as well.
EYES: Dark brown, like dark chocolate.
They normally show how she is feeling, and become clouded over when she is sad or angry. When people need to know her mood, the best place to check is her eyes. They show her emotion, even if she lies convincingly.
Her eyes are normally clear, and bright but when she is down, they become foggy and uncertain. Since moving to Beauxbatons, her eyes have remained foggy and dart around quickly. They have become untrusting and block her emotion.
HAIR: Dark brown, in ringlets, medium length.
Is generally loose around her shoulders, falling in a cascade of curls, but sometimes Alice ties it up, making it look girly. She likes to stick hair accessories in it, such as flowers, clips and pretty things. Being surrounded by beautiful French has done its damage to her self confidence. She has become insecure in herself and tries to use her hair to bring her confidence back up.
HEIGHT: 5ft, 4. She is quite small for her age, and occasionally finds this is a disadvantage. She feels people look down on her, and unable to wear high-heels a lot of the time, she feels below others. This came into its own when she moved to Beauxbatons, and felt that people looked down on her for many reasons and this was just the physical proof.
WEIGHT: Light.
BUILD: She is quite petit and has never had a 'big' build. She always seemed smaller than people because of her natural height and weight and her slimness. She fits into most small clothes but couldn't be called anorexic. She gets her light and small build from her mother.
STYLE: Fashionable. Likes to dress up for going out. Has a variety of pretty dresses. When not going out though, jeans and a nice top. Tends to match things up, and has a lot of accessories for various occasions, her favourites being long necklaces and bracelets.
PLAY BY: Ariel Winter
OCCUPATION: Alice is a student at Beauxbatons. She used to work in Ollivander's wand shop when living in New Zealand, but when she moved this job had to be given up. She is looking out for another job soon that will bring in some wizard money to help her prepare for her future life and give her some well-needed freedom.
SCHOOL:Hogwarts Beauxbatons. Alice transferred to Beauxbatons in her fifth year and then retook that year. She struggled to fit in, not enjoying the way things were done at the school, and finding lessons on etiquette boring and unnecessary. She still thrived at charms and transfiguration though.
Creativity and intelligence will help some soar,
Above the rest to Ravenclaw'’s door.
Air and Eagle, bronze and blue.
The wisdom to make dreams come true
Alice was delighted at this opportunity, and truly did her best to fit in. She made friends in the house, and the common room became her favourite place. She felt secure and free at Hogwarts, and Ravenclaw students encouraged her.
BOGGART: A giant spider. Alice has always had a fear of spiders, and never gotten on well with them, finding that they make her squeamish and nervous. She also detests snakes, but spiders are the creature that freaks her out the most. She finds the pincers and hairy legs more than she could cope with and if she came into the same area as a giant spider, she would probably faint or have a panic attack.
PATRONUS: A dolphin. They are graceful, clever and loved and this is basically the main things that Alice aspires to be. The creature has always been her favourite and she finds a peace and reassurance by just seeing a picture of one. Her patronus memory would be when her little sister was born. Her sister is only 2, meaning that Alice had 9 years being an only child. She had a close relationship with her mother but always wanted a sibling. Alice has a caring nature, making her want to protect and look after people. Most of her friends had younger siblings and she felt jealous, jealous that they should have such a privilege that she didn't. She was especially happy that the baby was a girl and has felt the responsibility to introduce Grace to the world - this was why coming to HNZ was so very hard for her.
MIRROR OF ERISED: To be successful and to have a name for herself. To be loved and have a happy family. This would make Alice the most happy because she would feel like she truly had succeeded in life and found what was needed with her. The picture would probably show her being beautiful because Alice, like many girls, is immune to how pretty she is actually and feels self-concious about how she looks and therefore a picture where she could truly see her beauty would probably be good enough for Alice. To top it off would be if she had a family around her, a loving husband who is looking at her with eyes of love and perhaps some children of her own. Also, to be back in New Zealand. Since her family have moved to France, she realised how much Hogwarts felt like home. She desires with all her heart to be returned to her natural habitat.
VERITASERUM: Secrets: She doesn't like how she looks and would like to have blonde long hair. She struggles to keep up with the pressure of being who people assume her to be. She just wants to be loved for who she is rather than what she has achieved. She hates Beauxbatons, and recently, her father. She hates how he abandoned her and removed her from her life in New Zealand. She feels he doesn't love her and he betrayed her for his job.
AMORTENTIA: Her favourite smells would include fresh flowers, home-made bread, her mother's muggle perfume, the smell of her dog and the smell of fresh paint. Also, the smell of fresh parchment and the Ravenclaw common room. She longs to have this around her and feels safe when she can imagine this.
Reading - because she enjoys the part where she can sink into someone else's life and troubles, where things work out well. She enjoys different storyline plots from crime to romance. Her favourite reading being old books such as Jane Austen, and old plays such as Shakespeare.
Writing - not only does she enjoy sinking into someone else's life, but she also loves the idea of writing her own creations into life. When she first had problems with friends and family, Alice found that by writing, she could experiment and create a friend who was perfect for Alice's need at the time. Each creation was different and stored in a scrap-book that came to HNZ with Alice in case she needs to add to it.
Music - from writing music, to singing it, to playing on the piano, Alice enjoys the sound and the feeling that music brings. She finds it like a cloud, something to rest upon and float away and the easiest way to lose herself when things grow too hard to bear.
Drawing - when she was little, Alice couldn't draw very well, and never liked the idea of trying hard to succeed at it if she believed that she would never reach her goal. But, one day, she drew a simple daffodil and found a relief in drawing plants, scenes and sights. However, drawing people puts her off completely because when drawing something that is still, she can change it in whatever way she wants to, to get what she wants out of the drawing, but when it is a person, she feels that she must keep it to the exact way that it is in life and therefore it means that she struggles to find the enthusiasm to actually draw them.

Spiders - the biggest fear that she has, this creature restricts Alice, making her freeze and become truly petrified.
Snakes - the slithering serpents freak Alice out and she finds them almost hypnotising. She found that she truly hated them when she was with a friend acquaintance and turned around to find a snake hissing at her.
People who think too much of themselves - quite self-explanatory really, but she finds these people annoying and too big-headed. She thinks that they need to learn to lose some pride and realise that everyone is equals no matter what they can or can't do.
Cheese - a strange dislike, but the smell and taste of it disgusts her and she dislikes it since she once ate it with some chicken and got food poisoning. She knows now that it was the chicken, but the thing itself still freaks her out.

- Alice has a good sense of right and wrong and isn't afraid to show these feelings.
- She is clever and creative, and uses these things around her friends but trying not to show off.
- A good friend. Despite her fears, Alice is a good friend and values her friends. She tries her upmost to not take them for advantage.
- Alice can keep quite calm in mad and completely strange situations. She finds a peace in calming down the situation and helping it be sorted out rationally - like a puzzle.
- Alice's fears can take hold of her some times, and she finds that this restricts her from doing things she sees as important.
- When she gets distracted, she finds herself fiddling with things and ruining them. EG, breaking her quill.
- She has a minor problem of OCD and this clashes with her tendency to get distracted and break things.
- Flying or sports. She doesn't like being outside unless it is to draw or relax and hates the idea of doing sports.
PERSONALITY: Alice is the sort of person who needs to be accepted for who she is. She won't put on an act for people - both a strength and a weakness. She also loves to study and will probably put it above most things apart from friends. She is loyal and loves to be around those who mean something to her.
Alice could also be said to be outgoing. She doesn't have a problem with going up to people and talking to them even if they are new or unknown. Of course she wouldn't do this to any stranger, but to people who could be possible friends.
Alice is very clever and has a good sense of justice. She hates getting into trouble and will try and avoid troublemakers. She works very hard and likes to be the best in the class. She has a fiery temper when people upset her or get on the wrong side of her. She learnt her temper from her dad, whom she always argues with when he is at home. She got her sense of justice from her mum, who she loves deeply and is like a best friend. She can be caring to people she knows and loves, but this isn't the first word that would come to mind when talking about her. She is very creative and loves to be in the centre of things.

James Hills, 31, muggle doctor, muggle.
Alice loves her dad but doesn't always get to see him as he works a lot. She finds this very hard to put up with because he is always tired when he comes home. They argue a lot when they see each other because Alice never understood why he seems to love his job before his family. Alice feels that her father is never pleased with her and instead feels she has to succeed to please him. When his work moved him to France, she blamed him even more that she was removed from her home.

Anna Hills, 30, primary school teacher, muggle.
She is very caring and Alice gets on very well with her. They have a strong relationship and can tell each other things. Her mum struggles with the way that Alice's dad pushes her a lot, but finds it hard to stand up to him. There is a strong mother and daughter bond and Anna found it hard to let her baby go even though she knew that it would be best for her. She covered this up so that it wasn't hard for Alice to choose, but inside it felt like she was breaking. Whilst Alice is at Hogwarts, Anna writes to her regularly but doesn't try to meet up with her every holiday for cost reasons and the fact that it might make Alice more homesick than normal. Anna refused to let Alice stay in New Zealand when they all moved to France, and so moved her to Beauxbatons school. Alice disagreed with her mother's decision and so they drifted apart.

SIBLINGS: Grace Hills, 6, unsure whether witch or muggle.
Grace looks up to Alice and admirers her greatly. Alice is very protective over her and found it hard to leave her for Hogwarts. They get along well and always play together. Grace loves France and still adores Alice, although the rarely see each other now. She is growing up to have a personality similar to Alice and their mother.

PERSONS OF IMPORTANCE: Isobel Hills, Alice's cousin, 15, Slytherin. Isobel Hills who is half born on her mothers side. Their dads are close brothers but Alice and Isobel really don't get along. They are both envious of each other and their lives and tend to not talk. Isobel left school in her 4th year, she found that she didn't enjoy the work or the lifestyle and left to return to the muggle world. She managed to keep her wand because she wasn't expelled, and hasn't done any magic with it, but she enjoys the knowledge that she has a power that no one else she knows has. She enjoyed succeeding in getting somewhere, but struggles to see something through until the end. This is where she and Alice disagree.
- Dog - Toby, Border collie. He is fiercely loyal. Alice had to leave him at home in england. She loves him a lot and finds an escape from her dad is to take him for a walk. Despite the fact that she isn't very sporty, she still really enjoys walking him and he adores her. Toby died when Alice was in her 3rd year. He grew old and was put down by the vet. Alice really struggled with this and blamed her parents. She had no reason to do this, other than she was hurt and felt they hadn't looked after him well enough. She only found out about this when she returned home for summer, as her father said it would be better not to write and tell her and upset her.
- Kitten - Milly. Milly was bought for Alice by her parents when she came to Hogwarts New Zealand. She is still very small and loves Alice a lot though, finding her robes and school clothes the best place to sleep despite the amazing amount of hairs that Alice then has to put up with.

BLOOD STATUS: Muggle Born. At first, Alice was worried that she would get some awkward comments about being a muggle born, but later she found that no one had mentioned it and it seemed that no one in her year was particularly bothered by blood status'. This came as a relief to her and she was delighted that she managed to fit in without this being a bother.
HOMETOWN: Oxford, England. There's no place like home for Alice, and she loves everything about where she lives, from the countryside to the busy streets where her friends and old life remain perfect still. The perfect refuge from the crazy life of school.
CURRENT LOCATION: New Zealand - in school. Over the beginning of her year at Hogwarts, Alice has fallen in love with New Zealand. She enjoys everything about it, and loves the sights outside the school. The school itself has become a perfect place for her, full of new things to discover and amazing magic to learn.
ECONOMIC CLASS: Middle Class. This hasn't ever affected the family as such, but it does mean that visiting Alice in New Zealand or Alice visiting home is restricted to once a year until Alice gets the hang or magical transport.
HISTORY: Alice grew up in Oxford, London and so far, lived her whole life there. She had a nice childhood and made a lot of friends. Her mother worked at her primary school, and whilst this might have been awkward for some people, Alice had never found this so. She enjoyed having her mum so close to her and if anything, it only strengthened their relationship together. She had a circle of friends and was happy that way. Her cousin Isobel also went to her school and made it slightly awkward with her friends as well, but towards their final years, Alice found the way to put it behind her and move on, enjoying the school life as much as she could with an annoying cousin near her constantly. Alice had her first boyfriend at her school in Oxford, but they broke up when she found him with Isobel. Alice has always been unsure of who to blame, and her distrust in Isobel only grew.
When things started happening to her, she carried on with life, assuming that random things she could do were coincidence and that it didn't matter. Never telling her parents seemed the way to deal with it, but looking back now, she wished that she had confided in them and had been able to tell them what was bothering her. In her opinion, this might have increased the relationship with her dad and she now blames herself that she isn't close to him.
She first learnt about magic when she got her letter to Hogwarts New Zealand. Someone came and explained it to her and it has now started to make more sense. She was desperate to learn more things about magic so came over to New Zealand at the first chance. The move for Alice was hard because it meant leaving behind her whole life, her friends, her family and everything she knew, to chase a dream or a way to discover more about herself. Many questions obviously rose up such as what was happening? Why hadn't she discovered earlier? What was life in the magical community like? Did this school teach good things? Was it worth it? No one seemed to be able to answer these concerns/questions and Alice found that as time passed, more questions stacked up. However, when things started to make sense, these answers seemed easy to understand and she is now completely grateful that she took the chance to come when she did.
Her first year began with becoming a Ravenclaw and getting sorted. This was a strange experience for her, being thrown straight into the centre of life at Hogwarts and expected to not freak out. However, rising to the challenge was something that Alice's dad had told her since she was little, and she found that in this situation, it was the best thing to do. She found herself rising in her lessons, reading all the resources possible so that she even had a small chance of finding her place in her lessons. This worked off well and she did. It worked out that she became good at her lessons, enjoying handing her work in on time and just generally rising to the expectations set for her. It seemed that whilst there were targets, people weren't looking down on her and despite previous issues with rising to the challenge, Alice found that in such an environment as Hogwarts New Zealand, it was easy. She found many friends, but with that came enemies whom she have found not to trust. Towards Christmas time of her 1st year, she began dating George Bojinov. Everything seemed to travel in a blur, and it is only at random moments does Alice find herself taking a deep breath and thinking of the whirl-wind events that changed her life forever in the space of under a year.
Her second year passed quickly, with few events. Although the young brunette decided to stay away from dating. Her third and fourth year also passed relatively simply, with little action taking place. Alice decided to get her head down and focus on her studies than doing anything else. She enjoyed being outside and the freedom the air brought. Friends came and went and she was fine with that, she was happy. For her option choices in her 3rd year, she studied Arithmancy and Ancient Runes, which she loved. However, all changed when she returned home after her 4th year. Her parents announced that because of her father's job, they were moving to France where a small practice had opened which he was required to help start up. Alice saw no issue, until half-way through the first term of being back at Hogwarts, her mother found the loss of her home and her daughter too much. Being recalled back to live with her parents was the hardest thing ever for Alice. She hated them because of it, and when at Christmas she had to leave her friends and her life in New Zealand to start afresh in Beauxbatons, France, she closed herself to them and became distant.
Her first few weeks at Beauxbatons went slowly, and painfully for Alice. She was in a large room and rejected all offers of friendship. Her self-confidence dropped dramatically and she felt weak and alone in the world. The feeling of rejection and not being wanted around grew, and she felt inferior to the stunning students of Beauxbatons with manners to rival the Queen. However, when she met Cavani, all changed. The icey protective layer she had put up melted under Cavani's friendliness and Alice became a lot softer towards making friends. However, she lay low in the school and carried on working her best, trying to learn her French quickly so to be able to pass her exams. She still hated her parents for what they did to her, but she was beginning to recover and find solace in other activities, such as walking, wandering and drawing. Her self-confidence remained at a low point and Alice decided that she would stay clear of truly putting her heart into a friendship or relationship, for fear of getting hurt again.

CREDIT: [color=c7c7c7]Credit goes to[/color] [color=8560a8]petitfleur[/color]@[color=8560a8] CAUTION 2.0[/color]
do not claim this as your own or my basilisk
will come and kill you with its stare.
Do not remove this credit.

[] Became a Ravenclaw (sorting ceremony)
[] Dated George Bojinov for a short time
[] Made friends in house

[] Continued with work at Hogwarts New Zealand
[] Decided to stay away from dating

[] Began studying Arithmancy and Ancient Runes

[] Stayed low in the school
[] Enjoyed the company of her friends

[] Her parents decided to move to the South of France, insisting she moved with them.
[] After Christmas, Alice transferred to Beauxbatons.
[] Laying low until Valentine's day, she removes herself from any society and refuses to attempt to make friends, whilst hating her parents for removing her from her home - Hogwarts
[] Meeting Cavani

[] Alice retakes the year.
[] Meeting Meera
[] Meeting Felix
[] Meeting Alexia
[] With Cavani
[] A new roommate
[] Not a date.
[] Meeting Daniel
[] Getting to know Charlotte
[] Alice takes the opportunity to join the 6th year again for the second semester
[] Heartfelt conversations with Meera
[] Letters with George
[] Alice turns 17
[] Alice passes her appiration test
[] Alice was (surprisingly) made a Prefect as an acknowledgement of her hardwork and good transfer

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