Aleyha Proserpine Shaxia Snow

Aleyha Snow

Parselmouth / Albino / Mother / Hostile
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Ebony 13 3/8" Core of Basilisk Fang and Venom with a special handle
"This shining city built of gold....

a far cry from innocence..."

There's more than meets the eye round
Hard news, taken harder, don't look to me
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[name] Aleyha Proserpine Shaxia Snow nee Devearux
[etymology] The name Aleyha means sublime which gives off the impression of a sense of grandeur or power. This meaning fits Aleyha's character perfectly, and she does have this sense of power to her because of what blood runs in her veins. The impression and meaning overall is perfect. Her middle names are Proserpine and Shaxia. The impression that Proserpine gives out is elegance and honorable considering that the meaning is the Queen of the Underworld. Shaxia is the female form of Shax which means faithful and obedient, with the impression of one being sly and cunning young witch. These qualities fit Aleyha very much. The surname Devearux comes from a variation of Deveraux, and it means water. This never suited Aleyha as this was her adopted name, and she does not like the fact that she had ever had that name and prefers no one to bring it up. The surname she now carries is Snow, which comes from France and descends from a powerful, wealthy family that she married into. Snow means frozen rain, and she is proud to be apart of the family. It suits her entirely, as if she fits into the family, or was born to be a Snow. The name comes together to fit Aleyha completely, and she enjoys it.
[origin] The last name Snow comes from France, and it is a common name because the family itself is rather large. However there are not any known people with the last name Snow that has no connection with the large pure-blood family. The reason Aleyha carries this name now is because of her husband whom is a descendant of the Snow family, and she was in an arranged marriage with him. Where the Devearux name comes from France, and the only man to carry the name now was her adopted brother but as far as she knew, Austin may give up the last name as well. He is the only remaining wizarding person of that last name known to be living. Her first and middle names are original to her family, even on her mother's side which has died out as well. Her mother loved original names, and she chose them for her unusual daughter. If it were not for Dorothee and the adoption, Aleyha would have carried the last name Romanov-Zhefarovich, which Romanov is from Bulgaria, and it is unknown if any others carry that name. What is known, that the last remaining one with the blood is Aleyha and her daughter.
[nicknames] Aleyha has a few nicknames that are completely unrelated to her name though related to how she looks and how she acts. To this day, she is sometimes referred to as Snow White because of her pale skin. Other times, she is referred to as the Beast, because she is rather violent and not one to really want to tamper with despite how small she is.
[alliance] Aleyha's alliance is on the side of evil, with the other Dark forces that are in the world. She also allies with her family, both the Snow and the Zhefarovich family.
[birthdate] Aleyha was born on November 13th, 2010, in the Zhefarovich Manor. She was the firstborn of Anya, and she was one of Arnost's many children. She was brought into the world around twenty-three past eight in the morning. She is a morning child, and she was cranky in the morning the day of her birth.
[age] She is twenty-six-years-old.
[gender] Aleyha is definitely a female.
[sexual orientation] Heterosexuality is a sexual orientation that aligns itself to be romantically and sexually attracted to that of the opposite gender. Aleyha used to be bisexual, which she was attracted to both genders however the moment that she was married to Theodore, she became less attracted to women and only attracted to her husband.
[dialects] Aleyha is fluent in four different languages, one of which is an inherited gift. Whereas she had grown up in France, she was taught French first, and she learned English shortly after. Once she moved back into Bulgaria with her father, she was taught Bulgarian. She is still learning it for the most part. Aleyha has yet to learn any other languages and does not seem to have the interest in it either.
[hometown] While Aleyha was born in Bulgaria in the Zhefarovich Manor, she was raised in a decent sized home in Paris, France, where she remembers most of her childhood.
[residency] She currently lives in the Snow Manor with most of the Snow family. The Manor is incredibly large, with too many rooms to count. She currently stays with her husband's part, and with her daughter.
[heritage] Aleyha has a mixed heritage. Her mother was one-half Bulgarian and one-half Romanian. Her father was completely Bulgarian, so her heritage could be defined as one-fourth Romanian and three-fourths Bulgarian. She does not have any heritage of French in her at all.
[blood status] Mixed-blood because her mother was a mixed-blood witch and her father was a pure-blood. She does not act that she is anything above or below, but she hates anything less than half-blood, and does not mind part-veelas because she is married to one.
[blood type] AB negative is Aleyha's blood type. It is rumored that in her family, those with AB Positive align with the side of good, whereas AB Negative align with the side of evil. This has been proven both wrong and correct. There is a belief in Japan that a blood type would give someone good traits and bad. The good traits from this belief are cool, controlled and rational, and the bad traits are critical, indecisive and unforgiving. Some of these traits actually do relate to Aleyha.
[wand] The wand that Aleyha now uses is one that was inherited and that is Ebony 13 3/8" Core of Basilisk Fang and Venom with a special handle. The Ebony wood gives it a darker shade, and it is made for great power. Combined with the core of Basilisk Fang and venom gives it a boost of power as well. It is a rare ingredient common in pure-blood families and ties with someone that buds with the dark arts. It also bonds very well with Parselmouths. The special handle is one with a basilisk carved around it, with the Zhefarovich emblem embedded within the wand.
[occupation] Aleyha is currently unemployed though she just uses her time to spend raising her daughter and being with her husband. She prefers to not have a job as of the moment, because it would tear her away from her family, and she hated being around people.
[health status] Aleyha has the gene of Albinism. Her albinism is nearly rare, however it does in the Zhefarovich line. The illness albinism means that there is no pigment on the body, and the body fails to produce melanin. Because of this, Aleyha's skin is very pale, almost white, and her natural hair color is blonde, nearly white as well. When going outside, Aleyha must shield her eyes as they are red from the illness. Because of her eyes being red, she has also has photophobia, which is a symptom of abnormal intolerance to visual perception of light, sometimes additionally defined by abnormal or irrational fear of light, or by presence of actual physical photosensitivity of the eyes. She also has to wear lots of sunblock to protect her skin when she goes outside.
[allergies] Aleyha does not have any known allergies.
[pet] Aleyha currently has one pet, Fenrir, an Eastern Green Mamba that is six feet long and acts like a Guardian
[special that required approval] Parselmouth, Scitorari

Here look to the waters of the deep, a city of evil
Disappointed, we don't agree, I don't need your praise
[five words] Cold, ruthless, rude, possessive, hateful
[personality] Aleyha is a quiet girl with a heart of snow to match her appearance. She does not like humanity, and thinks very little of her actions when she does something. With the people who has managed to get inside her cold, icy heart, she feels over protective of them, and will do anything until they are 'hers' again -though small for her age, she is loud, violent, and very bold. She is a bundle of emotions, and hardly anyone can contain the untamed princess she will not back down from a fight, and will do whatever it takes to come out the victor, even if it is playing dirty. Though around friends, she seems to be a 'perfect little angel' and smiles and laughs frequently. Her views on mudbloods are often different. She turned the word into an insult, for anyone that is weak, even if they are not muggle born. though she hates them as well.
[beliefs] Aleyha's beliefs are what people would call rather strange. She has been against muggles all of her life, and she believes that they should all perish under the might of magic. She aligns herself with power, and she drinks it up. She hates werewolves and such, but those with special abilities they are born with get a higher amount of respect from her than anything. So long as it is natural and not contagious, she approves.
[boggart] Asparuh Zhefarovich III because she knows how cruel he is, how dark he is, and that he will not care to kill her off if she did something against the family
[fears] Aleyha fears her husband being killed. She also fearing of huge dogs and Aurors. She also fears half of her family because of how strong they are, especially Asparuh. She also fears Inferi and Lethifold
[likes] Aleyha likes to torture people but she is also very picky about who she tortures as well. Aleyha will not torture just anyone and if she has chosen someone, Merlin help them. Aleyha enjoys to walk outside in the middle of a thunderstorm and admire the lightning. She also talks to her snake and has long conversations with him. She adores anything that has a snake in it, as she likes snakes better than humans. Aleyha likes to spend time with her family and looks at them as friends rather than family. She also loves to spend time with her boyfriend as well.
[dislikes] Aleyha dislikes a lot of things, but these are the main things she dislikes. She hates the sunlight because it can damage her eyes and skin because she is albino. Aleyha also does not like how spineless people can be, mostly Hufflepuff. She dislikes mostly bubbly people because they are too happy and cheerful for her liking and finds them highly annoying. She cannot stand how 'brave' the Gryffindors act. She also cannot stand anyone that has muggle parents and muggles themselves because she thinks they are too close minded and she had bad experiences with them. Aleyha dislikes flowers and girlie things. She hates people who are fake to get friends as well.
[goals] Aleyha has many goals in life. Her main goal is to follow in her father's footsteps and become a dark witch and make her family proud. She also wants to make snakes be cherished in humanity rather than feared.
[good habits] Aleyha keeps her hygiene in check and she also has a habit of keeping everything tidy
[bad habits] She never thinks before she talks, and is too blunt. She is also very rebellious as well as gets bored with everything easily
[strengths] Aleyha has been strong with her intelligent and her will to fight all of her life from the moment she was born, she was not treated with the love that she deserved. She had to fight against the people trying to control her all her life, and she had an abusive mother by beating her down with her emotions which are Aleyha's weak points. Aleyha is strong by being forced to take dancing lessons and gymnastics. She can bend her body because she is limber and she knows classical music because of the ballerina lessons. Aleyha is intelligent and she will follow through with her words because she believes that that is the right thing to do. As for school, she is strongest in Potions and Herbology because she knows a lot about plants and their properties and she can mix potions almost perfect on the first try. She has Herbology and Potions, as well as Dark Arts running through her blood and it helps as well with her natural abilities.
[weaknesses] Aleyha's weaknesses are pretty average. She is quite skinny, and she can easily break a bone if she got into a fight. She also is a little on the short side compared to the rest of the family, thanks to her birth mother for being a little shorter than normal. Aleyha is a bit of a hothead and allows her temper to control her. Her emotions are easily seen through her body language, for instance, if she is made, her hand will twitch and she often won't notice this. Aleyha is not open minded at all because of the way her mind works, if you don't go along with what she says or thinks, she will dislike you and ignore you. Aleyha is also less understanding of people's problems, as she is more likely to throw them back into your face rather than help someone out. Aleyha is not usually right about things out in the world, as she is convinced that the aurors tear families apart and she hates them and thinks they are the bad guys. She always thinks she is right about everything, and she is stubborn to argue and fight to prove that she is right. even if proven wrong, Aleyha is too stubborn to change her mind.
[loyalities] The Snow Family and the Zhefarovich Family
[magical talents] Aleyha possesses a strong knowledge in potions and the Dark Arts as well as curses and charms. Aleyha can duel very well, and she is excellent at fighting with her wand and powers. She can cast powerful spells verbally, however she is currently working on her nonverbal magic, and wandless magic because she never got the chance in school.
[other talents] Aleyha can do a large amount of martial arts, and she can also run for an extended amount of time. Aleyha can also walk quietly, and can sneak around without others noticing. She is very limber, and can dance as well as do gymnastics. Aleyha can also write interesting short stories and style someone's hair. She is good at being a beautician but she never had an interest with it at all. Aleyha is currently working on her talents of being a mother, and also her talents in bed.
[patronus form] A snake
[annoyances] People that are too 'glamorous' get on her nerves, and she also does not like anyone that adores muggles.

There sat a seven-headed beast, ten horns raised from his head
Don't look my way for help, from the beginning you came to me
[chinese year] Aleyha's Chinese year, being born in 2010, makes her a Tiger. Tiger people are sensitive, given to deep thinking, capable of great sympathy. They can be extremely short-tempered, however. Other people have great respect for them, but sometimes tiger people come into conflict with older people or those in authority. sometimes Tiger people cannot make up their minds, which can result in a poor, hasty decision or a sound decision arrived at too late. They are suspicious of others, but they are courageous and powerful. Tigers are most compatible with Horses, Dragons, and Dogs.
[zodiac sign] Aleyha's zodiac sign is Scorpio, the Scorpion. Being a Scorpio makes her determined, forceful, emotional, intuitive and powerful. All of these are in perfect alignment with her character. The other aspect, generally the negative traits of a Scorpio, are associated closely with death which Aleyha has experienced a number of times, jealous, resentful, compulsive, obsessive and secretive. All of these traits are aligned with those under the Scorpion rule, and she is no exception to that alignment as all traits fit closely with her character. What a scorpion likes are truth, the thrill of hidden causes as well as being involved, working that is meaningful to themselves, and being persuasive to one's will. However what a scorpion dislikes are only being given surface data, taken advantage of, having demeaning jobs, shallow relationships which also include flatter and flattering. Hadan has the dislikes down to the dot. Aleyha's zodiac colors are dark red and maroon, both colors that she is fond of. And her zodiac starstone is Opal, which there is a myth that if anyone wears the opal brings bad luck to the wearer if they are not a Scorpio.
[fixed sign] A Scorpio has a fixed sign, which means that the person can be described as someone who has stabilization, determination, depth and persistence. Aleyha has all of these qualities, and it fits her character.
[interpersonal sign] Also being a Scorpio makes someone principally aware of and concerned with social and societal concerns. This may pertain to Aleyha, however with her alliance, a little differently than others under the Interpersonal sign. She is aware, but she is also concerned with how harmful the muggle-borns are making the wizarding society due to her darker nature.
[planet] The planet that rules Aleyha's character is Pluto. Plutos energies are very intense and when unleashed they can actually change an entire life, for good or evil, so much so that the person seems caught up in a whirlwind until the phase passes and leaves a complete set of new ideas, ideals, or morals instilled in the very core of their being. It also has a purifying energy that allows one to rise to higher levels of awareness. Before this rise can come about one must consciously seek to eliminate anything that would hinder them. Sometimes Plutos energies are perceived as destructive but they are, rather, a reflection of energy being returned to itself; this effect has often been associated with the subversive elements of society and with the underground. With being ruled by this planet, it makes the person have a spiritual outlook on life, and the ability to discern the truth; on the negative outlook, it can also make a person a power abuser, destructive, using of the darker side of magic, self-serving and a fanatic. All around, this planet is more or less a negative planet however it affects a person once it is in rule, which happens very rarely as pluto has a long trail around the sun.
[element] The Scorpios' element is Water. When the water element is emphasised in a person's natal chart they are usually quite emotional - even if they don't show it (still waters run deep). Confinement is not something these people deal well with, they are usually quite resourceful. On a positive level watery people are caring, emotional and artistic, but can also tend to exaggerate feelings out of proportion and live in a fantasy world. When a person's chart lacks water, there is the tendency for them to find it difficult to understand the feeling side of life and to show compassion to those around them. Someone having the element of water makes a person emotionally reserved, mysterious, devoted to love, psychic and artistic, with the downside of having her very sensitive, enough to the point that it would make her highly aggressive and can withdraw emotions.
[birthstone] Being born in November, the stone is Yellow topaz or Citrine. Topaz was once linked with sanity, healing, and life, as well as being connected to strength by the ancient Greeks. This stone has even been linked to an ability to make the wearer invisible in dangerous situations.

Symbolic woman sits on his throne
Never asked you to like me
[martial status] Aleyha is currently married and she is very happy into her marriage. Despite the fact that it is an arranged marriage, she is still very happy with her life with Theodore Snow, a fellow dark wizard.
[when] They had been arranged into a marriage since February 2nd, 2012, however they became a couple during her third year in Hogwarts, and then after she was expelled, they were married on November 13th, 2027.</SIZE>
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[aleyha snow and theodore snow] During Aleyha's first year, she was wondering the dungeons when she and Theodore first met, after they had unknowingly played with one another back when they were children. They got into a fight, and later, she managed to fight him again. During that break, she learned that was her future husband, and the two started to get along but the fights continued to break out. During her third year, and his fifth, they managed to become a couple after attending Yule Balls together and getting closer. She constantly teased him for being a Prefect, and she watched him graduate. After she was left alone without him, she got expelled because she could not handle the school alone. On November 13th, 2027, they were married and now they have been together for so long, Aleyha could not remember a happier time. They both became Scitorari, and now have a daughter together. Aleyha could not have been happier with the man that she fell in love with. Aleyha would be happy to give him more children, but she cannot stand being pregnant, and she hates taking care of children when she has to deal with Theodore's things as well. However Aleyha would never take back her baby girl, Astarte.
[past relationships] None
[innocence] On November 13th, 2027, the night of their wedding, Aleyha and Theodore decided to fulfill their needs for one and another, and they managed to not just perform their act once, but many times. Aleyha thought that the first time was not so good, so her and Theodore continued on with making love until it started to feel better and better. However due to the lack of protection, during that night and within a week later, Aleyha ended up pregnant.
[past sexual partners] None
[turn ons] Soft hair, forcefulness, singing and soft lips
[turn offs] Nerds, stupidity, no spines
[aphrodisiac] White chocolate, rose petals and blood
[the perfect male] Aleyha prefers her males to be rather confident but like her as well. She wants her male to be different and also on the side of evil as well. Someone who is interested in who she was and everything.
[the perfect date] Outside in the night light under the stars, cuddling and kissing

But hatred strips her and leaves her naked
I don't want your praise, we won't play your games
[playby] Teresa Palmer
[ages used] From seventeen to present
[former playby] Jacqueline Vanek
[ages used] From nine to twelve
[former playby] Kirsten "Kiki Kannibal" Ostrenga
[ages used] From twelve to seventeen
[natural hair] Due to her albinism, Aleyha's hair is a very light, silvery blonde as it lacks any sort of color to it. Her natural hair is very straight, and it is soft to the touch. It is rather fine, and it shines when light hits it. She has thin hair so there is not much of it. Her hair gives her the image of a porcelain doll, however she is anything but fragile.
[hair modifications] The only modifications that Aleyha performs on her hair is the occasional curls that she likes to add from time to time, and she keeps it cut at her mid back. She never uses any beauty products on her hair because she values her hair.
[eyes] Also due to her albinism, her eyes shine a blood red color with an evil gleam to them. What lies beyond Aleyha's eyes when she does not have them blocked is hurt from her past, anger that she has not expressed and hatred for those that have harmed her in her past. She carries a violent look in her eyes when she is hiding their true nature, and she looks as though she is ready to tear someone's head clean off their shoulders. When Aleyha is irritated, they darken to a scarlet color and when she is infuriated, they turn black as part of the family gene. The light from the sun makes them almost a hot pink color as well. Her eyes color stands for anger, exertion, power and alertness. She tends to have blonde eyelashes, however she keeps mascara on them to make them seem more normal.
[height] With her genes, she gets then from her father's side of the family. They have many tall women, and Aleyha is no exception. She stands at a height of five feet and ten inches. Most of her height goes to her legs, as they are lightly longer than her torso.
[weight] Aleyha is actually slightly underweight, and she is very skinny. Her weight after she wore off her baby fat, she weighs one hundred and ten pounds. This is not dangerous at all to her health.
[complexion] Her skin is nearly white, like an ivory hue or porcelain, and the feel of it is soft, and natural. She hardly has any markings on her skin. It is smooth also to the touch.
[scars] Aleyha only has one scar on her body, and that is a bite on her right hand from Vera, her former guardian. She calls it a love bite to whomever comments upon the scar.
[birthmark] A crescent moon on the left side of the neck
[smile] Venomous and cruel, but she can also have a sweet look to her as well.
[body build] Her body is very thin and lean, lined with muscles though more in her legs than anything
[body modifications] Aleyha has a few body modifications. First and foremost, she has a tattoo of the Zhefarovich symbol that covers her entire back. She also has a belly ring and her ears are pierced, so she wears these earrings.
[dominant hand] Aleyha is dominant in her left hand, and she adjusts to everything with her left hand. However as of recently she is learned to use her right hand as well, especially when she is battling with two wands.
[style] Aleyha's style can be labeled as goth or punk. However, she is starting to get into the scene style and she will never wear warm colors as she always wears cooler colors. She is getting into mini skirts right now, but she never shows off her legs and much of her arms. Her clothes are never revealing. She normally wears tee shirts and skinny jeans. She hardly wears skirts, but when she does, they are normally gothic skirts. Her type of shoes are quite easy to figure, and they are Converses but she does wear tall boots on occasion. During the summer, she sometimes wears flats. Though when she dresses up, her heels are unique. Shorts and a shirt are what Aleyha wears to bed. She could not live without her belt, necklace and ring

She's a dwelling place for demons
Look down on me, spit in my face
[school] Aleyha was sent to Hogwarts New Zealand for five years until in her sixth year, she was expelled from the school for attacking a professor.
[hogwarts house] Aleyha was sorted into Salazar Slytherin's house
[special titles and awards] Aleyha was a Quidditch Beater for two years of her, almost three. She was also in Accio! Staff. She had also won a few Superlatives in her years. For her second year, she won the First to Get Married; for her third year, she won Most Original Style, Most Likely to Rebel for the Fun of it, and with Theodore Snow, she won Cutest Couple and First to get Married, and finally with Ariah Rowan, Hilde Lindstrom and Hannah Lindstrom she won Most Inseparable Friends; in her fifth year, she won Most Likely to take over the World, and with Theodore Snow, she won Cutest Couple and First to get Married.
[extracurricular activities] Aleyha did not join many clubs but the ones that she were involved in were Accio! Staff and Heta Omega.
[favorite subject] Potions
[best subject] Potions
[loathed subject] Transfiguration
[worst subject] Muggle Studies
[favorite professor] Professor Styx
[loathed professor] Professor Black
[grade average] Acceptable
[owl grades]
Potions: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
History of Magic: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Charms: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Transfiguration: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Astronomy: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Herbology: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Arithmancy: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Muggle Studies: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable

[newt grades] Not available
[graduated] Expelled

-----Too be continued on the next post
"She's a cage for every unclean spirit every filthy bird....

You're nothing to me, not to me..."

And makes us drink the poisoned wine to fornicating with our kings
Darkened eyes you'll see


[husband] Theodore Yzak Snow
[born] December 12th, 2008
[blood status] Mixed blood; Half-Veela
[title] Head of the Snow Family
[heritage] French
[seeing] Aleyha Proserpine Shaxia Snow
[occupation] Unemployed; Scitorari
[education] Hogwarts New Zealand; Slytherin Alumni, Prefect and Head Boy
[playby] Harry Lloyd
[roleplayer] Jessye


[daughter] Astarte Lilith Snow
[born] August 8th, 2028
[blood status] Mixed-blood; Part-Veela
[heritage] 1/2 French, 3/8 Bulgarian, 1/8 Romanian
[playby] Miss Mosh


[son] Asmodeus Acia Snow
[born] December 11th, 2030
[blood status] Mixed-blood; Part-Veela
[heritage] 1/2 French, 3/8 Bulgarian, 1/8 Romanian
[playby] Dave Williams


[son] Tyce Grigor Snow
[born] February 19th, 2032
[death] February 19th, 2032
[blood status] Mixed-blood; Part-Veela
[heritage] 1/2 French, 3/8 Bulgarian, 1/8 Romanian
[playby] Austin Butler


[mother] Anya Desislava Romanov
[born] March 25th, 1985
[died] December 15th, 2010
[blood status] Mixed-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Romanian, 1/2 Bulgarian
[occupation] Unemployed; Death Eater
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[playby] Diane Kruger
[roleplayer] Pat


[father] Arnost Grigor Zhefarovich
[born] October 31st, 1949
[died] December 18th, 2027
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Bulgarian
[occupation] Unemployed; Death Eater, Ghost
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[playby] Julian Sands
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[father-in-law] Alphonse Severin Snow
[born] December 18th, 1987
[died] December 18th, 2027
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] French
[seeing] Nataliia Mirela Dragonov-Snow
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Slytherin Alumni
[playby] Nick Lachey
[roleplayer] Jessye


[step-mother-in-law/cousin] Nataliia Mirela Dragonov-Snow
[born] March 14th, 2000
[blood status] Pure-blood
[title] Margrave of the Zhefarovich Family
[heritage] Bulgarian
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Beauxbatons Alumni
[playby] Angela Lindvall
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[older half-brother] Apostol Solon Zhefarovich
[born] January 15th, 1978
[died] January 11th, 2027
[blood status] Mixed-blood
[heritage] Bulgarian
[occupation] Unspeakable
[education] Durmstrang Alumni; Prefect
[playby] Fredric Lehne


[older half-brother-in-law] Xavier Michele Snow
[born] November 27th, 2006
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] French
[seeing] Jezebella Mastema Hurley-Snow
[occupation] Chaser for the Quibberon Quafflepunchers
[education] Hogwarts New Zealand; Hufflepuff Alumni
[playby] Ashley Parker Angel
[roleplayer] Jessye


[older half-sister-in-law] Jezebella Mastema Hurley-Snow
[born] February 13th, 2008
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/4 British, 3/4 Russian
[seeing] Xavier Michele Snow
[occupation] Beautician
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Slytherin Alumni
[playby] Katarzyna Dolinska
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[older half-sister-in-law] Gabrielle Desideria Snow-Kovac
[born] November 27th, 2006
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] French
[seeing] Colton Dalek Kovac
[occupation] Saint Mungo's Healer
[education] Beauxbatons Alumni, Prefect
[playby] Julianne Hough
[roleplayer] Jessye


[older half-brother-in-law] Colton Dalek Kovac
[born] April 6th, 2004
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Italian, 1/2 Slovakian
[seeing] Gabrielle Desideria Snow-Kovac
[occupation] Saint Mungo's Healer
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Slytherin Alumni, Prefect and Head Boy
[playby] Steven R. McQueen
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[older half-sister] Cassandra Alexandra Zhefarovich
[born] October 2nd, 2006
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 British, 1/2 Bulgarian
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Hogwarts New Zealand; Slytherin Alumni
[playby] Amy Lee
[roleplayer] Kelsey


[older sister-in-law] Alyssa Christelle Snow-Chevalier
[born] December 12th, 2008
[blood status] Mixed-blood; Half-Veela
[heritage] French
[seeing] Vincent Avery Chevalier
[occupation] Saint Mungo's Healer
[education] Hogwarts New Zealand; Slytherin Alumni
[playby] Christina Aguilera
[roleplayer] Jessye


[older brother-in-law] Vincent Avery Chevalier
[born] November 14th, 2006
[blood status] Mixed-blood
[heritage] French
[seeing] Alyssa Christelle Snow-Chevalier
[occupation] Auror
[education] Beauxbatons Alumni, Prefect
[playby] Leonardo DiCaprio
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[younger sister-in-law] Amethyst Julianne Snow
[born] December 29th, 2011
[blood status] Mixed-blood; Half-Veela
[heritage] French
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Beauxbatons Alumni
[playby] Ashley Simphalf-son-in-law/cousin
[roleplayer] Pat


[younger sister-in-law] Daniella Astrid Snow
[born] December 29th, 2011
[blood status] Mixed-blood; Half-Veela
[heritage] French
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Beauxbatons Alumni
[playby] Ginta Lapina
[roleplayer] Jessye


[younger brother-in-law] Nazaire Trenton Snow
[born] August 4th, 2014
[died] November 11th, 2020
[blood status] Mixed-blood; Half-Veela
[heritage] French
[playby] Child


[younger sister-in-law] Kendra Caterine Casey Snow
[born] February 22nd, 2015
[blood status] Mixed-blood; Half-Veela
[heritage] French
[education] Hogwarts New Zealand; Slytherin
[playby] Brittany Snow
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[younger brother-in-law] Romaine Alias Snow
[born] February 22nd, 2015
[blood status] Mixed-blood; Half-Veela
[heritage] French
[education] Hogwarts New Zealand; Slytherin, Prefect
[playby] Jesse McCartney
[roleplayer] Jessye


[younger sister-in-law] Aphrodite Veronique Snow
[born] February 14th, 2016
[blood status] Mixed-blood; Half-Veela
[heritage] French
[seeing] Isaia Vitale Romanes
[education] Hogwarts New Zealand; Gryffindor Alumni, Prefect and Head Girl
[playby] Delta Goodrem
[roleplayer] Jessye


[younger half-sister] Vixen Antonette Zhefarovich-Dolohov
[born] June 27th, 2023
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 British, 1/2 Bulgarian
[education] Hogwarts New Zealand; Slytherin
[playby] Arielle Kebbel
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[younger half-brother-in-law/cousin] Lucien Henri Snow
[born] May 22nd, 2024
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Bulgarian, 1/2 French
[playby] Tom Felton


[younger half-sister-in-law/cousin] Lucretia Cateline Snow
[born] May 22nd, 2024
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Bulgarian, 1/2 French
[playby] Taylor Momsen


[younger half-sister-in-law/cousin] Katrina Lucille Snow
[born] May 22nd, 2024
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Bulgarian, 1/2 French
[playby] Taylor Momsen


[younger half-son-in-law/cousin] Jean Ivon Snow
[born] May 22nd, 2024
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Bulgarian, 1/2 French
[playby] Tom Felton


[younger half-brother] Vasil Roman Zhefarovich-Lefevre
[born] July 1st, 2026
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 French, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Chad Michael Murray


[younger half-sister] Aurelie Gem Zhefarovich-Lefevre
[born] July 1st, 2026
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 French, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Katheryn Winnick


[younger half-sister] Vivienne Floris Zhefarovich-Lefevre
[born] July 1st, 2026
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 French, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Elisabeth Harnois


[younger half-brother] Antonin Andras Zhefarovich
[born] July 6th, 2026
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Bulgarian
[playby] Ryan Kwanten


[younger half-sister] Hecate Semele Zhefarovich
[born] July 6th, 2026
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Bulgarian
[playby] Nicole Anderson


[younger half-sister] Lucifera Nina Zhefarovich
[born] July 6th, 2026
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Bulgarian
[playby] Nicole Anderson


[younger half-sister] Coranine Kendra Zhefarovich
[born] July 6th, 2026
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Bulgarian
[playby] Hannah Davis


[younger half-sister] Fantine Emiliya Zhefarovich
[born] July 10th, 2026
[blood status] Mixed-blood; Part-Veela
[heritage] 1/8 Greek, 1/8 German, 1/4 British, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Hannah Murray


[younger half-brother] Marius Mihail Zhefarovich
[born] July 10th, 2026
[blood status] Mixed-blood; Part-Veela
[heritage] 1/8 Greek, 1/8 German, 1/4 British, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Luke Mitchell


[younger half-sister] Bisera Evangeliya Zhefarovich
[born] July 10th, 2026
[blood status] Mixed-blood; Part-Veela
[heritage] 1/8 Greek, 1/8 German, 1/4 British, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Hannah Murray


[younger half-brother] Desislav Zahari Zhefarovich
[born] July 10th, 2026
[blood status] Mixed-blood; Part-Veela
[heritage] 1/8 Greek, 1/8 German, 1/4 British, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Luke Mitchell


[younger half-brother] Beau Kiril Zhefarovich
[born] July 22nd, 2026
[blood status] Mixed-blood
[heritage] 1/2 British, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Chriss Riggi


[younger half-brother] Eric Nathaniel Zhefarovich
[born] July 22nd, 2026
[blood status] Mixed-blood
[heritage] 1/2 British, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Chriss Riggi


[younger half-sister] Evangeline Isabelle Zhefarovich
[born] July 22nd, 2026
[blood status] Mixed-blood
[heritage] 1/2 British, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Defline Bafort


[younger half-sister] Alethia Morta Zhefarovich
[born] August 3rd, 2027
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 French, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Jenn Curbstomp


[younger half-sister-in-law/cousin] Emma Alice Snow
[born] September 23rd, 2027
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Bulgarian, 1/2 French
[playby] Sara Paxton

<SIZE size="50">Her plagues will come all at once as her mourners watch her burn
There is no hope, no savior in me
</i><FONT font="Arial"><SIZE size="50">
Anya Desislava Romanov gave birth to an albino child on Novemeber 13[sup]th[/sup], 2010, a day that happened to fall on a Friday the Thirteenth. The father of this albino child, whom Anya named Aleyha Proserpine Shaxia Romanov-Zhefarovich, was none other than Arnost Grigor Zhefarovich - twin brother of the Patriarch Asparuh Gavril Zhefarovich III. An arranged marriage between Aleyha and Theodore Yzak Snow was set in stone by the mother, the father, and the Patriarch of this Zhefarovich descendant. However, due to Anya's decision upon giving up the child to a French family because Arnost was not to be found, Aleyha Proserpine Shaxia Romanov-Zhefarovich was renamed Aleyha Megan Devearux, adopted into the Devearux family by Dorothee and her only son Austin, whose father is Prodan Zhefarovich. Dorothee pretended to adore this young baby, when she thought that she was cursed with an albino because she was unaware of her birthday, believing in superstitions. Shortly before Prodan after whisked away to the Manor, Dorothee had lied and told him that this albino was his. Asparuh saw this, and he murdered Anya Romanov for such idiotic actions, knowing well that this would ruin the destiny of this child. The Devearux family had a pet snake named Vera, and in order to get the young Aleyha to sleep through the night, the snake had to be curled next to her. Aleyha's red eyes and white skin along with white hair remained the same, thus giving Dorothee an all more reason to think that Aleyha is cursed. When Aleyha was nine months old, she started to walk, and she would pitch a hellish fit when dressed in pastel colors. Her first word was "Vera," and she did not learn to say "mom" until she was at least two-years-old. After reaching age three, Aleyha was just told her birthday by Austin, but she never had a birthday party to celebrate, or receive any presents unless Austin gave her something he made. Aleyha had a close bond with Austin by this point, but never realized that she was entirely different from everyone else. Vera stuck by her, and became her pet and protected and soothed Aleyha from the wrath of Dorothee. She clearly favored Austin, and Aleyha saw this even from her young age. Aleyha came to terms with it when she was four, quite proud that Vera was her only protector because Austin did nothing against his mother to help Aleyha. Though she adored him, that is where the hidden hatred began. Vera often hissed and bit Dorothee when she came near Aleyha, and threatened to get rid of the beast. Aleyha was lucky that Austin talked her from it. Dorothee decided to use Aleyha, and shoved her in dance school, gymnastics, and ballet lessons all against her will. Aleyha was often taunted by others for her red eyes and demon-like appearance. Aleyha remained quiet for years to come, rarely speaking unless she was spoken to by Austin. She also started muggle school, which threw Aleyha into a world that she didn't belong in, appearance-wise and magical-wise. Aleyha did not perform magic while in muggle school, but at this point, she was already aware that she was magical. During the first year at school, Aleyha received almost perfect marks, but the constant teasing would soon turn devastating as the time continued. Aleyha was seven years of age when she first heard Vera speak to her. Aleyha of course was unaware at this time that she was a Parselmouth. Vera would speak in tiny poems to soothe Aleyha to sleep, and kept her dreams safe from the nightmares she faced in the muggle world. Aleyha told no one of this speaking snake, terrified that it would be taken away from her. Aleyha was one of the top in her gymnastics classes, her ballet, and her dance classes, but the teasing and bully increased. Whether it was from jealousy or no, Aleyha didn't know, nor did she want to. She kept all her hatred and anger kept inside, and when she got home, she would release it into her pillow. The bond between her and Austin was loosening, as Aleyha spent her time locked up in her bedroom.

Aleyha hated muggles, the bullying, the teasing, the pinching, just everything. Dorothee had forbade her to fight back. She would have to suck it up and be normal. Aleyha slowly started to hate Dorothee by this point, never calling her Mother to her face. Aleyha continued to listen to Vera, and soon that became her only friend in the world. However, things started to change. Vera had told Aleyha to fight for herself. It was in her blood. She had the power to. Aleyha started to teach herself martial arts, learning out to fight. Daily, she would run through the park, and nightly she would exercise to gain body strength. Anne Houser, a fellow witch, befriended Aleyha, and it was evident at this point that Aleyha's hatred would be coming out soon. At age eight, Aleyha finally fought back, throwing kicks and punches at anyone who dared to tease her, to punch her, to bully her. After a while, even the teachers had something to say, and it wasn't long before Aleyha attacked them. Aleyha was soon expelled, much to her own enjoyment. Same went with her classes, as she became too violent for the girls. Dorothee was soon on the verge of panicking, even after Aleyha sent Austin to the hospital after a flight down a set of concrete stairs. But when Aleyha turned ten, and her brother was eleven, they moved to Sunshine Coast, Australia, and Aleyha discovered that she was a Parselmouth. While her brother was at school, and her mother thought that she was more cursed than ever, Aleyha only had her snake-friends to rely on, until she turned eleven and received her own Hogwarts New Zealand. Slytherin! Aleyha was sorted under the same house that the great Salazar Slytherin had made for those who were cunning and all around just the best. Haters of mudbloods, she had presumed. Aleyha by this time had made many close friends: Ai Adlam, Jarrod Passfield, and Brodie Fudge. A week into her first year, Aleyha released her dying snake Vera, after receiving another snake for a guardian named Fenrir, after the werewolf Death Eater. Aleyha spent a few days mourning over Vera, but soon Fenrir stole her heart. Things went from bad, to better when she discovered that her 'mother' had died, murdered by Asparuh, and she received comfort because Prodan wasn't handling it well. On Halloween, Aleyha went to the Feast as a fairy, but she did not do anything besides hang around her friends. Aleyha gave her first kiss to Brodie when she came and comforted him about his mother. Then some trouble came out of Derrik and Brodie, making Aleyha fearsomely jealous, especially with that Gossip Magazine running about. After Brodie's personal flight down the stairs, Aleyha scored a date to the Yule Ball. Though after that night, things went downhill fast. Aleyha not only beat up Derrik out of jealousy and went to the Headmistress for help, Aleyha met her future husband...Theodore Snow. The tempers clashed and they fought in the dungeons. Aleyha only hoped that she wouldn't see him again after that, because to get herself out of his clutches, she had to kiss him. Little did she know...he was dating a Slytherin, Abbey Lurken. It wasn't long before they broke up, with Aleyha's ice cold words that were just harsh were thrown in defense of the Veela boy. Soon, Aleyha was over Brodie, but wanting revenge, when a Hufflepuff came and disturbed her in the library. Theodore Snow came about...again. At first they teamed up against him, but soon, they fought again. This time, they soaked the Library in ink, and were caught after soaking Cecily in ink as well. The parents were called in, and detention was given: mooncalf dung. They had become closer ever since that hospital wing talk and that detention. They even went to Brightstone together for means of pranking. However, things had a weird twist of fate. Asparuh Zhefarovich and Alphonse Snow revealed to them that they were going to get married by means of an arranged marriage.

The second year was just around the corner when Aleyha first met Theodore's sister, Alyssa Snow, not in the Glam Squad that that point. Aleyha didn't care, and she didn't want to. After a triple 'date', school began and Aleyha lost it. Her dorm room was completely and utterly demolished by herself. A first year came around and Aleyha shooed her off. Though more people entered her dorm, and when Carmen mention Kaleb, Aleyha's cousin with whom she adores, Aleyha took the pole she had used to destroy everything with, and hit her in the head. Though by doing that, Aleyha assisted in Carmen and Kaleb finally getting together. Not too long after that, Aleyha was outside after curfew where her and Theodore got into it again, almost kissed and fell into the water. Just to make things worse, Headmaster Nicolas King caught them, gave them detention even though Aleyha was dead-set against it. After that detention, Aleyha skipped the Halloween Feast, finding no use in attending this year. Then, it came to worse when Aleyha discovered that Cecily is pregnant with Prodan's baby, and exploded. She threatened both Cecily and the kid with their lives, before running in the opposite direction. Aleyha thought her life turned into a nightmare when her 'father' became the Muggle Studies professor and was seeing the Headmistress, the one who betrayed her. Aleyha took out her frustration on a Ravenclaw second year, whom she didn't know, assisted with Ai. Aleyha felt better after making that kid cry. Then, Aleyha met Theodore out on the cliffs, with Alyssa, but Alyssa left. After some talking, he asked her to the Yule Ball. Aleyha accepted. Though after he pecked her on the cheek, she hugged him, realizing that she was opening up to him. Aleyha had no other choice but to run. Aleyha went to the ball with Theodore, and she kissed him. Though not long after that, they argued after spilling feelings for each other, and Aleyha told him that she wanted to be put to death, even though that was a lie. Aleyha and Theodore went to the Zhefarovich manor, where they met her real mom. Aleyha was a little happier that Dorothee wasn't her birth mother. Though before that happened, she had a little family gathering with herself, Cecily, Austin and Prodan. Anger consuming her, Aleyha shoved the pregnant Headmistress down a flight of stairs, causing her to die for a few seconds and come back to life. Aleyha did not have any charges pressed against her, but she hated that woman, enough to kill her. Aleyha went back to the school, and discovered Alexander Fields and Theodore fighting. Aleyha jumped in to defend her soon-to-husband, and fought with the older Hufflepuff by means of using a huge plank of wood. She brought much blood to him without a single scratch on herself. Though they were caught, and Aleyha took her punishment, though felt bad for knocking Theodore out. Itching with fights, Aleyha got her revenge at last with Brodie, beating him to a pulp in the common room. Aleyha was charmed by the fact that Theodore gave her a snake necklace, that she wears all the time. Though a meeting in the dungeon with a fifth year Slytherin made Aleyha suspicious. Cassandra Nott. As it turned out, they were not just related, but sisters, and their father was Arnost Zhefarovich. Aleyha is dealing with that right now, and she doesn't know what to think of it. Then, she made even grounds with Derrik, no longer wanting to hurt him. Aleyha is making her life better, and she then landed in a trap, where she managed to hide under a bed, Theodore's bed, and listened in on his and Kaleb's conversation. She heard a lot more than she wanted, and then she and Theodore had a heart-to-heart conversation. She has his Samson, and she gave him a kiss right before bolting out of the room. The exams were drawing near, and Aleyha wondered if she would ever be ready for them. Something important was crossing her mind. Aleyha decided to never go back to Prodan's house, and she is now living in the Zhefarovich Manor. Aleyha managed to win First to Get Married in the Yearbook. She has met her other sibling Vixen, and Aleyha adored her, as well as Ivaylo, another cousin. Aleyha never wants to go back to Prodan's house while Cecily is there. She tried to transfer to Durmstrang, but Asparuh and Kalif both objected, so Kalif could keep a close eye on her while he was at school. Aleyha visited the Snow Manor, and she found it highly entertaining, despite her most recent failure to switch schools.. Reluctantly, Aleyha is returning to Hogwarts New Zealand for her third year.

The third year began as slowly as ever for the Parselmouth. She has been spending more time with her family and staying away from the likes of her friends. The more time she spends with Theodore and others, the less violent she has gotten. Aleyha seemed a little strange, as her hormones start to kick in. She had not started her menstrual cycle yet, and that would be starting soon enough. Aleyha knew nothing of the grown up world just yet. That would all change soon. As her classes drone on, Aleyha became bored. She failed to contact any of her friends, but she did plan a night with Theodore. On Halloween, they had a small picnic, where they took a nap together so they could enjoy their own festivities at night. Aleyha was a little confused when Theodore asked her to be his girlfriend. She hesitated, and when Theodore took the question back, Aleyha lost it. The only way to shut up the albino girl was a kiss. Aleyha melted. It wasn't long when they became official to the public, and Aleyha felt weak at the knees whenever he kissed her. From that night, she searched out Cassandra and asked where babies come from. Now that Aleyha is not as innocent as before, she has kept her mind from not wanting children. Aleyha was for once...happy with her life, even though her mother-like figure Thorine Dolohov had died. Things started to get crazy when Cassandra and Aleyha go to the mall and meet up with the Snow brothers. Aleyha meets with Xavier, and comes to find out that she hates him a lot. Things went to hell and back when Aleyha told Theodore that Xavier had hurt Leviathan by leading on Leviathan's future wife. Aleyha fought Xavier, and landed herself in detention with Hilde after a screaming match. After that rather dramatic event, Aleyha managed to win Most Original Style, Most Likely to Rebel for the Fun of it, and also won Cutest Couple and First to Get Married with her boyfriend Theodore. The girls of dorm four also won Most In-Separable Friends. Aleyha was apart of the Sorority, Accio! Staff, and has interest in other clubs as she proceeds through the school year. The fourth year began out rather promising for the albino Parselmouth as she continues to learn more about her family, and she also seems to have found a knack for Quidditch. Aleyha went shopping and bought herself a Streak, one of purple. However, she and Theodore had the brightest idea of dying each other's hair to match the other's eyes, which explains why Aleyha now has green streaks in her hair and Theodore has red in his. Aleyha discovered her boyfriend and her 'brother' Austin were both made Prefects of their houses respectively, and she groaned at the thought. Aleyha at the beginning of the year tried out for Slytherin Beater, and came to announce that she had received the position she was going for. But just barely. The rest of the year seemed to be going well, though she was caught snogging her boyfriend by Professor Styx, thankfully. She had told him she loved him as well, and that was not something she had planned. Then, her and Alyssa broke into Theodore's room and read his diary. There she learned that Alyssa wanted to be an Auror, whereas Theodore did not know what he wanted to be. Theodore came in and she hid in the closet. Witnessing them fight, she tried to run, but was caught, which allowed Alyssa to run instead. Theodore and Aleyha spoke, and cuddled int he bed, until his dormmates stirred in their slumber, to which she ran. It was dawning closer and closer to the Yule ball with exams on their way. In her fifth year, she discovered that her love had become Head Boy, which allowed her to become a good little girl. She spent most of her time with him, meeting with Arianna Tipley as well, seeing that Austin was getting better with choosing women now. Her fifth year sped on by and she could barely remember it, but she was proud that Theodore Snow was honored. In her sixth year, Aleyha was alone, and she did not have Cassandra or Theodore to cheer her up, and that was when Professor Zhefarovich wanted her to quit speaking Parseltongue, and did his best to really teach her about the joys of muggles and everything. She could not fight anymore, and she promised Theodore that she would be good for him. Things changed when she tried to fight Lily Fossil for picking on her. On Halloween night, Aleyha snapped and attacked Professor Zhefarovich, putting him into Saint Mungo's for a few days.

Expelled, Aleyha was expelled from Hogwarts New Zealand. Her wand was snapped and she went off to live with Theodore Snow. Once they were married, on her seventeenth birthday, she also fell pregnant. The following month, a war erupted between the Snow's and the Zhefarovich's. After a ruthless battle, two people fell over death. Theodore's and Aleyha's fathers. Arnost Zhefarovich had died, and hinted that she was pregnant at the time. It was then when she vowed to become a dark witch, for his sake. She wanted to make him proud.
"I don't believe in fairytales....

and no one wants to go to Hell..."

Will weep and mourn this loss with her sins piled to the sky
My presence won't be ignored, no not today
</i><FONT font="Arial">

[first year] Years 2022-2023
Devearux Home
A Discovery
A letter home
More browsing than shopping
Outside QQS
Slither slither
Meeting new people
A new year?
Evil roams these halls
The time has come...
When snow melts...
Just Sitting
Just Chilling
Just Getting Away
A Parselmouth's Greatest Treasure
Utterly confused
The chaos by the snake
The truth?
Peace never lasts long
Eating icecream...not really
Of All The People
Oh please...
Girls cause me nothing but pain
You and me and detention makes three
Cutting all ties...
So, my word that I would try definitely worked out
The black parasol
Anything less than Chaotic...we wish!
Important Meeting
[second year] Years 2023-2024
Everything is spinning out of control!
And here we are once again
Unpacking and news
Enjoying the tranquility
Ai and Alex
Where will I see her next
Waiting on the moment You come back
Magical Magic
This isn't supposed to be happening
Watching the sun go down
Meeting the StepMother
Revenge at last
Three Evils Embodied
A downright beastly game
That 4 letter word means nothing...or does it?
Senses Familiar
Senses Familiar...continued
Have pigs started to fly yet?
This is for the best
[third year] Years 2024-2025
New Year, more troubles
A Little Piece of Heaven
Into the Snake Pit I Go!
Imma Keel Him Dead, DED, Dead!!!
It's a Teenaged Thing
Ten Reasons Plus One...on why I hate my Brother
[fourth year] Years 2025-2026
Aleyha's own broom
Slytherin Quidditch Team TryOuts
Caught in The Act?!
Treasure Hunting
The Serpents Quidditch Practice
Pretty Boy, you have competition
Mistaken...Highly Mistaken
I'm Not That Close
And why am I here?
[fifth year] Years 2026-2027
Slytherin Quidditch Try Outs
Graduation 2027: Guests
[sixth year] Year 2027
Better Left Alone
Y12 Slytherin Quidditch Try-Outs!
A Callous Halloween
Last Straw
A Birthday's Wish
Honey and Sulphur
I Got News for You
The Will of Alphonse Snow
"Supposedly" Saying Goodbye
Out with Astarte and Husband

<SIZE size="50">The day has come for all us sinners, if you're not a servant you'll be struck to the ground
Don't walk in my direction, turn the other way
<SIZE size="50">Code: Made by me, Kaitlyn.
Lyrics: Dark Green - Beast and the Harlot by Avenged Sevenfold; Black - Desecrate Through Reverance by Avenged Sevenfold
Influence By: Zoey and Jessye​

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