Alexia Lorelle-Eve Evenstar

Alexia Evenstar

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Full Name:
-Alexia Lorelle-Eve Evenstar

Date of Birth:
- Friday 13th June 2014

Current Age:
- 13

Basic Appearance:
- Alexia has jet black, she always changes the style when she feels like it . She has blue eyes and wears heavy black make-up around them. She is extreemly skinny and enjoys showing of her body in dark and gothic fashion. She likes to wear corsets, long dresses and dark cloaks. Alexia takes pride in the fact that she is unique and shows that in what she wears and how she acts. She loves her hair and makes sure she looks perfect every morning and all the time. She pulls her hair forward to cover 80% of her face and if at anytime she pulls it back out of her eyes that means she is either realy happy and wants a change or MAJORLY ANGRY.

- Alexia is a rather quiet person, but is great when you really take the time to get to know her. She can be very impatiant and also has no need to be 100% clean freek (as she will share lollipops or chewed gum with people) But if it comes to the was she looks then shes a perfectionist. She is often mistaken as 'Emo' and hates going under sterio-types , As she thinks they are for cans of soup, not people. But if she had to she would lable herself as 'Goth'. She is quite a daredevil and likes to have fun. She can be sociable, but not all the time. She likes to study, but she also gets into alot of trouble :) muahahha . She loves to do quiet things by herself like drawing or photography (mainly creative things) yet also LOVES to through big parties and make a mess

Family History:
- Daughter of Broch and Maeve Evenstar. She is of an english / french decent, and was born in Dijon - east france, then moved to london when she was only 3 years old and then back again when she was 11 so she could attened Beauxbatons School. Within the same year they moved again to New Zealand - So she could attened Hogwarts. She lived a simple life as a young unknowing witch. Before Alexia started showing signs of magic she was doing gymnastics and martial arts. To this day Alexia can make her body move in ways most people cant. She is extreemly flexible and is a black belt in three different martial arts thoes include; Tai Chi, Judo and Tao chen kung fu (which she learnt when she lived in france) . At age 8 she showed her first sign of magic, One night when Broch was working late at his job,
it was only Alexia and her mother Maeve at home. It was 06.00pm and they had finnished with dinner
Maeve wouldnt let Alexia eat any icecream for pudding and sat and ate some herself. Alexia sobed and
begged for some but her mother only got annoyed and sent her to her room. Alexia was angry! as she
looked at her mother and started to cry before she ran to her room. As she slammed her door behind
her all the other door in the enire house slammed too, one after another untill every door was closed. Maeve, thinking it was Alexia who did that, went up to the bedroom and started yelling at her about
slamming doors. "It wasn't me!" Alexia cried back throwing her arms in the air. As she did this everything
in the room lifted off the floor. Scared she droped her arms from the air and cowered on the ground...
everything dropped back down. At age 10 she got her letter from Beauxbatons School, but decided she didnt want to attened that school because she needed a fresh start because 3 months before she was to start school her partents were set to have another child - Alexia was so happy but then.. her sister died. They named her Vanora Evenstar. But a few weeks after this happened it came out that Maeve was having an affair and her parents split up.

- An all black cat called Lucifer . She talks to him when she feels upset and she thinks somehow he can understand her even though he cannot talk back. She is planning on taking him to Hogwarts, she could not stand to be without him

Area of Residence:
- Moved all around the world . Starting in France in a city called . Then to London for a year before moving back to France. Then they finally moved to New Zealand.

Blood Status:
- Half-Blood

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
- Artistic Creations, Alexia loves to make her own clothes and jewlery. She does three sorts of Martial arts; Karate, Judo and Tao Chen Kung Fu. She loves Gymnastics and Dancing, also many expresive things like photography and Drawing.

Additional Skills:
- Martial Arts and Fighting - even though she believes that fighting isnt the answer to problems.

- Physical Strength and her dead sister Vanora.

- Alexia is normaly a happy person even though she is quiet and sticks to herself she is always smiling and thinking postitivly except when she thinks about her sister-to-be Vanora.
She also sucks at sports - although she participates in Gymnastics and is extreemy flexible and a black belt in three muggle fighting styles - she is bad at everyday sports

Describe your character in three words:
- Gothic , Creative , Quite

Favourite place to be:
- Out on the Hogwarts grounds with her art kit. Hanging out with the few friends she does have

- Alexia is quiet a loner and doesnt have many friends, but is planing on making heaps.

Hogwarts House:
- She had heard from a friend she was going to attened Beauxbatons with that the House 'Gryffindor' was a good house to be in but she was way more excited to be in Hufflepuff

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- To learn all that she can from the school and get a great job as a teacher. She would love to teach charms or potions at any school around the world

Best school subjects:
- Charms and Potions

Worst school subjects:
- most of them that she doesnt pay attention in.

Extracurricular Activities:


Current Job:

Plans for your future:
- to become a teacher at any school around the world
Your Patronus:
- Iberian Lynx Cub. Because they are unique and feisty like her.

Your Patronus memory: (- After disregarding school rules at Hogwarts, Alexia and a small group of friends went adventuring on a trip away from the school when they ran into trouble with two Dementors. Because only one of the girls in the group had done on properly before they were in trouble. As she was able to fight one off the others tryed to fight of the other. Alexia couldnt thing of anything happy and was almost frightened to death by the dementor. A picture of her mother came to her, It was in the middle of summer and she was home from Beauxbatons. They were relaxing on the grass, Alexia's hand resting on her mother tummy when she felt Vanora kick. That moment always made her happy. As Alexia focused on this memory she waved her wand cring out. She watched the bright blue light turn into a strange - yet amazingly beautifull bird (a Cassowary) and chased the Dementor away.

Your Boggart:
- Both her parents dead, killed painfully by magic.

Your Animagus:

Mirror of Erised:
- If Alexia looked into the Mirror of Erised she would see her sister Vanora, all grown up and attending Hogwarts with her. Vanora would be smiling and happy and glad to see her sister.
Hi Alexia,

just a few questions...
[li]What house would you like to get sorted too?</LI>
[li]How are you a good flier if you are a muggle born?
[li]What traits do you think associate you best to a particular house?
[li]What is your favourite colour?
[li]You are a very accomplished young girl, has this level of activity affected your ability to make friends?
[li]How did you feel when your letter from Hogwarts arrived?
[li]Will Lucifer be going with you to Hogwarts?
<LI>[li]Why would charms and potions be your favourite subjects?

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