Alexia Evenstar

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Alexia Evenstar

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name


Best Friends besties! know everything about each other
Close Friends hang out alot and go to partys but still have secrets from each other
Average Friends met a lot of times at partys have the same friends but not close
Distant Friends say hello in the corridors and chat casually at partys


Hardcore Enemies we both hate each other and cant stand to be around on another
Average Enemies we dont like each other but dont make a fuss about it
Rivals competitive against each other and we dont really get along
One Sided Enemy I dont like you for some reason - or the other way round

Romantic Relationships

In a Relationship we are in a relationship
Was in a Relationship we broke up
Flirts/Flings we just have fun
Mutual Crush we like each other but dont go out
I have a Crush On You i like you
You Have a Crush On Me you like me


Former Friends dont hang out any more
Acquaintances met only once
Name Basis i've seen you around before
Professor teacher
Mentor you help me
Mentee i help you

House / Year:

Our History:
What you think of me:
What I think of you:


Name : Kate Moon

Relatonship : Average friends

Our History : Kate first saw Alexia by the lakefront and other places

What you think of me : I think Alexia is a shy person who still has to show her true self.I think shes really nice and I hope we will be better friends in the future

What I think of you : I think Kate is a very nice person and is extreemly kind. She let me join her and her group of friends easily and she seems like a very trustworthy person
Name:Kate Moon
House / Year: Hufflepuff/First

Relatonship :Average friends
Our History:Kate first saw Alexia by the lakefront and other places
What you think of me:I think Alexia is a shy person who still has to show her true self.I think shes really nice and I hope we will be better friends in the future
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