Alexia Evenstar

Alexia Evenstar

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Alexia Lorrelle-Eve Evenstar


- Basics -
Age: 17
Date of Birth13th June 2015
Blood Status: Half-Blood
School: Hogwarts New Zealand
House: Hufflepuff
Patronus: Would take the shape of a Iberian Lynx.

- Appearance -
Hair: She has long waist length hair that is died blue-black that shines mostly blue in the sunlight. It was naturally blonde like her mothers but died it to be different.
Eyes: She has large dark blue eyes and when she is angry they seem black. She shows them off by wearing dark make-up around them.
Face: Alexia has VERY pale skin that burns easyin the sun and she wears sunblock even on cloudy days to stop her from burning. When even only slightly embarrassed cheeks burn bright scarlet that lasts for ages even after she is feeling normal again. She has a small nose and mouth and her eyes are large.
Body: She is rather short and of average build.
Face Claim: Sharon den Adel

- Persons -
Likes: Nature and art - both put together. She is an amazing artist and loves looking at other peoples work. Enjoys reading advanced potion and spell books even though she cannot do any of them. She loves animals she has a pet cat called Lucifer, who she got from her father when she was meant to go school in France. Heights are also a favorite thing of hers. She loves to fly on brooms and go up to the big Hogwarts towers and look out upon the grounds.
Dislike: Deep water, because she cant swim. She also has a phobia of water and drowning. She doesn't like fightingor arguments, even if she is not involved in them. She also is very picky about what food she will eat and is picky about what things she likes.
Strengths: She is extreemly skilled in Muggle fighting, as her and her father practiced all the time before attending HNZ. She was a black belt in two sorts of Martial arts and also did gymnastics. She is a great artist and is good at mind puzzles like crosswords and soduko...etc
Weaknesses: Alexia is ashamed to admit that she cannot swim. She also suffers from occasional Insomnia, usually brought on by stress, anxiety, anger and sadness - sometimes she doesnt sleep at all for weeks if she is suffering.[/i]

- Family -

Name - Brian Evenstar
Age - 42
Blood Status - Muggle
Location - New Zealand
Career - Police Officer
Relationship - Alexia and him are extremely close he means more to her than anyone else in the world.

Name - Maeve Evenstar
Age - 36
Blood Status - Mixed Blood
Location - France
Career - Nurse at Beauxbatons
Relationship -Alexia despises her because she never cared about her and she is forced to stay with her mother for a month of every year.

Important Events

Moving to New Zealand:
It was one of the best things for her and her father at the
time, it had been a rough few months and they wanted to leave
France. to get away from the bad memories. They now live
in a small, two bedroom house in the country just the two
of them. They had a few pigs, cows, chickens and other animals.
It was perfect out there, and both of them loved it more
than France.
Alexia was set to attend HNZ and had to leave her
father by himself out there. She cried for a whole day about it
because she did not want to leave him, but he assured her
it was going to be okay, She hoped it was but still could not
be happy about it. Watching her father wipe away tears at
the train station when she left was hard to watch and she still
felt guilty.

- Best Childhood Memories -
It was Alexia's 11th birthday. Her mother planned a
big party (More for herself than Alexia) and everyone
was there. There were photo's taken and party games
and presents ... oh all the presents ... She recieved a
beautiful pet cat, he was jet black all over except for a
small white diamond under this neck. Smiling brightly
she picked him up and at that very first touch she knew
he was hers and the name "Lucifer" came to her and that
is what she named him. All the other children at the party
crouded arround and were so happy for her. She loved
that feeling and she loved Lucifer even more.

- First Sign Of Magic -
One night when Brian was working late at his job,
it was only Alexia and her mother Maeve at home.
It was 06.00pm and they had finished with dinner and
Maeve wouldn't let Alexia eat any ice cream for pudding
and sat and ate some herself. Alexia sobbed, in her child
mind she was angry and upset at how unfair it was. Her
mother only got annoyed at her crying and sent her away
to her room. Alexia stormed up the stairs away from her
mother and slammed her door behind her, and at the same
time all the other door in the entire house slammed too.
Maeve, thinking it was Alexia who did that, went up
to the bedroom and started yelling at her about
slamming doors. "It wasn't me!" Alexia cried back throwing her
arms in the air in defence. As she did this everything
in the room lifted off the floor. Scared she dropped her
arms again and cowered on the ground frightened...
everything dropped back down. Maeve told Alexia
never to tell her father about what happened as he did not know
that she or Alexia were witches. And she did not want
him to find out. But Alexia told him anyway and the truth
came out

- Sorting -
Alexia was focused in her own world. She was looking
straight ahead but had no idea what was being said.
Everything in the room felt so magical and amazing.
She couldn't help but smile softly as she looked around
her, lost in her own thoughts... but suddenly she was
paying attention as she heard her name being called
out, her smile faded and everything had gone... her
mind was blank. Alexia stood for a moment before
she realised that was her name and she was next.
She walked quickly up to the hat and sat down upon
the old wooden stool. Looking out upon the other
students she felt her cheeks burn as everyone looked
at her. She had always hated people staring at her and
she felt scared. Alexia flinched slightly as the hat was
placed upon her head. She sat silently, feeling frightened
but she pushed the feelings away, hoping for the best
and trying to forget about everyone around her. Alexia
waited for her house name to be said ...[/i]


Timeline of Events

2015 ~ Alexia is born in France
2021 ~ First signs of magic
2025 ~ Moves to New Zealand
2026 ~ Attends Hogwarts NZ
~ Moves to France
2032 ~ Moves to New Zealand
~ Attends Hogwarts NZ


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