Alexei Vetrov

Alexei Vetrov

Active Member
OOC First Name
Birch Wand 14 1/4 essence of dragonstone

I just want to fill you all with such dread
Let you suck it out, let you suck it out 'til I'm dry and dead
Full Name: Alexei Ivann Vetrov
Pronunciation: Alek-si, Ev-aan, Veh-trov
Nicknames: Alek, Lexi, Alex
Name Origins: Alexei: Variant spelling of Russian Aleksey, meaning "defender."
Ivann: Russian form of Greek Ioannes, meaning "God is gracious."
Date of Birth: August Fifteenth, Two Thousand and Twenty (15/08/2020)
Current Age: Currently Fifteen</FONT></SIZE>
Now I've got love flowin' in my nightmare girl
Caffeine cold, caffeine cold and I can't see poop

Basic Appearance: Blonde hair, grey eyes, fair skin, five ft ten, 98 kgs, toned, big smile.
Personality: Alexei is first and foremost a complete and total flirt. Though he actually doesn't care about the girls he flirts with. They are not very many people had does care about, with the exception of his sister, whom he has tolerated since birth. Alexei has a very strong view of politics and the ministry and does not trust them. He knows they are hiding something and he has absolutely no problem with the use of Dark Arts. His view of it is mostly that he only sees the person as dark and not the actual craft. The term dark was only applied when the spells and curses were used to create harm, whereas he believes that all magic could be used for its opposite as well. Alexei is very unforgiving and if someone offends him in any way he is extremely unlikely to forgive them. He is a bad boy in every sense of the word and is quite cliché. However, his true love, a love that even his sister would be hard pressed to discover is his love of sweets. It is a luxury that he rarely affords himself as he is usually busy looking after his appearance. He knows he is good looking and he likes to flaunt it. Alexei's biggest fault however is his sexism and bluntness. He is an excellent liar, but prefers to sting with the truth, then with a lie.
Family: Father: Sergei Vetrov
Mother: Natasia Vetrova
Sister: Alissa Vetrova
Brother: Andrei Vetrov</SIZE></SIZE>
Don't breathe life into a monster then<i></i></COLOR>
Complain when he destroys it all again

Pets: Alexei does not like animals, and so he does not have any.
School: Educated at Durmstrang
Blood Status: --
Heritage: Russian
Interests or Hobbies: Alexei's only hobby is Quidditch and even then it is so that he has something to keep him from boredom. Otherwise it is mostly just his appearance.
Strengths: His ability to spin an amazingly untrue story
His love of his appearance
His charm and charisma
His protectiveness of his sister
Weaknesses: He is sexist
He likes to be blunt
He is quite easily bored</SIZE>
Now I smell like cigarettes cause I love to breathe your smoke<i></i>
I smell like alcohol cause I drink to believe in more

Describe your character in five words: Flirty, Charismatic, Protective, Blunt, Mean
Best school subjects: Dark Arts, Dark Art Defence, Potions
Worst school subjects: Everything else.
Current Job: Student.
Plans for the future: Unknown
Patronus: A Siamese cat.
Patronus memory: --
Boggart: Vampires and Werewolves.
Animagus: A Siamese cat.

<SIZE size="50">I have 3 drinks before I even start to count<i></i><COLOR color="#000">
I think I'm gonna move way down south
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<FONT font="verdana"><SIZE size="50">Now hear this kiddies. This template is created by me with thanks to Tenilee. No touchy or I break you... Kay. Oh , oh and song lyrics are "caffeine cold" by fall out boy. Special thanks to Anna.​
</i><SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50">

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