Alexandra Jane Winters

OOC First Name
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Character's Name: Alexandra 'Alex' Jane Winters

Character's Birthdate: August 20th, 2027 (Leo)

Blood Status: Muggleborn

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw


Alex is a slight child, who in her bare feet stands at four foot seven (aproximately 143 cm). She has dark auburn hair that on good days falls in loose ringlets to her shoulders, but on its more unruly days curls is considerably wilder and frizzy. Her eyes are dark brown, though in some lights they appear to have flecks hazel. Her face still has a childish roundness, but her chin is undeniably stubborn. Her skin is fair, a mark of her Scottish heritage, and she burns easily.

Alex is left handed, and her nails are almost always bitten short. Due to her accident prone nature she normally has at least a few grazes and cuts. On her her right shoulder, just above her collarbone, she has a cluster of moles that resemble to constellation Leo.


On the outside, Alex is extremely withdrawn. It's not so much shyness as a generalised distrust of children her own age, born of a combination of familial issues and her more introverted tendencies. She prefers not to speak up in class, and working in groups (unless with friends), is her idea of hell. Her withdrawn nature is often misinterpreted as snobbishness and aloofness, which only serves to widen the gap between Alex and her peers.

Yet with people she comes to trust, she opens up like a flower in sunlight. For those few people she sees as friend (often people who are outsiders as well), she embraces with an open heart once she comes to know them, and in doing so demonstrates an innate tendency towards kindness and complete acceptance. She has a deep set loyalty to her friends that, were it not for her bookishness, might have landed her in Hufflepuff. The concept of betrayal is one that she cannot comprehend - which is both a virtue and flaw, depending on who you ask.

Alex has a temper, one that could in many ways be compared to fireworks. She has a relatively short fuse, and once she is set off, you will know it. If Alex is angry, you will know about it - she'll most likely be yelling at you. However, once she's gotten her anger off her chest, she's also pretty quick to forgive and move on. She doesn't hold grudges (at least most of the time), and would much rather just get on with things.

Alex has a tendency to put her foot in it, simply because she isn't always very good at reading social cues. This often leads to confusion when she inadvertently says something tactless, but cannot understand what she's done wrong when confronted about it. Although she is getting better at reading situations, she often relies on her friends to point out her mistakes.

Alex has a tendency to have her head in the clouds. A very creative person, she's just as likely to be writing or drawing as she is to be reading. Her notes during class tend to be littered with as many doodles as actual notes, and is very protective of her art journals.


Father: Charles Winters
- 41 years old
- Solicitor
- Divorced, and currently single
- Single father to Alexandra
- 6' 3". Dark brown hair, going grey at the temples. Blue-grey eyes.
- Very close to Alex, especially after her mother left. Though he is very busy at work, her set aside father-daughter time every weekend. Alex inherited her bookish nature from her father, who often takes to book shopping at second-hand bookstores.

Mother: Wendy Winters nee Kinloch
- Muggle
- 38 years old
- Graphic Designer
- Divorced
- Current location unknown, since 2034
- 5' 6". Wavy auburn hair, and brown eyes. Looks very similar to Alexandra, and is the source of her Scottish heritage.
- Unable to cope with her daughter's unexplainable bouts of accidental magic, Wendy left when Alex was seven and has not been heard from since.


Alex was born in Auckland on August 20th, 2027. She has lived her entire life in the same house, an old weatherboard villa in Epsom that has been in her father's family for generations. Her early childhood was relatively normal, her early bouts of accidental magic subtle and easily explained away.

She is an only child, and from a very early age devoured books. Her father always read to her at night, or made up stories of faraway lands that were often strung out over days or even weeks. Her mother worked from home, and was her primary caregiver during the week, as her father worked long hours.

This meant her mother was privy to much of her accidental magic - making flowers bloom, stick figures move in her drawings, turning the family cat green and more. Rather than embrace her daughter's abilities, Wendy Winters instead became increasingly terrified of her daughter and her powers.

A few days before her eighth birthday, her mother simply failed to pick her up from school. When her father picked her up and returned home, they found the house deserted and a letter on the table from Wendy explaining that she had left. The letter made it very clear that Alex's mother didn't want to hear from them ever again. Though devastated, Alex and her father managed to cope.

Over the next few years, the pair became extremely close, her father making sure to devote time to father-daughter activities. However, outside of her family, Alex became very withdrawn. She hid herself in books and drawing, and became increasingly isolated. Though her father worried about her, he knew there was only so much he could do, and focused on providing Alex with support and comfort.

The few friends Alex did have, she was extremely close to. It was for that reason that she was quietly devastated when her Hogwarts letter arrived. Though she was glad of the explanation for her abilities, the fact that she had to leave all her friends behind was painful. Even though she knew that she could keep in contact, she could never tell them about her magic.

However, after visiting Obsidian Harbour to collect her supplies she began to warm up to the idea. They spent an entire week in Wellington so as to explore the magical district, and to let Alex acclimatise. The number of books brought during that week was staggering.

Before being sorted, Alex had somewhat hoped to be sorted into Hufflepuff. From what she'd read, it sounded the kindest of the four houses. However, fate had other plans and Alex supposed that being sorted into Ravenclaw wasn't that terrible.

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