Alexander Wolfwing

Alexander Wolfwing

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
10 inches, Willow, Unicorn Hair Core
Full Name:
Alexander Severus Wolfwing

Date of Birth:
July 14th, 1986

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Alexander is a tall man, about 6'1", with a lean build generally taken for lankey given his apparent lifestyle, but is more accurately described as acrobatic. His hair, cut relatively short, is greyed beyond his years. His face shows similar signs of premature aging, largely from stress. He has hazel eyes and a scar running down the right side of his forehead. (The origin of which is completely forgotten by him. The most he can recall is that it was some stupidity from his school days.)

His usual form of dress in public is that of a simple brown business suit, with a dull purple robe worn over that. When lounging about at home (which is not often) his outfit is usually grey sweatpants, a white t-shirt, and the same robe. He wears simple, square-framed glasses, though they don't alter his vision in the slightest.

When operating as Shadow, Alexander wears a full-lenght black robe with accompanying black leather boots and gloves. A black funeral veil shrouds his face. He has often be described as resembling a dementor.

Alexander's outward personality, and thus the one most people know him by, is that of a quiet, polite man not prone to interacting in public. He speaks softly, his body language usually conveying a vague desire to be elsewhere, as if constantly distracted by urgent business. Most who know him in his public persona as suprised to learn he was in Slytherin, as opposed to Ravenclaw as his intellectual inclination would indicate.

As Shadow, a facet of Alexander much closer to the truth is revealed. Shadow is a cold, ruthless individual who favors subterfuge over combat and muggle forms of torture over something as simple as crucio. And for those he targets, it usually is. Despite his predisposition for appearing and disappearing without warning, his presence does not lend itself to that of a creeper, but on that commands the attention and fear of all who witness it.

Mother- Olivia Wolfwing, Half-Blood, disowned her Muggle father, but never put much faith in the Death Eaters, believing their crusade doomed to failure. Was unaware of her husband's involvement in the organization until after Voldemort's defeat. Died in the crossfire of a battle between Death Eaters and Aurors in 1999.
Father- Jeremiah Wolfwing, deceased. Pureblood. The original Shadow, a skilled Legilimens/Occulmens who served as Voldemort's spy. Died in 2011 when he was poisoned by a poorly brewed potion. (The intended function of the potion is unknown.)


Area of Residence:
London, England is his official place of residence and while he is there with some frequency to keep up appearances, most of his time is spent abroad.

Blood Status:
Mixed blood. Father was pureblooded, mother was half-blooded.


Special Abilities:
- Legilimens

Interests or Hobbies:
Almost anything related to arcane research or subterfuge.

Additional Skills:
- Can cast spells of a skill level below Patronus or Unforgivible Curse without incantation.
- Skilled acrobat, hand-to-hand fighter, and muggle stealth techniques.

- Is extremely skilled with a wide variety of magics, but he is most skilled in Charms related to espionage. Knows perhaps less of the Dark Arts than most Death Eaters of his skill level, since for the most part he considers them extremely crude.

- Alexander's secret identity is by far his greatest weakness. If it became known it would limit his mobility significantly, alongside likely loosing much of his respect among the Death Eaters, and almost certaintly to his reputation, the fear built into which is a valuable tool.

Describe your character in three words:

Favourite place to be:

None, but has a great deal of respect for Cocytus Lachance, being the only person thus far to discover even a portion of his identity (that he is not the original Shadow), and for being an all around loyal and competent servent of Voldemort.

Hogwarts House:
Slytherin. Alexander holds secret ambitions to become the ruler of the Death Eaters in a Shadow Empire, or more accurately a Steward until what he believes is Voldemort's inevitable return.

Best school subjects:
Charms- Extremely useful for a wide variety of functions.
Defense Against the Dark Arts- Knowing how to block a weapon is another step in using it appropriately.
Potions- Capable of doing many things spells are not. Furthermore, he found attempting to work out a pattern in the formulas extremely interesting.

Worst school subjects:
Divination- Alexander's steadfast refusal to believe in fate was a major hurdle here. Wound up dropping out after the first year.

Extracurricular Activities:
None. Consorted publicly with Death Eaters during this period, but upon graduation Obliviated all Death Eaters he had associated with so that he could function as Shadow without drawing attention to his public persona.

2010. Held little to no interest in doing anything publicly with what he learned in school, his actual test performances were irrelevent to him. Nonetheless his own personal desire for the knowledge scored him highly in both O.W.L.S. and N.E.W.T.S.

Current Job:
Private Magical Researcher. Essentially a meaningless title, it allows him to supposedly spend most of his time locked in his study without raising attention. Occasionally he publishes papers on his magical theories, but has never released anything groundbreaking and has stayed largely beneath the radar.

Plans for your future:
Maneuvering the Death Eaters into world domination, with him ruling in secret until Voldemort returns to claim the throne.

Your Patronus:
A wolf.

Your Patronus memory:
His first attempt at appearing as Shadow to the Death Eaters, which succeeded flawlessly and integrated him into their network.

Your Boggart:
Himself, dressed as Shadow, but unmasked.

Your Animagus:
A black wolf.

Mirror of Erised:
Himself, sitting on an ebony throne, watching Voldemort rise from a cauldron.

A page from your diary:
Journal, April 28th, 2025.

No progress with Sleepless Charm. Test subject still loses conciousness after seven days.


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