Alexander Wolfwing

Alexander Wolfwing

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
10 inches, Willow, Unicorn Hair Core
The Basics
Character's Name: Alexander Wolfwing, aka "Shadow"
Character's Birthdate: July 14th, 1986
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Wand: 10 inches, Willow, Unicorn Hair Core
Educated At: Hogwarts, Scotland; Slytherin House
Occupation: Private Magical Researcher
Country of Origin: England
Currently Located: London, England
Hair: Short, Black, Greying
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 6' 1"
Style: Alexander's usual outfit when in public is a simple brown business suit, not out of place amongst Muggle society. This is offset heavily by the purple longcoat-style robe he wears over it. When working at home his outfit is much simpler, consisting of grey sweatpants, a white T-Shirt, and the same purple robe. He wears simple, square-lensed glasses, though they don't alter his vision in the the slightest.

When acting as Shadow, Alexander dresses in a full length black robe, with black leather gloves and boots, his face obscured by a funeral veil.
Other Distinguishing Features: Alexander has a scar running down the right side of his forehead.
A Little Deeper
Personality: Alexander is a polite, if distant individual, who's body language almost always tends to convey a desire to be elsewhere. He speaks softly, often breaking eye contact with whomever he's speaking with as if distracted. Those who know him often have a hard time believing he was in Slytherin instead of say, Ravenclaw, especially given his passion for arcane research.

When taking on the persona of Shadow, Alexander's personality changes dramatically. He speaks coldly and forcefully, with little patience for ettiquite when there is work to be done. Depite his habit of appearing and disappearing without a trace, his body language does not lend itself to a creeper, but more as an imposing force of personality ready to take command of the situation.
Special Talents/Abilities: Alexander is versed in a wide variety of magics, particularly those involved in espionage. He can cast most spells without their verbal or somatic components, though high level spells like Patronus or the Unforgiveable Curses still need such things. He's also extremely skilled at nonmagical stealth techniques. He is also a proficient Legilimens, which along with good old fashioned torture almost assures that any information he obtains will be accurate.
History: Alexander's legacy begins with his father. A pureblood, Jeremiah Wolfwing was one of Voldemort's earliest supporters. However, he remained cautious, unwilling to risk Azkaban in pursuit of Voldemort's ideals. And so, he struck a deal with the Dark Lord. A practiced Legilimens and Occulmens, Wolfwing offered his services as Voldemort's spy, under the condition that his identity would remain secret even to the Death Eaters. Reasoning that in that position of anonymity Wolfwing would be able to root out enemies from both outside and within the Death Eaters, Voldemort accepted, and Jeremiah took on the name "Shadow". Upon Voldemort's eventual downfall at the hands of the Boy Who Lived, Wolfwing fled the Death Eaters and returned to his normal life, his identity hidden from both the Ministry and the remaining Death Eaters. Six years later, Jeremiah's wife Olivia gave birth to a son, Alexander Wolfwing.

When Voldemort reappeared when Alexander was 9, Shadow was quick to rejoin him. This new reign was short-lived, however, and Voldemort was slain in Hogwart's Great Hall when Alexander was in his Second Year. Once again Shadow vanished, and Jeremiah continued his life peacefully. Alexander, however, grew Death Eater ambitions of his own. When he graduated from Hogwarts, he took on his father's mantle as Shadow and rejoined the Death Eaters, feeding off his father's reputation to grow quickly within their ranks. Since no one had truely known Shadow, his identity was easy to maintain. His act was not all show, however, and Alexander proved himself to be just as adept a spy as his father.
Mother- Olivia Wolfwing, deceased. Half-Blood, disowned her Muggle father, but never put much faith in the Death Eaters, believing their crusade doomed to failure. Was unaware of her husband's involvement in the organization until after Voldemort's defeat. Died in the crossfire of a battle between Death Eaters and Aurors in 1999.
Father- Jeremiah Wolfwing, deceased. Pureblood. The original Shadow, a skilled Legilimens/Occulmens who served as Voldemort's spy. Died in 2011 when he was poisoned by a poorly brewed potion. (The intended function of the potion is unknown.)

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