Alexander Remington

Alexander Remington

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Better than yours =P
Full Name:
- Alexander Remington.

Date of Birth:
- May 27.

Current Age:
- 25

Basic Appearance:
- Shaggy, dirty blonde hair, bright yellow eye's, dragon tattoo running up left leg.

- Judgmental, Lonely, Goof, Hard Working, Head Strong.

- (Half sister) Alexia Mason-20
-Elli (Remington) Kelly, (Deceased)- 35
- Kari Kelly (Step Nephew)-25
- Kala Kelly (Niece)-11

- None. Maybe in the future.

Area of Residence:
- New Zealand (Just moved from Germany)

Blood Status:
- Mixed-blood.

- Born and raised in Germany with his sister (deceased).

Interests or Hobbies:
- Chess, Reading, Studying, and Drawing.

Additional Skills:
- Cooking, Profiles People.

- Math, English, and herbs.

- History

Describe your character in three words:
-Goof, Business, and Darkling

Favourite place to be:
- Kala's House, Paris

- Kari Kelly, Adrianna Eneas-Dinu

Hogwarts House:
- Hogwarts Scotland, Ravenclaw.

Best school subjects:
- Potions; Charms, and Herbology.

Worst school subjects:
- Transfiguration; Astronomy.

Extracurricular Activities:
- Readin.

- 2016

Current Job:
- Business, stock market.

Plans for your future:
- Become Independently Wealthy.

Your Patronus:
- A Snake

Your Patronus memory:
- The day His niece Kala was borne.

Your Boggart:
- His dad.

Mirror of Erised:
- Seeing his sister again.
Hey you. Are you ready for the millions of questions i have... well too bad if ya aren't!

1. How did Alexander handle his sisters death?
2. Why wasn't Alexander made legal guardian over Kala?
3. Why would his Boggart be his dad?
4. Why would his patronus be a snake?
5. Why did you choose 'darkling' as a descriptive word? Is he evil, or just misunderstood?
6. Why did he move from Germany?
7. What happened to his parents?

Okay so maybe it's not a million, but still...
Okay Cole >.> I know you now the answers to half of these.
1. How did Alexander handle his sisters death? Bad he almost committed suicide.
2. Why wasn't Alexander made legal guardian over Kala? Because Kari had just turned 18, and he wanted her so bad he was willing to go to court.
3. Why would his Boggart be his dad? His dad always expected a lot from him and he abused him and his half sister Alexia.
4. Why would his patronus be a snake? He likes to think it would be great to be so free and flowing. (Plus forked tounge come on.)
5. Why did you choose 'darkling' as a descriptive word? Is he evil, or just misunderstood? He is more of a criminal so lets go with misunderstood.
6. Why did he move from Germany? He is running from the law ^_^
7. What happened to his parents? His parents were killed in a roadside bombing on a visit to Vietnam.
Thanks for answering them... Also i may know it, but they don't... and who knows, the FBI might find out we know each other :p

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