Alexander Hanson

Alexander Hanson

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4 inches Essence of a Dragons Heartstring
Character Name
Alexander's full name:
Alexander Oliver Hanson
Reason or meaning of name:
Alexander was his mother's favourite male name, and the name she had decided for her firstborn (Alexandria if female). His middle name is derived from the name of the midwife that helped birth him- her name being Olivia, and Oliver being the male equivalent. Hanson is his mother's last name, changed after the death of his father.
Alexander's nickname:
Reason for nickname:
Alex is used with both friends and family on occasion. It is a simplistic corruptions of his first name, Alexander.
Birth date:
Alexander was born the nineteenth of March, twenty-eleven.

Physical appearance
Twenty-four years, three months.
160 lbs
Six foot, two inches
Body build:
Alexander is tall, and lanky. He is not quite thin, more slender than anything else. He is conscious of his weight, although not that bothered by it, and makes an effort to remain fit and healthy. His height makes this easier for him. He has a thin face, and long limbs.
Shape of face:
Alexander has a thin, pointed face, with warm eyes and a smooth smile.
Eye color:
Honey brown
Eye Description:
Alexander's eyes are gentle, but cheeky. They are very expressive and often reveal his true thoughts and feelings. He does not mind this. It makes him more trustworthy to others.
Glasses or contacts:
Alexander's vision is good, however, when drawing he wears special glasses to help with smaller details. He also wears thin black glasses for when he is reading.
Skin tone:
Predominant features:
His bright, happy smile.
Hair color:
Type of hair:
Straight and curly.
Brushed and side-swept.
Soft, but confident.
Physical disabilities:
Alexander has no physical disabilities.
Usual fashion of dress:
Alexander, due to his extreme confidence, has little care for what he wears. He is often found wearing jeans and blazers, with normal, image T-shirts. Or simple jeans and dye shirts.
Jewelry or accessories:
Lip piercing on occasion, right ear piercing on occasion.

Good personality traits:
Bad personality traits:
Most common mood:
Sense of humor:
Alexander has a silly and sarcastic sense of humour. He finds great enjoyment in the smallest things, and laughs at most jokes. He enjoys playful antics, however he has a sharp tongue that causes him to be sarcastic, and on occasion tell cruel jokes and perform means pranks on others.
Alexander's greatest joy in life:
Drawing an object of his desire perfectly.
Alexander's greatest fear:
Spider's and the colour yellow.
His arachnophobia has seemed to always be with him. He feels threatened and uncomfortable around spiders whenever they are near. This extends somewhat to scorpions, but not nearly as much. The colour yellow has always made him feel threatened - specifically the colour of mustard. He is allergic to this substance.
Alexander is most at ease when:
Alexander is most at ease with a group of friends, or in a secluded area, drawing what he sees.
Most ill at ease when:
In an unknown place.
Enraged when:
Someone hurts his little brother.
His family. Alexander's top priority is his family, and he would do nearly anything for every member of his family, whether they were on friendly terms or not. He considers friends his family.
Life philosophy:
Enjoy it before it passes. He can be rather cynical.
If granted one wish, it would be:
To have his parents return from the dead.
Alexander lost his mother when she died during childbirth, giving life to his younger brother. He would want her back to talk to her again, as he was quite close to her. After her death, he became very close to his father, who died when on the job as a police officer before he went to school as a magical student. He loved his father, and would want him back also.
Hamish's soft spot:
His family.
Greatest strength:
His loyalty and his will to never give up.
Greatest weakness:
His inability to admit defeat. He can be overly sarcastic and hard to live with. He has a smart mouth.
Biggest regret:
Bullying his brother constantly when they were younger. He no-longer does this, but he knows that he hurt his brother emotionally by being his personal bully.
Biggest accomplishment:
Alexander's darkest secret:
His fear of the colour yellow.
Does anyone else know?
No-one except his brother.

Drives and motivations:
Immediate goals:
To get the girl he has his eye on.
Long term goals:
How the character plans to accomplish these goals:
How other characters will be affected:

<SIZE size="150">Past
Los Angeles, California, United States of America.
Type of childhood:
A carpet snake, named Fluffie.
First memory:
Most important childhood memory:
Childhood hero:
Superman! And his father, who was a police officer.
Dream job:

</i><SIZE size="150">
Current location:
Metz, Lorraine, France.
Currently living with:
Drew Hanson, Davalynda Lesley, Gabrielle Carmichael.

Alice Hanson.
Relationship with her:
Alexander had a very close relationship with his mother. Whenever his father was working, he often spent his time with his mother, who was artistically inclined. This rubbed off on him, giving him an eccentric attitude, and a playful disposition. Her death was hard on him, but solidified her teachings to him, telling him to cherish and enjoy life.
Harryson Handler.
Relationship with him:
Alexander grew to depend on his father for everything after the death of his mother. He grew close to his father, despite his long hours, and often woke up early and stayed up late in order to see him. He loved playing games with his father, pretending to be a police officer himself and 'arresting' his father.
Andrew Hanson.
Relationship with them:
When younger, his relationship with Drew, as he blamed his younger brother for their mother's death. However, as he grew older, he realised that this was stupid, and eventually grew out of this behaviour. Now, they live together, and Alexander takes Drew's care very seriously. He is protective of his brother, and makes sure that he is happy and safe, trying to make up for failing him earlier in life.
Other important family members:

Least favorite color:
All songs.
Comic books.
Form of entertainment:
Alexander loves to read, and enjoys drawing and music-he has a very good ear for pitch. He also spends his time reading Runes, and looking over his old Arithmancy notes, as he loved both classes.
Mode of transportation:
[li]Public Transport.[/li][/ul]Most prized possession:
His comic book collection.

<LI>[li]Seeing his love interest.[/li][/ul]
Plays a musical instrument?
Yes, guitar.
Plays a sport?
Yes, Quidditch for fun.
How would Alexander spend a rainy day:
Alexander would draw, using his brother (whether he liked it or not) as a model.
Nervous tics:
Alexander bites his nails.
Usual body posture:
Alexander has good posture when he is walking, with his head held high and his chest out. However, as soon as he sits down, he slouches and lounges around.
Alexander tends to move his hands around as he speaks. He smiles a lot mid-sentence, whether a positive conversation or not, rarely drops eye-contact, and never sits completely still. He is always tapping his fingers or feet.

<B><COLOR color="#CC0066">Traits​
Optimist or pessimist?
Realist vs Idealist?
Introvert or extrovert?
Daredevil or cautious?
Logical or emotional?
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?
Disorderly and messy.
Prefers working or relaxing?
Confident or unsure?
Animal lover?

<COLOR color="#000"><B>How Alexander feels about himself:
Alexander is a very confident man. His confidence can often appear to be arrogance, but he simply hold little thought to how others perceive him. He feels that he is quite capable of taking care of himself, an overall good person, and a fun-loving guy. That is all he really needs.
One word Alexander would use to describe himself:
How Alexander would describe himself:
Capable of having fun. Ridiculously loyal and tenacious. He never gives in, and he never gives up. However, he knows that he does obsess over people and things.
What does Alexander consider his best personality trait?
His loyalty.
What does Alexander consider his worst personality trait?
His stubbornness.
What does Alexander consider his best physical characteristic?
His eyes. He really likes his eyes.
What does Alexander consider his worst physical characteristic?
His hands. Having the nervous tick of biting his nails and often using his hands, Alexander's hands can feel rough and look worse for wear.
How does Alexander think others perceive him?:
He doubts that they take him seriously. However, he knows that it is better than being known as a prat, so he is fine as being portrayed as the non-serious joker of his friends.
What would Alexander most like to change about himself?:
Alexander would like to overcome his irrational fear of spiders, and the colour yellow. He knows yellow cannot hurt him, and he knows that spiders can be easily squished, but he cannot stop panicking about both.
Ruling Planet/s:
The Sun
Life Pursuit:
To lead the way
Radiant Energy
Secret Desire:
To be a star
About Starsign Leo:
Leo's are born fortunate. Charismatic and positive-thinking
they . attract . not . only . an . abundance . of . friends . and
opportunities, but . manage to . survive . life's stormy times
with style and . good humour. Once . a Lion is committed to
a relationship, . they are totally devoted and faithful. Should
their . heart or . trust be . broken they never forgive or forget.
For a Leo, when a relationship is over, really over, it is over
for good. There are three levels of soul-evolution of the Leos.
The highest . is represented by the Sphinx; wise beyond their
years and . great teachers . to others. The . second is the Lion,
King of the . Jungle, ruled by ego but always . protective and
sustaining . of those . they love. The last . is . the . Lion . Cub,
immature . and . undeveloped, frightened . by anything . new.
These . Leos cling . to others. They can't . bear to . be . alone.

Sexual Orientation:
Alexander takes little notice to the gender of
those he dates. He will meet someone at random
and decide that he likes them. He usually dates
men, but he is just as happy with a woman.
Relationship Status:
Single, but he is currently interested in someone.
Alex has yet to gain the woman's trust. He has
taken it as a personal challenge to get this woman
to go on a date with him. Alex does not have 'flings'
he has relationships that he allows to run their course.
Sooner or later his partners dump him, rather than him
dumping them. All Alexander has to do is wait.

Health Status:
Alexander is quite healthy and takes good
care of himself.
Blood Status:
Alexander is a proud Muggle-born
Blood Type:
AB Negative

Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4 inches Essence of a Dragons Heartstring
Wand Description:
Cherry is known to have the power of divination
and is excellent for transfiguration, with Maple
being the wood of longevity.

None Magical Skills/talents:
Alexander is an amazing photo-realist drawer.

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