Alexa Mae Rhowen

Alexa Rhowen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Birch Wand 14 1/4 essence of dragonstone

Feeling my way through the darkness,
Guided by a beating heart


Please welcome,
Alexa Mae Rhowen!


I can't tell where the journey will end,
But I know where it starts


[Full name] Alex Mae Rhowen
[Meaning] Alexa \a-lexa\ as a girl's name is of Greek and Old German origin, and the meaning of Alexa is "man's defender; noble".
Mae \mae\ as a girl's name is of English origin, and the meaning of Mae is "the fifth month".
[Nicknames] Alex, Lex, Lexa
[Age] She's currently fourteen
[Date of Birth] Alexa was born on the 24th of March, 2024
[Hometown] Oakura, New Zealand
[Current Residence] Oakura, New Zealand
[Ethnicity] Het mothers family is from New Zealand and her fathers family is from Australia
[Blood Status] Half Blood, from het fathers side
[Education] Hogwarts New Zealand, Gryffindor House
[Profession] Alexa is currently a student at Hogwarts New Zealand
[Sexual Orientation] Alexa likes boys
[Current Relationship Status] Single
[Wand] Birch Wand 14 1/4 essence of dragonstone


They tell me I'm too young to understand,
They say I'm caught up in a dream


[Hair Colour] Alexa's hair is fairly dark brown, it reaches far past her shoulders and is often straight, although sometimes wavy
[Eye Colour] Her eyes are light brown and match perfectly with her brown hair
[Skin Colour] Alexa has a regular skin type
[Height] 1,67 meters which is rougly 5 feet 5¾ inches
[Body Type] Alexa's not very tall but has a fairly average hight for her age
[Which hand] Right hand. Alexa is right handed and often tried to write with her left hand, but doesn't get how people manage to do that
[Allergies] Alexa is allergic to nothing, which is very pleasant
[Current Playby] Crystal Reed
[Previous Playby] N/A


Well life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes,
And that's fine by me


[History] Alexa was born on the 24th of march 2024 to Stefan and Lydia Rhowen in a small town called Oakura in New Zealand. She's the youngest of three children, accompanied by her older brothers David and Nathan. Her brothers have always been very protective of her towards others and had always teached her to stand up for herself. Although one of her brothers is adopted and the other doesn't have the same dad as Alexa she still loves them more than anyone in the world. When she was nine and a half years old Alexa found out she had magical powers. Her dad told her that she was a witch, a Half Blood witch to be exact, the magical side coming from him, and this explained why neither of her brothers were able to do some of the things she was able to do. After that day magic was an easily respected subject in their house and Alexa's father had been telling her and her brothers loads of different stories about the magical world and most importantly Hogwarts. He showed them moving pictures and sometimes even practiced a little magic for them. When her eleventh birthday came around David had found a letter on the floor, adressed to Alexa. The joy she felt was great and she couldn't wait to get on that train and step into this amazing world her dad had described to her.
[Basic Personality] Alexa is often full of energy, she'll do a lot to get a little bit of adventure into her life. She's a fun person to be around and loves to have a laugh. Alexa has a friendly attitude and will stand up for her friends no matter who it is against. She'll do a lot to experience new things and will sometimes go against the system. She is also very straightforward which can easily get her in trouble because she'll say things to people that aren't taken that well by them. She loves to be outside and just do nothing for a while.
[Strenghts] Energetic, friendly, proud
[Weaknesses] Troublemaker, straightforward
[Boggart] A giant spider, even since she was little Alexa has been suffering from Arachnofobia (Fear of spiders) and she couldn't imagine her boggart to be anything else
[Patronus] Her Patronus would probably be an Otter
[Patronus Memory] Alexa has a lot of good memories, but the one to call upon her patronus will mos likely be the first time she went camping with her brothers, she ha never had so much fun in her life
[Mirror of Erised] ---
[Amortentia] She loves the smell of fresh books, vanilla and the forest


So wake me up when it's all over,
When I'm wiser and I'm older.


[School] Hogwarts New Zealand
[Thoughts] Alexa had been filled with joy when she got her acceptance letter to Hogwarts, she was eager to go to school there, but she was also a bit scared as this was the first thing she had to do completely on her own
[House] She was sorted into Gryffindor, Alexa had heard stories from her father and was sure the House would be very good to her
[Sorting Post] *
[Current Year] Alexa is currently a fourth year student

[Favourite Class] Charms
[Least Favourite Class] History of Magic


All this time I was finding myself,
And I didn't know I was lost

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Name: Stefan Rhowen
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Date of Birth: 20th of February, 1990
Brief Description: Stefan is a Hogwarts Scotland Alumnus and has spend his time there in Ravenclaw House. Never told his family about the wizarding World untill they found out that Alexa is a witch. He loves telling them stories about it and is very proud of his daughter.


Name: Lydia Rhowen
Blood Status: Muggle
Date of Birth: 3rd of August, 1993
Brief Description: Lovely woman who was very suprised when she found out that both her husband and daughter have magic in their blood. She's the owner of the local book store and got her son to work there too.

Half Brother

Name: David Rhowen
Blood Status: Muggle
Date of Birth: 7th of September, 2018
Brief Description: Even though he doesn't have the same dad as Alexa he is very protective over her and has throughout the years gotten to see Stefan as his own father. He loves teasing his sister together with his other brother and they teached her to stand up for herself when necessary. He's currently working at his moms bookstore.

Adoptive Brother

Name: Nathan Rhowen
Blood Status: Muggle
Date of Birth: 14th of May, 2019
Brief Description: Nathan is the middle child and was adopted by Stefan and Lydia at the age of eight. He's very grateful for having them as parents and loves hanging out with his brother and sister. He's a very musical kid who plays bass guitar and sometimes gets to perform at a bar one his friends works at.



So wake me up when it's all over,
When I'm wiser and I'm older.


I Guess This Is Hello
People in rp: Marcellus Haynes

Practising Spells
People in rp: Victoire Fontaine

Can I Help You?
People in rp: Brittany Clarke

Happy Halloween

People in rp: Zachary Evans
<COLOR color="black">--------------------------------------------

All this time I was finding myself,
And didn't know I was lost


<COLOR color="#000"><FONT font="Georgia">Avicii - Wake me up​

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