Alex Montgomery

Alex Montgomery

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
the Basics
Character's Name: Alexander George Montgomery
Character's Birthdate: 17th of June, 2020
Hometown: Johnsonville, Wellington
Blood Status: Half-blood
Wand: Ash Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Hair: Alex's hair appears black to most people, but it is truly a dark brown, which can only be seen when light is directly shone onto it. It is messy to an extent, but retains some elements of being tidy.
Eyes: His eyes are nothing but timid, contradicting his personality drastically. A dark brown, the colour of dark chocolate, or freshly tilled, damp earth, they are... intense. Usually, they are misty, showing the thoughts going on, deep inside his head, but, sometimes, when Alex is listening or reading, they are clear, and directing, gathering whatever information they can find, scraping it from where it can barely be found.
Height: 5'4"
Style: Alex generally doesn't care for his appearance, but wears tidy clothing that certainly isn't 'cool.'
Other Distinguishing Features:
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Personality: Alex has two panes to his personality; the surface, and whatever is under it. To those who don't know him, he's extremely quiet, and does his best not to talk to anyone. But you can see him thinking, whatever cogs there are turning in his head. It makes it hard to get to know him, and you need to make an effort. He seems solitary in a place with no one. Lonely. He is solitary, really. But if he gets to know you, he'll no longer be solitary, and get kind of clingy. Not too clingy, and not all that visibly. But he'll still want to spend time with you.

Under the surface, he's kind of hyper, and quirky It's a huge contrast from what you see on the surface, but it's him. How do you access this? You gain his trust. How do you do that? You be his friend. You need to approach him, and make him talk to you. Somehow. You have to be persistent about it. But who would? It makes making friends for Alex very hard.

Being shy, he find it hard to approach people himself. Usually, if he manages to pluck up the courage, he'll approach his target and say something random. Something weird. Sometimes it just made them look at him strangely, but sometimes it made them laugh. It made him more comfortable, and it meant he could (maybe) talk to them again, peeling off a little bit of his 'skin' every time.

Alex is silently curious, and often itches to ask questions, but his nerves prevent him from doing so. So, they pile up and eventually are dropped on those he feels comfortable with, in a long interrogation session. He hates not knowing things, and gets annoyed when these people don't know answers.
History:(How did your character grow up? Where? How did they enjoy their childhood? Anything interesting happen to them? How did they first learn about magic?)
Family: Alex's father is Ian Montgomery. He is a Wizard, and works at the Ministry.

I don't really talk to my father much... He's always working, and it's been that way my whole life. I don't really know him. When he does talk to me, he's nice enough, I guess, but he's... distant. I wish he'd talk to me more, or even just look me in the eyes when he says happy birthday. Mum tries to make him talk to me, sometimes. It doesn't work. He talks to her all the time though. So, I guess I'm just a disappointment to him.

His mother is Sally Montgomery, a Muggle. She accepts that her husband (and son) are wizards, but prefers to live as a Muggle, despite the obvious perks of being married to a Wizard. She works at a small convenient store in Wellington.

My mother is probably the nicest person in the world. She always talks to me, sometimes to the point where it gets annoying, but I think she's trying to make up for where my dad doesn't. Like she's trying to be my dad and herself at the same time. I don't know how it works, seeing as she is female, but I'm glad she does. She's mostly at home, but she does work during the day.

Alex has no siblings, and his other family all live in Auckland and Wanaka.

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