Alex and Caysi! :)

Caysi Romance

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Caysi (Main Account)
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Caysi sighed and went up to the tower. She yawned, she was really tired since the beginning of school..she didn't know why. " Oh well." She muttered. She took out her herbology book. It seemed to fascinate her.
Alex had just handed in his astronomy homework today and decided a view wouldnt hurt so he walked to the north tower and saw one of the HNZ students there. 'Hi, Mind if I join you?'he asked smiling, noticing she was reading a book.
Caysi looked up, her heart skipped a beat. " Yeah sure! You can join me!" She smiled. " I'm just reading some Herbology, I have to catch up on some of it." She smiled. " I'm Caysi Finnigan by the way." She said happily.
'Alex,'Alex replied happily. He smiled. 'Like Herbology then?'
Caysi nodded. " Yeah, abit, my favourite is History though. How about you?" She asked happily.
'Charms, naturally. it seems mostly everyone loves it,'Alex said jokingly towards the ending. It was quite true though. He smiled befor elooking out to the view of the gorunds. 'It's a nice view up here. Do you see it often?'
Caysi laughed. " Yeah, I like it up here, it's always a nicer view up here." She smiled.
'Oh, is the west tower not any good then?'he asked jokignly smiling.
Caysi smiled. " It's alright, but if you want a better you, then it's best here." She said.
'I'll remeber that then. Thanks,'Alex said smiling. 'So what year you in?'he asked in genral.
'4th year aswell,'Alex said smiling. 'So, I take it you play Quidditch?'he guessed.
Caysi nodded. " I'm actually the Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain this year." She smiled. " Howa bout you? Do you play Quidditch?" She asked.
Alex rolled his eyes and sighed. 'Typical. In the team.Not one person yet who isn't obsessed with it' he joked. ' No, I hate flying which isn't surprising since I just passed my test in first year.'he said cheerfully.
Caysi was shocked. " Why don't you like flying?" She asked. " It's alot of fun!" She added.
Alex laughed and shrugged. 'Guess I was never used to having my feet off the ground like that before,'he said smiling.
Alex looked shocked and took a fews teps away from her backwards. 'Nonono. You're alright there. I kindof had enough really,'he said as nicely as he could, smiling meekly.
Alex hmphed at this. 'Point of opinion,'he replied back before smiling. 'Not that mine matter most of the time they're so ridiculus,'he added jokingly. 'You like music then?'
Caysi giggled. " I don't like it, I love it! How about you?" She asked, Caysi loved any kind of music.
'I listen to it when I can'Alex said smiling. 'What kind do you like then?'
Caysi smiled. " Really anything, rock and pop mostly though." She said, she pulled her bangs out of her eyes, they were starting to bug her, she moved her green eyes to look up at Alex and smile again.
'Same here,'Alex said smiling. He noticed she had green eyes now.

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