Albert Wilson

Alby Wilson

OOC First Name
Straight 10 Inch Unyielding Aspen Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
The Basics
Character's Name: Albert ''Alby'' Wilson.
Character's Birthdate: The fourth of December, 2022.
Place of birth: Nottingham, England.
Hometown: Wellington, New Zealand.
Blood Status: Half Blood.
Wand: Straight, ten inch unyielding aspen wand, with hippogriff feather core
Educated At: Hogwarts New Zealand.
House: Ravenclaw.
Year: 6th.
Previously educated at: St. Thomas primary school and Hogwarts Scotland
Occupation: Student.

Hair: Brown, short and wavy
Eyes: Light blue.
Height: Five feet, eight inches.
Other Distinguishing Features: A scar on his right cheek.

A Little Deeper
Personality: Albert is generally a kind and charming boy, though he often tends to be quiet and withdrawn. He is an easy going guy, who isn't afraid to tell his opinion out loud. Alby is well mannered, polite and straightforward.

Special Talents/Abilities: -

History: Albert was born in Nottingham, England with his dad and his mum and his older sister. He had a pretty normal childhood, growing up in Nottingham with his family. Albert a was decent popular boy, always having friends - muggle and magical alike. Albert attended Hogwarts Scotland in 2033 and got sorted into Ravenclaw House.
In 2038 Alby and his parents moved to New Zealand to take care of his grandfather, who got seriously ill, so had to transfer schools and spent his last two years of magical education at Hogwarts New Zealand.

Mother: Elise Wilson (Walker), 47 years old, Half Blood witch, working at the Ministry of Magic.
Father: Newton Robin Wilson, 48 years old, Half Blood wizard, author.
Sister: Tara Wilson, 20 years old, Half Blood witch, working at the Ministry of Magic.

Uncle: Joey Walker, 46 years old, Half Blood wizard, traveler.
Grandfather: Isaac Ronald Wilson, 74 years old, Half Blood wizard, retired.
Grandmother: Melissa Wilson, 76 years old, Half Blood witch, retired.

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