Akirokoru Sato

OOC First Name
Flexible Laurel Wood Wand 14" with Meteorite Dust

General Information:

Name: Akirokoru Sato
Meaning: 'Akirokoru' (pronounced Ah-ki-roh-ko-ru).
'Sato', From sa meaning "help" and to meaning "wisteria", the latter syllable indicating a connection to the Fujiwara ("wisteria field") clan.
Date of Birth: April 23rd 2004
Place of Birth: Akita, Japan
Current Residence: Alalpardo, Spain
Blood Status: Unknown
Sexuality: Straight
Education: Hogwarts Scotland, Slytherin.
Occupation: <COLOR color="transparent">Magical Lawyer/Scitorari.
Star Sign: Aries
Aries are reckless and determined. Nothing will stand in their way if they can help it, including people.
Never tell an Aries they're wrong either. They become dangerous

Wand: Cherrywood wand, 16" Essence of Wisteria. Slightly Yielding.
Wood: Cherry, Cherry creates a wand of truly lethal power, highly prized by those of Japanese descent.
Core: Wisteria,
Flexibility: Slighty Yeilding/i]
Inches: 16"
Personal Mark:


Hair Colour:
Short Black Hair, Kept Back.
Eye Colour:
Skin Colour:
Light Olive
Body Type:
Height and Weight:
6’4” 180lb
Distinguishing Marks, Piercings or Tattoos:


Favourite Colour:
Favourite Food:
Favourite Flavour:
Favourite Store:
His own Lawyers office
Favourite Book:
Favourite Season:
Favourite Subject:
History of Magic
Favourite Animal:
Favourite Smell:
Wood Fire

A Little Deeper:

Personality:(Psychoanalyze your character. How do they act? Why do they act that way?)
Akirokoru is very loyal and loving to his family, Trust worthy Friend and Honorable Man. Akirokoru has two personalities, Outside of his family he has very strong bonds with clients and friends, he is trusted and honourable in all his dealings, however when it comes to his family he has a soft spot for his children and his wife although he is very submissive to his wife, he believes that she loves him. Akirokoru would do anything for his children.


Special Talents/Abilities:
Akirkoru is very good at sensing when people are being false towards him, can tell by body language and other tell-tale signs when someone is trying to Manipulate him.

History:(A history of your character's life. Growing up, schooling, loves, hatreds, everything and anything leading up to their present-day 'self')
Akirokoru grew up in Japan, he was a Son to a unknown Dark family, not anyone to note, Spending most of his years practicing Magic at school he excelled as a quiet boy with many friends. Once he finished school he wanted to Travel to New Zealand heading down to Bleak Street for some Dark items he needed for his Business he planned on setting up, He spotted a Girl walking out of a restaurant and instantly fell in love, he found out who she was and sent her Flowers and other items to try get her attention, with Months of no response and a few attacks from Dark Wizards she suddenly contacted him, he decided that from that day he would make her his wife, Luckily for him not long after they met she announced she was pregnant and Akirkoru was overjoyed that they were having their first child and that he had landed such a Beautiful woman although she never returned his affections. Akirokoru proposed to which Adira accepted but she refused to take his last name, Akirokoru a man proud with his accomplishments from hitting so many goals so young in life wanted Adira to take his name and Become Adira Sato, he tried to force the matter but Adira handed back the ring and he gave in, begging her to take him back, suggesting that he take her name instead, again she declined, she did not believe it would benefit him having the Ater surname.
Adira and Akirokoru got married and Akirokoru was so blindly in love he never really considered that the child Adira was carrying was not his, he just believes she had the Baby a few months early. The child was a mix of Japanese and Spanish heritage and was given the name Alarico Ater, taking Adira’s family name. Akirokoru spent a lot of time in the office working to provide for his new family.
Building his business so that his oldest Son (or so he believes) would have something to inherit, Akirokoru built a very successful Firm specialising in Dark Magical legal matters although he does have the light side to him which will accept Magical cases of a regular nature. Akirokoru was not satisfied with his life and wanted to be a Judge to make the better decisions, chasing after naughty Dark Witches and Wizards wasn’t good enough for him. However his plans were diverted by the news that his Wife was Pregnant again with Twins. Akirokoru decided he needed to spend the early years of their lives focusing on them and he would become a Judge later.
Akirkoru wants more children in the future and to Build a Legacy for them.



First and last Relationship:
Adira Ater
[to be continued]
<SIZE size="150">Notable Family:
[to be continued]

N / A

N / A


Blood Type: O-
Allergies: N/A
Conditions: N/A
Admissions to Hospital:
N/ A


To do: History, Failures, etc.


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