Akira Narahashi W.I.P

OOC First Name
--akira narahashi--

Full Name:
Akira Hikaru Narahashi.
Akira means bright, and Hikaru is a version
of light so... I guess they go quite well together.
Narahashi doesn't have a specific meaning though.
Doesn't really matter to me.
Akira thinks this is his name, when actually his
name was changed when he was four years old.
He doesn't remember it, or what his name was before.
It was Akira Hikaru Watanabe. His name was changed
because he originally had his mother's last name, when
his father didn't like it. It was too 'popular', indicating that
this surname was used a lot in Japan. So, when she died,
he changed it straight away to his surname.

Date of Birth:
1st January
New Year's Day.
Quite ironic...

Current Age:
13 years old, last time I checked.

Basic Appearance:
I have brown hair. It's kind of a medium brown
and looks quite light in different lights... if that
makes sense. My eyes are hazel, but on the more
brown side of it. They seem a lot more brown
than green, but they do seem green sometimes.
I guess, Im not really tall or really short. I'm 5"2,
and weigh 122lbs. I know it's not that heavy but...
I don't really eat that much. No point, really.
Akira has a rather 'cute' face. He smiles a lot, and
his eyes are big and round. His nose is slightly turned up,
like a baby's and he has a rather 'little brother' appearance.
He's quite a normal height, and he has a small frame. Overall,
his has an almost look of innocence on him.

I guess, I'm rather chatty. I like to talk, as a distraction.
However, I do like the quiet as well. I don't trust people
very easily.



Area of Residence:

Blood Status:


Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:

Additional Skills:



Describe your character in three words:

Favourite place to be:


Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:

Best school subjects:

Worst school subjects:

Extracurricular Activities:


Current Job:

Plans for your future:

Your Patronus:

Your Patronus memory:

Your Boggart:

Your Animagus:

Mirror of Erised:

A page from your diary:

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